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123 lines
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4 months ago
// License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
// Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#include "latency-detector.h"
// This demo is presenting one way to estimate latency without access to special equipment
// See for more information
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) try
using namespace cv;
using namespace rs2;
// Start RealSense camera
// Uncomment the configuration you wish to test
pipeline pipe;
config cfg;
//cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_COLOR, RS2_FORMAT_BGR8);
//cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_COLOR, 640, 480, RS2_FORMAT_BGR8, 30);
cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_COLOR, 1920, 1080, RS2_FORMAT_BGR8, 30);
//cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 640, 480, RS2_FORMAT_Y8);
//cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 1280, 720, RS2_FORMAT_Y8);
// To test with a regular webcam, comment-out the previous block
// And uncomment the following code:
//context ctx;
//auto dev = ctx.query_devices().front();
//auto sensor = dev.query_sensors().front();
//auto sps = sensor.get_stream_profiles();
//stream_profile selected;
//for (auto& sp : sps)
// if (auto vid =<video_stream_profile>())
// {
// if (vid.format() == RS2_FORMAT_BGR8 &&
// vid.width() == 640 && vid.height() == 480 &&
// vid.fps() == 30)
// selected = vid;
// }
//syncer pipe;
const auto window_name = "Display Image";
namedWindow(window_name, WINDOW_NORMAL);
setWindowProperty(window_name, WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);
const int display_w = 1280;
const int digits = 16;
const int circle_w = (display_w - 120) / (digits + 2);
const int display_h = 720;
bit_packer packer(digits);
detector d(digits, display_w);
while (getWindowProperty(window_name, WND_PROP_AUTOSIZE) >= 0)
// Wait for frameset from the camera
for (auto f : pipe.wait_for_frames())
// Unfortunately depth frames do not register well using this method
if (f.get_profile().stream_type() != RS2_STREAM_DEPTH)
// Commit to the next clock value before starting rendering the frame
auto next_value = d.get_next_value();
// Start measuring rendering time for the next frame
// We substract rendering time since during that time
// the clock is already captured, but there is zero chance
// for the clock to appear on screen (until done rendering)
Mat display = Mat::zeros(display_h, display_w, CV_8UC1);
// Copy preview image generated by the detector (to not waste time in the main thread)
// Pack the next value into binary form
// Render the clock encoded in circles
for (int i = 0; i < digits + 2; i++)
const int rad = circle_w / 2 - 6;
// Always render the corner two circles (as markers)
if (i == 0 || i == digits + 1 || packer.get()[i - 1])
circle(display, Point(50 + circle_w * i + rad, 70 + rad),
rad, Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1, 8);
// Display current frame. WaitKey is doing the actual rendering
imshow(window_name, display);
if (waitKey(1) >= 0) break;
// Report rendering of current frame is done
catch (const rs2::error & e)
std::cerr << "RealSense error calling " << e.get_failed_function() << "(" << e.get_failed_args() << "):\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;