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#Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#You may obtain a copy of the License at
#Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#limitations under the License.
# The scripts is a part of Metadata enablement for IntelRealsense on Windows10 OS.
# The flow is summarized as follows
# Find all the connected Intel Realsense devices
# For each device that supports metadata
# Check whether the Metadata registry key is present
# Add the missing key(s) if necessary
# Additionally the script can retrofit the metadata keys for all devices that were registered, but not necessarily connected
# Usage:
#Launch Windows PowerShell, and navigate to the script directory
#PS> .\realsense_metadata_win10.ps1 - Add metadata reg. keys for the connected Realsense devices
#PS> .\realsense_metadata_win10.ps1 -op install - See above
#PS> .\realsense_metadata_win10.ps1 -op install_all - Add metadata reg. keys for all RealSense devices that were previously connected
#PS> .\realsense_metadata_win10.ps1 -op remove - Remove metadata reg. keys for the connected Realsense devices
#PS> .\realsense_metadata_win10.ps1 -op remove_all - Remove metadata reg. keys for all RealSense devices that were previously connected
#Parse command-line argument
param (
[string]$op = "install"
# Elevate to admin -
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator))
# The original script is modified to pass through the command-line parameter
$arguments = "& '" + $myinvocation.mycommand.definition + "'" + " -op " + $op
Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $arguments
# Base location for the registry keys we need to add
$DevConfigRegBase = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses"
# The Registry subtrees for the Metadata keys shall be added
$guid1 = "{e5323777-f976-4f5b-9b55-b94699c46e44}";
$guid2 = "{65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196}";
$SearchTrees = "$DevConfigRegBase\$guid1", "$DevConfigRegBase\$guid2"
# Multipin devices that need additional key MetadataBufferSizeInKB1
$MultiPinDevices =
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0AD1&MI_00",# D400(PSR)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0AD2&MI_00",# D410(ASR)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0AD3&MI_00",# D410+RGB(ASRC)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0AD4&MI_00",# D430(AWG)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0AD5&MI_00",# D430+MM(AWGT)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0AD6&MI_00",# D400/ USB2
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0AF6&MI_00",# D420 (PWG)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0AFE&MI_00",# D420+MM(PWGT)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0AFF&MI_00",# D410+MM(ASRT)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B00&MI_00",# D400+MM(PSRT)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B01&MI_00",# D430+RGB+MM(AWGCT)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B03&MI_00",# D460(DS5U)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B07&MI_00",# D430+RGB(AWGC)
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B0C&MI_00",# D405
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B0D&MI_00",# L500
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B3A&MI_00",# D435i
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B3D&MI_00",# L515 PRQ
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B49&MI_00",# F416
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B4B&MI_00",# D430i
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B4D&MI_00",# D465
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B52&MI_00",# F416+RGB
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B5B&MI_00",# D405
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B5C&MI_00",# D455
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B64&MI_00",# L515
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B68&MI_00",# L535
"USB\VID_8086&PID_0B56&MI_00" # D555e
#Inhibit system warnings and erros, such as permissions or missing values
$ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
$ConnectedDev = @()
#Retrieve all connected UVC devices
$DevInReg = Get-ChildItem hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\usbvideo | ForEach-Object {Get-ItemProperty $_.pspath}
#Transform output into a standard container
for ($i=0; $i -lt $DevInReg[0].Count; $i++) { $ConnectedDev +=$DevInReg[0].$i}
#Filter Intel Realsense devices
$ConnectedDev = $ConnectedDev -like "*VID_8086*"
#Progress notification
$rs_count = $ConnectedDev.Count
echo "$rs_count connected RealSense devices were found:" $ConnectedDev
#Search each subtree for values that correspond to the requested Intel Realsense devices
foreach ($subtree in $SearchTrees)
"`nProcessing Registry branch $subtree"
#Get records for all UVC devices records
$Items = Get-ChildItem $subtree | Foreach-Object {Get-ItemProperty $_.PsPath }
#Filter Intel RealSense devices
"There are " + $Items.Count +" total devices listed"
$Items = $Items | Where { $_.DeviceInstance -like "*VID_8086*" }
"" + $Items.Count + " of them are Intel Realsense"
$remove_keys = 0
switch ($op)
"install" { $Items = $Items | Where { $ConnectedDev -contains $_.DeviceInstance }}
"remove" { $Items = $Items | Where { $ConnectedDev -contains $_.DeviceInstance }; $remove_keys = 1 }
"install_all" { }
"remove_all" { $remove_keys = 1 }
default { "Aborting: unrecognized argument "" + $op + "" provided.`nPossible values are:";
"`t`t -op [install/install_all/remove/remove_all].`nRefer to the installation manual for details"; Sleep 2; Exit }
foreach ($item in $Items)
$fullPath = $item.PSPath+'\#global\Device Parameters'
if ($remove_keys -ge 1)
"Remove keys for device: " + $item.DeviceInstance.ToString()
# Non-present value will be ignored as for script execution policy
Remove-ItemProperty -path $fullPath -name MetadataBufferSizeInKB0
Remove-ItemProperty -path $fullPath -name MetadataBufferSizeInKB1
Remove-ItemProperty -path $fullPath -name MetadataBufferSizeInKB2
$val = 0,0,0
$val[0] = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $fullPath -Name MetadataBufferSizeInKB0
$val[1] = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $fullPath -Name MetadataBufferSizeInKB1
$val[2] = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $fullPath -Name MetadataBufferSizeInKB2
if ($val[0] -eq 0)
"Device " + $item.DeviceInstance.ToString() + ": adding metadata key"
Set-ItemProperty -path $fullPath -name MetadataBufferSizeInKB0 -value 5
"Device " + $item.DeviceInstance.ToString() + ": skiping - metadata key already exists"
#convert "USB\VID_8086&PID_0B07&MI_03\6&269496df&0&0003" into "USB\VID_8086&PID_0B07&MI_03"
if (($MultiPinDevices -contains $item.DeviceInstance.Substring(0,27)) -and ($val[1] -eq 0))
# Multi-pin interface requires an additional key
"Device " + $item.DeviceInstance.ToString() +": adding extra key for multipin interface"
Set-ItemProperty -path $fullPath -name MetadataBufferSizeInKB1 -value 5
#convert "USB\VID_8086&PID_0B07&MI_03\6&269496df&0&0003" into "USB\VID_8086&PID_0B07&MI_03"
if (($MultiPinDevices -contains $item.DeviceInstance.Substring(0,27)) -and ($val[2] -eq 0))
# Multi-pin interface requires an additional key
"Device " + $item.DeviceInstance.ToString() +": adding extra key for multipin interface"
Set-ItemProperty -path $fullPath -name MetadataBufferSizeInKB2 -value 5
"`nTask Completed"
sleep 1