classdef capture_example < matlab.apps.AppBase % Properties that correspond to app components properties (Access = public) UIFigure matlab.ui.Figure DepthAX matlab.ui.control.UIAxes ColorAX matlab.ui.control.UIAxes AccelAX matlab.ui.control.UIAxes AccelTextAX matlab.ui.control.UIAxes GyroAX matlab.ui.control.UIAxes GyroTextAX matlab.ui.control.UIAxes StartButton matlab.ui.control.Button StopButton matlab.ui.control.Button RsPipeLine realsense.pipeline RsColorizer realsense.colorizer end properties (Access = private, Hidden = true) tmr % Timer object SupportDepth % Support Depth Chanel SupportColor % Support Color Chanel SupportAccel % Support Accel Chanel SupportGyro % Support Gyro Chanel hD % Depth image handle hC % Color image handle hA % Accel handles % hA{1} - Circle Accel.x0y % hA{2} - Circle Accel.x0z % hA{3} - Circle Accel.y0z % hA{4} - Vect % hA{5} - String Accel.x % hA{6} - String Accel.y % hA{7} - String Accel.z % hA{8} - String Accel.r hG % Gyro handles % hG{1} - Circle Gyro.x0y % hG{2} - Circle Gyro.x0z % hG{3} - Circle Gyro.y0z % hG{4} - Vect % hG{5} - String Gyro.x % hG{6} - String Gyro.y % hG{7} - String Gyro.z % hG{8} - String Gyro.r dV % Data vectors % dV{1} - ort line = - 1.15 .. 1.15 % dV{2} - sin(t) , t = 0 .. 2 pi % dV{3} - cos(t) % dV{4} - zero = t ; zero(:) = 0; Period % double ( sec. ) end methods (Access = private) function set_motion_data(app,h,d) x = d(1); y = d(2); z = d(3); R = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2); nx = x/R; ny = y/R; nz = z/R; zz = app.dV{4}; zz(:) = nz; rr = sqrt(nx^2+ny^2); xx = rr*app.dV{3}; yy = rr*app.dV{2}; h{1}.XData = xx; h{1}.YData = yy; h{1}.ZData = zz; xx = app.dV{4}; xx(:) = nx; rr = sqrt(ny^2+nz^2); yy = rr*app.dV{3}; zz = rr*app.dV{2}; h{3}.XData = xx; h{3}.YData = yy; h{3}.ZData = zz; yy = app.dV{4}; yy(:) = ny; rr = sqrt(nx^2+nz^2); xx = rr*app.dV{3}; zz = rr*app.dV{2}; h{2}.XData = xx; h{2}.YData = yy; h{2}.ZData = zz; h{4}.XData = [0 nx]; h{4}.YData = [0 ny]; h{4}.ZData = [0 nz]; h{5}.String = sprintf('x = %f',x); h{6}.String = sprintf('y = %f',y); h{7}.String = sprintf('z = %f',z); h{8}.String = sprintf('r = %f',R); end function h = draw_motion_data(app,ag,at,d,ss) colorG = [0.1 0.7 0.2]; x = d(1); y = d(2); z = d(3); R = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2); nx = x/R; ny = y/R; nz = z/R; plot3(ag,app.dV{3},app.dV{2},app.dV{4},'LineStyle','-','Color','b','linewidth',1); hold(ag,'on'); plot3(ag,app.dV{4},app.dV{3},app.dV{2},'LineStyle','-','Color','r','linewidth',1); plot3(ag,app.dV{3},app.dV{4},app.dV{2},'LineStyle','-','Color',colorG,'linewidth',1); zz = app.dV{4}; zz(:) = nz; rr = sqrt(nx^2+ny^2); xx = rr * app.dV{3}; yy = rr * app.dV{2}; h{1}=plot3(ag,xx,yy,zz,'LineStyle','--','Color','b','linewidth',1); yy = app.dV{4}; yy(:) = ny; rr = sqrt(nx^2+nz^2); xx = rr * app.dV{3}; zz = rr * app.dV{2}; h{2}=plot3(ag,xx,yy,zz,'LineStyle','--','Color',colorG,'linewidth',1); xx = app.dV{4}; xx(:) = nx; rr = sqrt(ny^2+nz^2); yy = rr * app.dV{3}; zz = rr * app.dV{2}; h{3}=plot3(ag,xx,yy,zz,'LineStyle','--','Color','r','linewidth',1); xx(:) = 0; yy(:) = 0; zz = app.dV{1}; plot3(ag,xx,yy,zz,'LineStyle','-','Color','b','linewidth',1); xx(:) = 0; yy(:) = app.dV{1}; zz(:) = 0; plot3(ag,xx,yy,zz,'LineStyle','-','Color',colorG,'linewidth',1); xx(:) = app.dV{1}; yy(:) = 0; zz(:) = 0; plot3(ag,xx,yy,zz,'LineStyle','-','Color','r','linewidth',1); h{4}=line(ag,[0 nx],[0 ny],[0 nz]); h{4}.Color = 'k'; axis(ag,'off'); hold(ag,'off'); text(at,0.3,0.8,ss,'Color',[0,0,0],'FontSize',14); hold(at,'on'); s=sprintf('x = %f',x); h{5}=text(at,0.2,0.7,s,'Color','r','FontSize',12); s=sprintf('y = %f',y); h{6}=text(at,0.2,0.6,s,'Color',colorG,'FontSize',12); s=sprintf('z = %f',z); h{7}=text(at,0.2,0.5,s,'Color','b','FontSize',12); s=sprintf('r = %f',R); h{8}=text(at,0.2,0.4,s,'Color','k','FontSize',12); axis(at,'off'); hold(at,'off'); end function tmProcess(app,~,~) RsFrameSet = app.RsPipeLine.wait_for_frames(); if app.SupportDepth ~= 0 df = RsFrameSet.get_depth_frame(); dc = app.RsColorizer.colorize(df); dd = dc.get_data(); app.hD.CData = permute(reshape(dd',[3,dc.get_width(),dc.get_height()]),[3 2 1]); end if app.SupportColor ~= 0 cf = RsFrameSet.get_color_frame(); dd = cf.get_data(); app.hC.CData = permute(reshape(dd',[3,cf.get_width(),cf.get_height()]),[3 2 1]); end if app.SupportAccel ~= 0 fa = RsFrameSet.first(; ma ='motion_frame'); d = ma.get_motion_data(); app.set_motion_data(app.hA,d); end if app.SupportGyro ~= 0 fg = RsFrameSet.first(; mg ='motion_frame'); d = mg.get_motion_data(); app.set_motion_data(app.hG,d); end drawnow; delete(RsFrameSet); end function onStartButton(app, ~) if strcmp(app.tmr.Running, 'off') app.RsPipeLine.start(); start(app.tmr); end end function onStopButton(app,~) if strcmp(app.tmr.Running, 'on') stop(app.tmr); app.RsPipeLine.stop(); end end function UIFigureCloseRequest(app,~) if strcmp(app.tmr.Running, 'on') stop(app.tmr); app.RsPipeLine.stop(); end delete(app.tmr); delete(app.RsPipeLine); delete(app.RsColorizer); delete(app); end function StartUpFunc(app) RsCtx = realsense.context(); Devs = RsCtx.query_devices(); if ( numel(Devs) < 1 ) error ( 'Not found RealSense device' ); end RsDev = Devs{1}; cn = RsDev.get_info(; delete(RsDev); delete(RsCtx); app.UIFigure.Name = sprintf('rs_capture_class < Camera : %s >',cn); app.RsPipeLine = realsense.pipeline(); app.RsColorizer = realsense.colorizer(); app.RsPipeLine.start(); sProf = app.RsPipeLine.get_active_profile(); Streams = sProf.get_streams(); delete(sProf); kStreams = numel(Streams); app.SupportDepth=0; app.SupportColor=0; app.SupportAccel=0; app.SupportGyro=0; for i=1:kStreams Stream = Streams{i}; StreamType = Stream.stream_type(); if strcmp(StreamType, 'depth') app.SupportDepth = 1; end if strcmp(StreamType, 'color') app.SupportColor = 1; end if strcmp(StreamType, 'accel') app.SupportAccel = 1; end if strcmp(StreamType, 'gyro') app.SupportGyro = 1; end delete(Stream); end RsFrameSet = app.RsPipeLine.wait_for_frames(); if app.SupportDepth ~=0 df = RsFrameSet.get_depth_frame(); dc = app.RsColorizer.colorize(df); dd = dc.get_data(); d = permute(reshape(dd',[3,dc.get_width(),dc.get_height()]),[3 2 1]); app.hD = imshow(d,'Parent',app.DepthAX); else d = zeros(480,640,3,'uint8'); d(:)=240; app.hD = imshow(d,'Parent',app.DepthAX); hold(app.DepthAX,'on'); text(app.DepthAX,140,220,'The property is not supported','Color','k','FontSize',16); hold(app.DepthAX,'off'); end if app.SupportColor ~= 0 cf = RsFrameSet.get_color_frame(); dd = cf.get_data(); d = permute(reshape(dd',[3,cf.get_width(),cf.get_height()]),[3 2 1]); app.hC = imshow(d,'Parent',app.ColorAX); else d = zeros(480,640,3,'uint8'); d(:)=240; app.hC = imshow(d,'Parent',app.ColorAX); hold(app.ColorAX,'on'); text(app.ColorAX,140,220,'The property is not supported','Color','k','FontSize',16); hold(app.ColorAX,'off'); end if app.SupportAccel ~= 0 fa = RsFrameSet.first(; ma ='motion_frame'); d = ma.get_motion_data(); app.hA = app.draw_motion_data(app.AccelAX,app.AccelTextAX,d,'Accel'); else d = [ -0.5, 0.5, sqrt(0.5) ]; app.hA = app.draw_motion_data(app.AccelAX,app.AccelTextAX,d,'Accel'); app.hA{5}.String='-------------'; app.hA{6}.String='-------------'; app.hA{7}.String='-------------'; app.hA{8}.String='not supported'; end if app.SupportGyro ~= 0 fg = RsFrameSet.first(; mg ='motion_frame'); d = mg.get_motion_data(); app.hG = app.draw_motion_data(app.GyroAX,app.GyroTextAX,d,'Gyro'); else d = [ 0.5, -0.5, sqrt(0.5) ]; app.hG = app.draw_motion_data(app.GyroAX,app.GyroTextAX,d,'Gyro'); app.hG{5}.String='-------------'; app.hG{6}.String='-------------'; app.hG{7}.String='-------------'; app.hG{8}.String='not supported'; end app.tmr = timer ... ( ... 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate', ... % 'fixedSpacing', ... 'Period',app.Period, ... 'BusyMode', 'queue',... % 'drop', ... 'TimerFcn',@app.tmProcess ... ); app.RsPipeLine.stop(); %--- STOP --- drawnow; delete(RsFrameSet); end function createComponents(app) tVect = 0:pi/60:2*pi; app.dV{1} = ((0:1/60:2)-1)*1.15; app.dV{2} = sin(tVect); app.dV{3} = cos(tVect); app.dV{4} = tVect; app.dV{4}(:) = 0; kFramePerSecond = 30; % Number of frames per second app.Period = double(int64(1000.0/kFramePerSecond+0.5))/1000.0; app.UIFigure = uifigure('Visible', 'off'); app.UIFigure.Position = [20 20 1310 840]; app.UIFigure.Name = '< Camera : ? >'; app.UIFigure.CloseRequestFcn = createCallbackFcn(app,@UIFigureCloseRequest); setAutoResize(app,app.UIFigure,false); app.DepthAX = uiaxes(app.UIFigure); app.DepthAX.Position = [10 40 640 480]; app.ColorAX = uiaxes(app.UIFigure); app.ColorAX.Position = [660 40 640 480]; app.AccelAX = uiaxes(app.UIFigure); app.AccelAX.Position = [30 530 330 300]; app.AccelTextAX = uiaxes(app.UIFigure); app.AccelTextAX.Position = [390 530 240 300]; app.GyroAX = uiaxes(app.UIFigure); app.GyroAX.Position = [680 530 330 300]; app.GyroTextAX = uiaxes(app.UIFigure); app.GyroTextAX.Position = [1040 530 240 300]; app.StartButton = uibutton(app.UIFigure, 'push'); app.StartButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @onStartButton, true); app.StartButton.IconAlignment = 'center'; app.StartButton.Position = [10 10 100 30]; app.StartButton.Text = 'Start'; app.StopButton = uibutton(app.UIFigure, 'push'); app.StopButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @onStopButton, true); app.StopButton.IconAlignment = 'center'; app.StopButton.Position = [120 10 100 30]; app.StopButton.Text = 'Stop'; app.UIFigure.Visible = 'on'; drawnow; end end methods (Access = public) function app = capture_example createComponents(app) registerApp(app, app.UIFigure) runStartupFcn(app,@StartUpFunc); if nargout == 0 clear app end end function delete(app) delete(app.UIFigure) end end end