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406 lines
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4 months ago
# License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
# Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Syntax:
# <dir> <build-dir>
# Looks for possible single-file unit-testing targets (test-*) in $dir, and builds
# a CMakeLists.txt in $builddir to compile them.
# Each target is compiled in its own project, so that each file ends up in a different
# process and so individual tests cannot affect others except through hardware.
import sys, os, subprocess, locale, re, getopt
from glob import glob
current_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) )
sys.path.append( current_dir + os.sep + "py" )
from rspy import file, repo, libci, log
def usage():
ourname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
print( 'Syntax: ' + ourname + ' [options] <dir> <build-dir>' )
print( ' build unit-testing framework for the tree in $dir' )
print( ' -r, --regex configure all tests that fit the following regular expression' )
print( ' -t, --tag configure all tests with the following tag. If used multiple times runs all tests matching' )
print( ' all tags. e.g. -t tag1 -t tag2 will run tests who have both tag1 and tag2' )
print( ' tests automatically get tagged with \'exe\' or \'py\' and based on their location' )
print( ' inside unit-tests/, e.g. unit-tests/func/ gets [func, py]' )
print( ' --list-tags print out all available tags. This option will not run any tests' )
print( ' --list-tests print out all available tests. This option will not run any tests' )
print( ' if both list-tags and list-tests are specified each test will be printed along' )
print( ' with what tags it has' )
print( ' --context The context to use for test configuration' )
print( ' --live Only configure tests that are live (have test:device)' )
print( ' --not-live Only configure tests that are NOT live (do not have test:device)' )
regex = None
required_tags = []
list_tags = False
list_tests = False
context = None
live_only = False
not_live_only = False
# parse command-line:
opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 'hr:t:',
longopts=['help', 'regex=', 'tag=', 'list-tags', 'list-tests', 'context=', 'live', 'not-live'] )
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
log.e( err ) # something like "option -a not recognized"
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
elif opt in ('-r', '--regex'):
regex = arg
elif opt in ('-t', '--tag'):
required_tags.append( arg )
elif opt == '--list-tags':
list_tags = True
elif opt == '--list-tests':
list_tests = True
elif opt == '--context':
context = arg
elif opt == '--live':
if not_live_only:
raise RuntimeError( '--live and --not-live are mutually exclusive' )
live_only = True
elif opt == '--not-live':
if live_only:
raise RuntimeError( '--live and --not-live are mutually exclusive' )
not_live_only = True
if len( args ) != 2:
if not os.path.isdir( dir ) or not os.path.isdir( builddir ):
# We have to stick to Unix conventions because CMake on Windows is fubar...
root = repo.root.replace( '\\' , '/' )
src = root + '/src'
def add_slash_before_spaces(links):
This function adds '\' char before spaces in string or list of strings.
Because spaces in links can't been read properly from cmake files.
if links and type(links) is str:
return links.replace(' ', '\ ')
if links and type(links) is list:
# Build list comprehension of strings with backslash before spaces in case the link.
# We can get a ${var} so, when we get this we return as is
return [link.replace(' ', '\ ') if link[0] != '$' else link for link in links]
raise TypeError
def generate_cmake( builddir, testdir, testname, filelist, custom_main, dependencies ):
makefile = builddir + '/' + testdir + '/CMakeLists.txt'
log.d( ' creating:', makefile )
handle = open( makefile, 'w' )
#filelist = add_slash_before_spaces(filelist)
directory = add_slash_before_spaces(dir)
root_directory = add_slash_before_spaces(root)
filelist = '\n '.join( filelist )
handle.write( '''
# This file is automatically generated!!
# Do not modify or your changes will be lost!
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.10.0 )
project( ''' + testname + ''' )
set( SRC_FILES ''' + filelist + '''
add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRC_FILES} )
add_definitions( ''' + ' '.join( f'-DLIBCI_DEPENDENCY_{d}' for d in dependencies.split() ) + ''' )
source_group( "Common Files" FILES ''' + directory + '''/test.cpp''')
if not custom_main:
handle.write(' ' + directory + '/unit-test-default-main.cpp')
handle.write( ''' )
target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} ''' + dependencies + ''' Catch2 )
set_target_properties( ${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Unit-Tests/''' + os.path.dirname( testdir ) + '''" )
using_easyloggingpp( ${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED )
# Add the repo root directory (so includes into src/ will be specific: <src/...>)
target_include_directories( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ''' + root + ''')
''' )
def find_include( include, relative_to ):
Try to match the include to an existing file.
:param include: the text within "" or <> from the include directive
:param relative_to: the directory from which to start finding if include is non-absolute
:return: the normalized & absolute file path, if found -- otherwise, None
if include:
if not os.path.isabs( include ):
include = os.path.normpath( relative_to + '/' + include )
include = include.replace( '\\', '/' )
if os.path.exists( include ):
return include
def find_include_in_dirs( include, dirs ):
Search for the given include in all the specified directories
for include_dir in dirs:
path = find_include( include, include_dir )
if path:
return path
def find_includes( filepath, filelist, dependencies ):
Recursively searches a .cpp file for #include directives
:param filelist: any previous includes already processed (pass an empty dict() if none)
:param dependencies: set of dependencies
:return: a dictionary (include->source) of includes found
include_dirs = list()
if 'realsense2' in dependencies:
include_dirs.append( os.path.join( root, 'include' ))
include_dirs.append( os.path.join( root, 'third-party', 'rsutils', 'include' ))
include_dirs.append( root )
filedir = os.path.dirname(filepath)
for include_line in file.grep( r'^\s*#\s*include\s+("(.*)"|<(.*)>)\s*$', filepath ):
m = include_line['match']
index = include_line['index']
include = find_include(, filedir ) or find_include_in_dirs(, include_dirs ) or find_include_in_dirs(, include_dirs )
if include:
if include in filelist:
log.d(, '->', include, '(already processed)' )
log.d(, '->', include )
filelist[include] = filepath
filelist = find_includes( include, filelist, dependencies )
log.d( 'not found:', )
return filelist
def process_cpp( dir, builddir ):
global regex, required_tags, list_only, available_tags, tests_and_tags, live_only, not_live_only
found = []
shareds = []
statics = []
if regex:
pattern = re.compile( regex )
log.d( 'looking for C++ files in:', dir )
for f in file.find( dir, '(^|/)test-.*\.cpp$' ):
testdir = os.path.splitext( f )[0] # "log/internal/test-all" <- "log/internal/test-all.cpp"
testparent = os.path.dirname(testdir) # "log/internal"
# We need the project name unique: keep the path but make it nicer:
if testparent:
testname = 'test-' + testparent.replace( '/', '-' ) + '-' + os.path.basename( testdir )[
5:] # "test-log-internal-all"
testname = testdir # no parent folder so we get "test-all"
if regex and not testname ):
log.d( '... found:', f )
config = libci.TestConfigFromCpp( dir + os.sep + f, context )
if required_tags or list_tags:
if not all( tag in config.tags for tag in required_tags ):
available_tags.update( config.tags )
if list_tests:
tests_and_tags[ testname ] = config.tags
if testname not in tests_and_tags:
tests_and_tags[testname] = None
if live_only:
if not config.configurations:
elif not_live_only:
if config.configurations:
if config.donotrun:
# Build the list of files we want in the project:
# At a minimum, we have the original file, plus any common files
filelist = [ dir + '/' + f ]
includes = dict()
# Add any files explicitly listed in the .cpp itself, like this:
# //#cmake:add-file <filename>
# Any files listed are relative to $dir
shared = False
static = False
custom_main = False
dependencies = 'realsense2'
for cmake_directive in file.grep( '^//#cmake:\s*', dir + '/' + f ):
m = cmake_directive['match']
index = cmake_directive['index']
cmd, *rest = cmake_directive['line'][m.end():].split()
if cmd == 'add-file':
for additional_file in rest:
files = additional_file
if not os.path.isabs( additional_file ):
files = dir + '/' + testparent + '/' + additional_file
files = glob( files )
if not files:
log.e( f + '+' + str(index) + ': no files match "' + additional_file + '"' )
for abs_file in files:
abs_file = os.path.normpath( abs_file )
abs_file = abs_file.replace( '\\', '/' )
if not os.path.exists( abs_file ):
log.e( f + '+' + str(index) + ': file not found "' + additional_file + '"' )
log.d( 'add file:', abs_file )
filelist.append( abs_file )
if( os.path.splitext( abs_file )[0] == 'cpp' ):
# Add any "" includes specified in the .cpp that we can find
includes = find_includes( abs_file, includes, dependencies )
elif cmd == 'static!':
if len(rest):
log.e( f + '+' + str(index) + ': unexpected arguments past \'' + cmd + '\'' )
elif shared:
log.e( f + '+' + str(index) + ': \'' + cmd + '\' mutually exclusive with \'shared!\'' )
log.d( 'static!' )
static = True
elif cmd == 'shared!':
if len(rest):
log.e( f + '+' + str(index) + ': unexpected arguments past \'' + cmd + '\'' )
elif static:
log.e( f + '+' + str(index) + ': \'' + cmd + '\' mutually exclusive with \'static!\'' )
log.d( 'shared!' )
shared = True
elif cmd == 'custom-main':
custom_main = True
elif cmd == 'dependencies':
dependencies = ' '.join( rest )
log.e( f + '+' + str(index) + ': unknown cmd \'' + cmd + '\' (should be \'add-file\', \'static!\', or \'shared!\')' )
# Add any includes specified in the .cpp that we can find
includes = find_includes( dir + '/' + f, includes, dependencies )
for include,source in includes.items():
filelist.append( f'"{include}" # {source}' )
# all tests use the common test.cpp file
filelist.append( root + "/unit-tests/test.cpp" )
# 'cmake:custom-main' indicates that the test is defining its own main() function.
# If not specified we use a default main() which lives in its own .cpp:
if not custom_main:
filelist.append( root + "/unit-tests/unit-test-default-main.cpp" )
if list_only:
# Each CMakeLists.txt sits in its own directory
os.makedirs( builddir + '/' + testdir, exist_ok=True ) # "build/log/internal/test-all"
generate_cmake( builddir, testdir, testname, filelist, custom_main, dependencies )
if static:
statics.append( testdir )
elif shared:
shareds.append( testdir )
found.append( testdir )
return found, shareds, statics
def process_py( dir, builddir ):
return [],[],[]
list_only = list_tags or list_tests
available_tags = set()
tests_and_tags = dict()
normal_tests = []
shared_tests = []
static_tests = []
n,sh,st = process_cpp( dir, builddir )
if list_only:
if list_tags and list_tests:
for t in sorted( tests_and_tags.keys() ):
print( t, "has tags:", ' '.join( tests_and_tags[t] ) )
elif list_tags:
for t in sorted( list( available_tags ) ):
print( t )
elif list_tests:
for t in sorted( tests_and_tags.keys() ):
print( t )
sys.exit( 0 )
normal_tests.extend( n )
shared_tests.extend( sh )
static_tests.extend( st )
n,sh,st = process_py( dir, builddir )
normal_tests.extend( n )
shared_tests.extend( sh )
static_tests.extend( st )
cmakefile = builddir + '/CMakeLists.txt'
name = os.path.basename( os.path.realpath( dir ))
log.d( 'Creating "' + name + '" project in', cmakefile )
handle = open( cmakefile, 'w' )
handle.write( '''
''' )
n_tests = 0
for sdir in normal_tests:
handle.write( 'add_subdirectory( ' + sdir + ' )\n' )
log.d( '... including:', sdir )
n_tests += 1
if len(shared_tests):
handle.write( 'if(NOT ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS})\n' )
handle.write( ' message( INFO " ' + str(len(shared_tests)) + ' shared lib unit-tests will be skipped. Check BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to run them..." )\n' )
handle.write( 'else()\n' )
for test in shared_tests:
handle.write( ' add_subdirectory( ' + test + ' )\n' )
log.d( '... including:', sdir )
n_tests += 1
handle.write( 'endif()\n' )
if len(static_tests):
handle.write( 'if(${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS})\n' )
handle.write( ' message( INFO " ' + str(len(static_tests)) + ' static lib unit-tests will be skipped. Uncheck BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to run them..." )\n' )
handle.write( 'else()\n' )
for test in static_tests:
handle.write( ' add_subdirectory( ' + test + ' )\n' )
log.d( '... including:', sdir )
n_tests += 1
handle.write( 'endif()\n' )
print( 'Generated ' + str(n_tests) + ' unit-tests' )
if log.n_errors():