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155 lines
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4 months ago
// License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
// Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#include <rsutils/py/pybind11.h>
#include <rsutils/easylogging/easyloggingpp.h>
#include <rsutils/string/split.h>
#include <rsutils/string/from.h>
#include <rsutils/string/shorten-json-string.h>
#include <rsutils/version.h>
#include <rsutils/number/running-average.h>
#include <rsutils/number/stabilized-value.h>
#include <rsutils/os/executable-name.h>
#include <rsutils/os/special-folder.h>
#define NAME pyrsutils
#define SNAME "pyrsutils"
m.doc() = R"pbdoc(
RealSense Utilities Python Bindings
m.attr( "__version__" ) = "0.1"; // RS2_API_VERSION_STR;
m.def( "debug",
py::arg( "enable" ),
py::arg( "nested-string" ) = "",
py::arg( "logger" ) = LIBREALSENSE_ELPP_ID );
m.def( "split", &rsutils::string::split );
[]( std::string const & str, size_t max_length )
{ return rsutils::string::shorten_json_string( str, max_length ).to_string(); },
py::arg( "string" ),
py::arg( "max-length" ) = 96 );
[]( rsutils::json const & j, size_t max_length )
{ return rsutils::string::shorten_json_string( j.dump(), max_length ).to_string(); },
py::arg( "json" ),
py::arg( "max-length" ) = 96 );
m.def( "executable_path", &rsutils::os::executable_path );
m.def( "executable_name", &rsutils::os::executable_name, py::arg( "with_extension" ) = false );
m.def( "string_from_double", []( double d ) { return rsutils::string::from( d ).str(); } );
using rsutils::version;
py::class_< version >( m, "version" )
.def( py::init<>() )
.def( py::init< std::string const & >() )
.def( py::init< version::sub_type, version::sub_type, version::sub_type, version::sub_type >(),
py::arg( "major" ),
py::arg( "minor" ),
py::arg( "patch" ),
py::arg( "build" ) = 0 )
.def_static( "from_number", []( version::number_type n ) { return version( n ); } )
.def( "is_valid", &version::is_valid )
.def( "__bool__", &version::is_valid )
.def( "major", &version::get_major )
.def( "minor", &version::get_minor )
.def( "patch", &version::get_patch )
.def( "build", &version::get_build )
.def( "without_build", &version::without_build )
.def( "to_string", &version::to_string )
.def( "__str__", &version::to_string )
.def( "__repr__",
[]( version const & self ) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "<" SNAME ".version";
if( self.is_valid() )
os << " " << self.to_string();
os << ">";
return os.str();
} )
.def_readwrite( "number", &version::number )
.def( py::self < py::self )
.def( py::self <= py::self )
.def( py::self == py::self )
.def( py::self != py::self )
.def( py::self >= py::self )
.def( py::self > py::self )
.def( "is_between", &version::is_between );
using int_avg = rsutils::number::running_average< int64_t >;
py::class_< int_avg >( m, "running_average_i" )
.def( py::init<>() )
.def( "__nonzero__", &int_avg::size ) // Called to implement truth value testing in Python 2
.def( "__bool__", &int_avg::size ) // Called to implement truth value testing in Python 3
.def( "size", &int_avg::size )
.def( "get", &int_avg::get )
.def( "leftover", &int_avg::leftover )
.def( "fraction", &int_avg::fraction )
.def( "get_double", &int_avg::get_double )
.def( "__int__", &int_avg::get )
.def( "__float__", &int_avg::get_double )
.def( "__str__", []( int_avg const & self ) -> std::string { return rsutils::string::from( self.get_double() ); } )
.def( "__repr__",
[]( int_avg const & self ) -> std::string {
return rsutils::string::from() << "<" SNAME ".running_average<int64_t>"
<< " " << self.get() << " "
<< ( self.leftover() < 0 ? "" : "+" ) << self.leftover()
<< "/" << self.size() << ">";
} )
.def( "add", &int_avg::add );
using double_avg = rsutils::number::running_average< double >;
py::class_< double_avg >( m, "running_average" )
.def( py::init<>() )
.def( "__nonzero__", &double_avg::size ) // Called to implement truth value testing in Python 2
.def( "__bool__", &double_avg::size ) // Called to implement truth value testing in Python 3
.def( "size", &double_avg::size )
.def( "get", &double_avg::get )
.def( "__float__", &double_avg::get )
.def( "__str__", []( double_avg const & self ) -> std::string { return rsutils::string::from( self.get() ); } )
.def( "__repr__",
[]( double_avg const & self ) -> std::string {
return rsutils::string::from() << "<" SNAME ".running_average<double>"
<< " " << self.get() << " /" << self.size() << ">";
} )
.def( "add", &double_avg::add );
using stabilized_value = rsutils::number::stabilized_value< double >;
auto not_empty = []( stabilized_value const & self ) {
return ! self.empty();
auto to_string = []( stabilized_value const & self ) -> std::string {
if( self.empty() )
return "EMPTY";
return rsutils::string::from( self.get() );
py::class_< stabilized_value >( m, "stabilized_value" )
.def( py::init< size_t >() )
.def( "empty", &stabilized_value::empty )
.def( "__bool__", not_empty )
.def( "add", &stabilized_value::add )
.def( "get", &stabilized_value::get, py::arg( "stabilization-percent" ) = 0.75 )
.def( "clear", &stabilized_value::clear )
.def( "to_string", to_string )
.def( "__str__", to_string );
py::enum_< rsutils::os::special_folder >( m, "special_folder" )
.value( "app_data", rsutils::os::special_folder::app_data )
.value( "temp_folder", rsutils::os::special_folder::temp_folder )
.value( "user_desktop", rsutils::os::special_folder::user_desktop )
.value( "user_documents", rsutils::os::special_folder::user_documents )
.value( "user_pictures", rsutils::os::special_folder::user_pictures )
.value( "user_videos", rsutils::os::special_folder::user_videos );
m.def( "get_special_folder", rsutils::os::get_special_folder );