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145 lines
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4 months ago
# License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
# Copyright(c) 2023 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
import time
# test:device each(D400*)
# test:device each(D500*)
import pyrealsense2 as rs
from rspy import test, log
def close_resources(s):
Stop and close a sensor
:param s: sensor of device
if len(s.get_active_streams()) > 0:
def is_contain_profile(profiles: dict, new_profile) -> bool:
Check if a given stream type exists in a dictionary
:param profiles: Dictionary of profiles and sensors
:param new_profile: Profile that we want to check if it is in a dictionary
:returns: True if a type of profile is already in the list otherwise False
if new_profile:
for pr in profiles.keys():
if pr.stream_type() == new_profile.stream_type():
return True
return False
def is_frame_support_metadata(frame, metadata) -> bool:
Check if a metadata supporting by a frame
:param frame: a frame from device
:param metadata: a metadata of frame
:return: true if metadata supporting by frame otherwise false
return frame and frame.supports_frame_metadata(frame_metadata=metadata)
def append_testing_profiles(dev) -> None:
Fill dictionary of testing profiles and his sensor
:param dev: Realsense device
:return: None
global testing_profiles
# We only pick default profiles to avoid starting unsupported profiles
for s in dev.sensors:
for p in s.profiles:
if not is_contain_profile(testing_profiles, p) and p.is_default():
testing_profiles[p] = s
def are_metadata_values_different(metadata_type_1, metadata_type_2, number_frames_to_test=50) -> bool:
Check that the given 2 metadata types values are different, it is handy when we expect different timetags / counters and such
:param metadata_type_1: first values that we need to check
:param metadata_type_2: second values that we need to check
:param number_frames_to_test: amount frames that we want to test
:return: true if values are always different
global frame_queue
while number_frames_to_test > 0:
f = frame_queue.wait_for_frame()
current_md_1_value = f.get_frame_metadata(metadata_type_1)
current_md_2_value = f.get_frame_metadata(metadata_type_2)
|, current_md_1_value)
|, current_md_2_value)
test.check( current_md_1_value != current_md_2_value )
number_frames_to_test -= 1
def is_value_keep_increasing(metadata_type, number_frames_to_test=50) -> bool:
Check that a given counter in metadata increases
:param metadata_value: that we need to check
:param number_frames_to_test: amount frames that we want to test
:return: true if the counter value keep increasing otherwise false
prev_metadata_value = -1
global frame_queue
while number_frames_to_test > 0:
f = frame_queue.wait_for_frame()
current_value = f.get_frame_metadata(metadata_type)
|'metadata_type', metadata_type)
|'prev_metadata_value', prev_metadata_value)
|'current_value', current_value)
test.check( prev_metadata_value < current_value)
prev_metadata_value = current_value
number_frames_to_test -= 1
queue_capacity = 1
frame_queue = None
device = test.find_first_device_or_exit()
# We're using dictionary because we need save a profile and his sensor.
# The key value is profile and value is his sensor.
testing_profiles = {}
for profile, sensor in testing_profiles.items():
frame_queue = rs.frame_queue(queue_capacity)
# Test #1 Increasing frame counter
if is_frame_support_metadata(frame_queue.wait_for_frame(), rs.frame_metadata_value.frame_counter):
test.start('Verifying increasing counter for profile ', profile)
# Test #2 Increasing frame timestamp
if is_frame_support_metadata(frame_queue.wait_for_frame(), rs.frame_metadata_value.frame_timestamp):
test.start('Verifying increasing time for profile ', profile)
# Test #3 Increasing sensor timestamp
if is_frame_support_metadata(frame_queue.wait_for_frame(), rs.frame_metadata_value.sensor_timestamp):
test.start('Verifying increasing sensor timestamp for profile ', profile)
# On D457, sensor timestamp == frame timestamp, so we ignore it
camera_name = device.get_info(
if 'D457' not in camera_name:
test.start('Verifying sensor timestamp is different than frame timestamp for profile ', profile)
are_metadata_values_different(rs.frame_metadata_value.frame_timestamp, rs.frame_metadata_value.sensor_timestamp)
time.sleep( 1 ) # better sleep before stopping/starting streaming, so we can let the device recover properly.