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4 months ago
## License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory. ####
## Box Dimensioner with multiple cameras: Helper files ####
import pyrealsense2 as rs
import numpy as np
import cv2
from realsense_device_manager import post_process_depth_frame
from helper_functions import convert_depth_frame_to_pointcloud, get_clipped_pointcloud
def calculate_cumulative_pointcloud(frames_devices, calibration_info_devices, roi_2d, depth_threshold = 0.01):
Calculate the cumulative pointcloud from the multiple devices
frames_devices : dict
The frames from the different devices
keys: Tuple of (serial, product-line)
Serial number and product line of the device
values: [frame]
frame: rs.frame()
The frameset obtained over the active pipeline from the realsense device
calibration_info_devices : dict
keys: str
Serial number of the device
values: [transformation_devices, intrinsics_devices]
transformation_devices: Transformation object
The transformation object containing the transformation information between the device and the world coordinate systems
intrinsics_devices: rs.intrinscs
The intrinsics of the depth_frame of the realsense device
roi_2d : array
The region of interest given in the following order [minX, maxX, minY, maxY]
depth_threshold : double
The threshold for the depth value (meters) in world-coordinates beyond which the point cloud information will not be used.
Following the right-hand coordinate system, if the object is placed on the chessboard plane, the height of the object will increase along the negative Z-axis
point_cloud_cumulative : array
The cumulative pointcloud from the multiple devices
# Use a threshold of 5 centimeters from the chessboard as the area where useful points are found
point_cloud_cumulative = np.array([-1, -1, -1]).transpose()
for (device_info, frame) in frames_devices.items() :
device = device_info[0]
# Filter the depth_frame using the Temporal filter and get the corresponding pointcloud for each frame
filtered_depth_frame = post_process_depth_frame(frame[], temporal_smooth_alpha=0.1, temporal_smooth_delta=80)
point_cloud = convert_depth_frame_to_pointcloud( np.asarray( filtered_depth_frame.get_data()), calibration_info_devices[device][1][])
point_cloud = np.asanyarray(point_cloud)
# Get the point cloud in the world-coordinates using the transformation
point_cloud = calibration_info_devices[device][0].apply_transformation(point_cloud)
# Filter the point cloud based on the depth of the object
# The object placed has its height in the negative direction of z-axis due to the right-hand coordinate system
point_cloud = get_clipped_pointcloud(point_cloud, roi_2d)
point_cloud = point_cloud[:,point_cloud[2,:]<-depth_threshold]
point_cloud_cumulative = np.column_stack( ( point_cloud_cumulative, point_cloud ) )
point_cloud_cumulative = np.delete(point_cloud_cumulative, 0, 1)
return point_cloud_cumulative
def calculate_boundingbox_points(point_cloud, calibration_info_devices, depth_threshold = 0.01):
Calculate the top and bottom bounding box corner points for the point cloud in the image coordinates of the color imager of the realsense device
point_cloud : ndarray
The (3 x N) array containing the pointcloud information
calibration_info_devices : dict
keys: str
Serial number of the device
values: [transformation_devices, intrinsics_devices, extrinsics_devices]
transformation_devices: Transformation object
The transformation object containing the transformation information between the device and the world coordinate systems
intrinsics_devices: rs.intrinscs
The intrinsics of the depth_frame of the realsense device
extrinsics_devices: rs.extrinsics
The extrinsics between the depth imager 1 and the color imager of the realsense device
depth_threshold : double
The threshold for the depth value (meters) in world-coordinates beyond which the point cloud information will not be used
Following the right-hand coordinate system, if the object is placed on the chessboard plane, the height of the object will increase along the negative Z-axis
bounding_box_points_color_image : dict
The bounding box corner points in the image coordinate system for the color imager
keys: str
Serial number of the device
values: [points]
points: list
The (8x2) list of the upper corner points stacked above the lower corner points
length : double
The length of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
width : double
The width of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
height : double
The height of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
# Calculate the dimensions of the filtered and summed up point cloud
# Some dirty array manipulations are gonna follow
if point_cloud.shape[1] > 500:
# Get the bounding box in 2D using the X and Y coordinates
coord = np.c_[point_cloud[0,:], point_cloud[1,:]].astype('float32')
min_area_rectangle = cv2.minAreaRect(coord)
bounding_box_world_2d = cv2.boxPoints(min_area_rectangle)
# Caculate the height of the pointcloud
height = max(point_cloud[2,:]) - min(point_cloud[2,:]) + depth_threshold
# Get the upper and lower bounding box corner points in 3D
height_array = np.array([[-height], [-height], [-height], [-height], [0], [0], [0], [0]])
bounding_box_world_3d = np.column_stack((np.row_stack((bounding_box_world_2d,bounding_box_world_2d)), height_array))
# Get the bounding box points in the image coordinates
for (device, calibration_info) in calibration_info_devices.items():
# Transform the bounding box corner points to the device coordinates
bounding_box_device_3d = calibration_info[0].inverse().apply_transformation(bounding_box_world_3d.transpose())
# Obtain the image coordinates in the color imager using the bounding box 3D corner points in the device coordinates
bounding_box_device_3d = bounding_box_device_3d.transpose().tolist()
for bounding_box_point in bounding_box_device_3d:
bounding_box_color_image_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(calibration_info[2], bounding_box_point)
color_pixel.append(rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(calibration_info[1][], bounding_box_color_image_point))
bounding_box_points_color_image[device] = np.row_stack( color_pixel )
return bounding_box_points_color_image, min_area_rectangle[1][0], min_area_rectangle[1][1], height
else :
return {},0,0,0
def visualise_measurements(frames_devices, bounding_box_points_devices, length, width, height):
Calculate the cumulative pointcloud from the multiple devices
frames_devices : dict
The frames from the different devices
keys: Tuple of (serial, product-line)
Serial number and product line of the device
values: [frame]
frame: rs.frame()
The frameset obtained over the active pipeline from the realsense device
bounding_box_points_color_image : dict
The bounding box corner points in the image coordinate system for the color imager
keys: str
Serial number of the device
values: [points]
points: list
The (8x2) list of the upper corner points stacked above the lower corner points
length : double
The length of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
width : double
The width of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
height : double
The height of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
for (device_info, frame) in frames_devices.items():
device = device_info[0] #serial number
color_image = np.asarray(frame[].get_data())
if (length != 0 and width !=0 and height != 0):
bounding_box_points_device_upper = bounding_box_points_devices[device][0:4,:]
bounding_box_points_device_lower = bounding_box_points_devices[device][4:8,:]
box_info = "Length, Width, Height (mm): " + str(int(length*1000)) + ", " + str(int(width*1000)) + ", " + str(int(height*1000))
# Draw the box as an overlay on the color image
bounding_box_points_device_upper = tuple(map(tuple,bounding_box_points_device_upper.astype(int)))
for i in range(len(bounding_box_points_device_upper)):
cv2.line(color_image, bounding_box_points_device_upper[i], bounding_box_points_device_upper[(i+1)%4], (0,255,0), 4)
bounding_box_points_device_lower = tuple(map(tuple,bounding_box_points_device_lower.astype(int)))
for i in range(len(bounding_box_points_device_upper)):
cv2.line(color_image, bounding_box_points_device_lower[i], bounding_box_points_device_lower[(i+1)%4], (0,255,0), 1)
cv2.line(color_image, bounding_box_points_device_upper[0], bounding_box_points_device_lower[0], (0,255,0), 1)
cv2.line(color_image, bounding_box_points_device_upper[1], bounding_box_points_device_lower[1], (0,255,0), 1)
cv2.line(color_image, bounding_box_points_device_upper[2], bounding_box_points_device_lower[2], (0,255,0), 1)
cv2.line(color_image, bounding_box_points_device_upper[3], bounding_box_points_device_lower[3], (0,255,0), 1)
cv2.putText(color_image, box_info, (50,50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, (0,255,0) )
# Visualise the results
cv2.imshow('Color image from RealSense Device Nr: ' + device, color_image)