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344 lines
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4 months ago
# License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
# Copyright(c) 2023 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
import pyrealdds as dds
from rspy import log, test
dds.debug( log.is_debug_on() )
from time import sleep
participant = dds.participant()
participant.init( 123, "test-stream-sensor-bridge" )
# set up a server device with a bridge
import d435i
device_server = dds.device_server( participant, d435i.device_info.topic_root )
servers = {}
for server in d435i.build_streams():
servers[] = server
bridge = dds.stream_sensor_bridge()
server_list = list( servers.values() )
bridge.init( server_list )
device_server.init( server_list, d435i.build_options(), d435i.get_extrinsics() )
active_sensors = dict() # sensors that are open; name -> active profiles
def on_start_sensor( sensor_name, profiles ):
log.d( f'starting {sensor_name} with {profiles}' )
global active_sensors
test.check( sensor_name not in active_sensors )
active_sensors[sensor_name] = profiles
def on_stop_sensor( sensor_name ):
log.d( f'stopping {sensor_name}' )
global active_sensors
test.check( sensor_name in active_sensors )
del active_sensors[sensor_name]
bridge.on_start_sensor( on_start_sensor )
bridge.on_stop_sensor( on_stop_sensor )
last_error = None
_bridge_error_expected = False
def on_error( error_string ):
global last_error
last_error = error_string
if test.check( _bridge_error_expected, description = f'Unexpected error on bridge: {error_string}' ):
log.d( f'error on bridge: {error_string}' ) # not an error because it may be expected...
bridge.on_error( on_error )
class bridge_error_expected:
def __init__( self, expected_msg ):
self._msg = expected_msg
global _bridge_error_expected
_bridge_error_expected = True
def __enter__( self ):
global last_error
last_error = None
def __exit__( self, type, value, traceback ):
if type is None: # If an exception is thrown, don't check anything
if test.check( last_error is not None, description = 'Expected an error on bridge but got none' ):
test.check_equal( last_error, self._msg )
global _bridge_error_expected
_bridge_error_expected = False
# It can take a while for servers to get the message that a reader is available... we need to wait for it
import threading
readers_changed = threading.Event()
def on_readers_changed( server, n_readers ):
def detect_change():
def wait_for_change( timeout = 1 ): # seconds
if not readers_changed.wait( timeout ):
raise TimeoutError( 'timeout waiting for change' )
bridge.on_readers_changed( on_readers_changed )
class change_expected:
def __enter__( self ):
def __exit__( self, type, value, traceback ):
if type is None: # If an exception is thrown, don't do anything
# set up the client device and keep all its streams
device = dds.device( participant, d435i.device_info )
device.wait_until_ready() # this will throw if something's wrong
test.check( device.is_ready() )
streams = {}
for stream in device.streams():
streams[] = stream
subscriber = dds.subscriber( participant )
def start_stream( stream_name ):
log.i( 'starting', stream_name )
stream = streams[stream_name]
topic_name = 'rt/' + d435i.device_info.topic_root + '_' + stream_name
with change_expected():
| topic_name, subscriber )
#stream.start_streaming( on_frame )
def stop_stream( stream_name ):
stream = streams[stream_name]
if stream.is_open():
log.i( 'stopping', stream_name )
#stream.stop_streaming() # will throw if not streaming
with change_expected():
def reset():
for stream in streams:
stop_stream( stream )
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 )
# profile utilities
def find_active_profile( stream_name ):
for active_profiles in active_sensors.values():
for profile in active_profiles:
if == stream_name:
return profile
raise KeyError( f"can't find '{sensor_name}' profile for stream '{stream_name}'" )
def find_server_profile( stream_name, profile_string ):
by_string = f"<'{stream_name}' {profile_string}>"
for profile in servers[stream_name].profiles():
if profile.to_string() == by_string:
return profile
raise KeyError( f"can't find '{stream_name}' profile '{profile_string}'" )
with test.closure( "sanity" ):
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 )
with test.closure( "reset and commit, nothing open" ):
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 )
bridge.commit() # nothing to do
bridge.commit() # still nothing to do; no error
| servers['Color'].default_profile() ) # RGB sensor wasn't committed, so valid
| servers['Depth'].default_profile() ) # Stereo Module wasn't committed, so valid
with test.closure( "single stream, not streaming" ):
| servers['Color'].default_profile() ) # 1920x1080 rgb8 @ 30 Hz
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 )
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 ) # nothing streaming; no need to start a sensor
with test.closure( "single stream streaming default profile" ):
start_stream( 'Color' )
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 1 )
stop_stream( 'Color' )
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 )
with test.closure( "single stream, explicit" ):
| find_server_profile( 'Depth', '640x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz' )),
test.check_throws( lambda:
| servers['Depth'].default_profile() ), # 848x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz
RuntimeError, "profile <'Depth' 848x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz> is incompatible with already-open <'Depth' 640x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz>" )
bridge.close( servers['Depth'] )
| servers['Depth'].default_profile() ) # 848x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 ) # not streaming yet
start_stream( 'Depth' )
( test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 1 )
and test.check_equal( next(iter(active_sensors)), 'Stereo Module' )
and test.check_equal( len(active_sensors['Stereo Module']), 1 ) # Depth
and test.check_equal( find_active_profile( 'Depth' ).to_string(), "<'Depth' 848x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz>" )
# IR1 and IR2 are not open
test.check_throws( lambda:
| servers['Infrared_1'].default_profile() ),
RuntimeError, "sensor 'Stereo Module' was committed and cannot be changed" )
with test.closure( "explicit+implicit streams, all compatible" ):
| servers['Depth'].default_profile() ) # 848x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz
bridge.add_implicit_profiles() # adds IR1, IR2
test.check_throws( lambda:
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_1', '1280x800 mono8 @ 30 Hz' ) ),
RuntimeError, "profile <'Infrared_1' 1280x800 mono8 @ 30 Hz> is incompatible with already-open <'Depth' 848x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz>" )
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_1', '848x480 mono8 @ 30 Hz' )) # same profile, makes it explicit!
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 ) # not streaming yet
start_stream( 'Depth' )
( test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 1 )
and test.check_equal( next(iter(active_sensors)), 'Stereo Module' )
and test.check_equal( len(active_sensors['Stereo Module']), 3 )
| find_active_profile( 'Infrared_1' )) # already explicit, same profile: does nothing
start_stream( 'Infrared_2' ) # starts it implicitly
with test.closure( "stream profiles reset" ):
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_1', '640x480 mono8 @ 60 Hz' ) )
bridge.add_implicit_profiles() # adds Depth, IR2
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 ) # not streaming yet
start_stream( 'Infrared_1' )
( test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 1 )
and test.check_equal( next(iter(active_sensors)), 'Stereo Module' )
and test.check_equal( len(active_sensors['Stereo Module']), 3 )
test.check_equal( find_active_profile( 'Infrared_2' ).to_string(), "<'Infrared_2' 640x480 mono8 @ 60 Hz>" )
stop_stream( 'Infrared_1' )
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 ) # not streaming again
# We don't reset - last commit should still stand!
start_stream( 'Infrared_2' )
( test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 1 )
and test.check_equal( next(iter(active_sensors)), 'Stereo Module' )
and test.check_equal( len(active_sensors['Stereo Module']), 3 )
test.check_equal( find_active_profile( 'Infrared_2' ).to_string(), "<'Infrared_2' 640x480 mono8 @ 60 Hz>" )
stop_stream( 'Infrared_2' )
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 ) # not streaming again
# Now reset - commit should be lost and we should be back to the default profile
start_stream( 'Infrared_2' )
test.check_equal( find_active_profile( 'Infrared_2' ).to_string(), servers['Infrared_2'].default_profile().to_string() )
with test.closure( "two different sensors" ):
| servers['Depth'].default_profile() ) # 1280x720 16UC1 @ 30 Hz
bridge.add_implicit_profiles() # adds IR1, IR2
start_stream( 'Depth' )
# We have a stream streaming; reset shouldn't touch it
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 1 )
# Start another sensor while Depth is streaming
# NOTE we didn't open any profile so it should pick the default
start_stream( 'Color' )
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 2 )
test.check_equal( find_active_profile( 'Color' ).to_string(), servers['Color'].default_profile().to_string() )
with test.closure( "incompatible profiles; start_stream failure but stream open" ):
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_1', '1280x800 mono8 @ 30 Hz' ) )
with bridge_error_expected( "failure trying to start/stop 'Depth': profile <'Depth' 848x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz> is incompatible with already-open <'Infrared_1' 1280x800 mono8 @ 30 Hz>" ):
start_stream( 'Depth' )
# Note that while the stream shouldn't be streaming because the _SERVER_ failed, the stream still
# has the reader open and therefore we still think is streaming...! This requires handling on
# the client-side (device needs some kind of on-error callback)
test.check_throws( lambda:
start_stream( 'Depth' ),
RuntimeError, "stream 'Depth' is already open" )
with test.closure( "motion module" ):
| servers['Motion'].default_profile() ) # @ 200 Hz
start_stream( 'Motion' )
test.check_throws( lambda:
start_stream( 'Motion' ),
RuntimeError, "stream 'Motion' is already open" )
with test.closure( "motion + color" ):
start_stream( 'Motion' ) # @ 200 Hz
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 1 )
start_stream( 'Color' )
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 2 )
stop_stream( 'Motion' )
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 1 )
stop_stream( 'Color' )
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 )
with test.closure( "incompatible streams" ):
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_1', '1280x800 mono8 @ 30 Hz' ) )
bridge.add_implicit_profiles() # IR2
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 ) # not streaming yet
with bridge_error_expected( "failure trying to start/stop 'Depth': profile <'Depth' 848x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz> is incompatible with already-open <'Infrared_1' 1280x800 mono8 @ 30 Hz>" ):
start_stream( 'Depth' ) # no depth at 1280x800, so no stream!
test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 0 )
test.check_throws( lambda:
| servers['Depth'].default_profile() ),
RuntimeError, "profile <'Depth' 848x480 16UC1 @ 30 Hz> is incompatible with already-open <'Infrared_1' 1280x800 mono8 @ 30 Hz>" )
test.check_throws( lambda:
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_2', '848x480 mono8 @ 30 Hz' )),
RuntimeError, "profile <'Infrared_2' 848x480 mono8 @ 30 Hz> is incompatible with already-open <'Infrared_1' 1280x800 mono8 @ 30 Hz>" )
test.check_throws( lambda:
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_2', '1280x800 mono8 @ 15 Hz' )),
RuntimeError, "profile <'Infrared_2' 1280x800 mono8 @ 15 Hz> is incompatible with already-open <'Infrared_1' 1280x800 mono8 @ 30 Hz>" )
start_stream( 'Infrared_2' )
( test.check_equal( len(active_sensors), 1 )
and test.check_equal( next(iter(active_sensors)), 'Stereo Module' )
and test.check_equal( len(active_sensors['Stereo Module']), 2 ) # IR1, IR2
test.check_throws( lambda:
| servers['Depth'].default_profile() ),
RuntimeError, "sensor 'Stereo Module' was committed and cannot be changed" )
with test.closure( "open and close" ):
| servers['Infrared_1'].default_profile() ) # 848x480 mono8 @ 30 Hz
| servers['Infrared_1'].default_profile() ) # "compatible"
bridge.close( servers['Infrared_1'] )
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_1', '1280x800 mono8 @ 30 Hz' ))
bridge.close( servers['Infrared_1'] )
bridge.close( servers['Infrared_1'] )
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_1', '1280x800 Y16 @ 25 Hz' ))
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_1', '1280x800 Y16 @ 15 Hz' ))
test.check_throws( lambda:
| find_server_profile( 'Infrared_1', '1280x800 Y16 @ 25 Hz' )),
RuntimeError, "profile <'Infrared_1' 1280x800 Y16 @ 25 Hz> is incompatible with already-open <'Infrared_1' 1280x800 Y16 @ 15 Hz>" )