realdds is a library that ease the control of a realsense camera over network using librealsense API. realdds provides "off the shelf" types and logic that makes it easier and faster to write applications that control a camera over the network. It is a work in progress aimed at, ultimately, enabling remote users to do with the camera everything a user can do with a USB connected camera, and more (multiple clients for frames, etc...). realdds uses DDS topics to send and receive information to/from the camera. See [DDS-ICD]( Users can use realdds stand-alone, or use librealsense with the cmake `BUILD_WITH_DDS` flag on, to use DDS devices seemlessly as any other librealsense device. # Actors ## Server/Camera The **server** or **camera** is either a physical device with built in capabilities supporting these use cases, or a dedicated software operating some other device, e.g., Intel RealSense D455, giving it the required capabilities. An example software tool like this is the [dds-server]( ## User/Client The **client** is the end **user** of the camera. The **user** consumes the data generated by the camera. The **user** can activate or stop camera data streaming and control various options like camera exposure time or brightness. # Use Cases ## Camera Discovery The **server** publishes a connected device existence to all interested **user**s in the network. Using the discovery data, the **user** can have a complete knowledge of the camera and it's abilities. **Topics** - For this use case, the *device-info* and *notification* topics are used. //TODO - Topics section needed? **Preconditions** 1. The **server** and **client** are running, and using the same DDS domain. **Trigger** - A new `Intel RealSense` device is connected locally (e.g, USB) and detected by the **server**. **Successful Result** - The **user** will receive all needed data to interact with the device **Main Scenario** 1. The **server** will create a new *device-info* writer to publish this connected device existence. 2. Subscribed **user**s are matched for this writer. 3. The **server** publishes *device-info* message with this device details. The *device-info* contains a *topic-root* field. All communication to and from the camera is done using topics containing this *topic-root* in their names (see [ICD]( 4. The **user** subscibes to the appropriate *notification* topic using the *topic-root* field (e.g., `realsense/D435I/112322073677/notification`). 5. The **server** will recognize the subscription and will send discovery *notification* messages in this order: 1. A *device-header* message 2. A *device-options* message if there are device level options 3. for each supported stream - A *stream-header* message - A *stream-options* message **Variations** 1. A new **user** joins the network, subscribing to the *device-info* topic. 1. Continue from step 2 of the Main Scenario. **Exceptions** None. **Constraints** 1. Discovery *notification* messages timeout is **30 seconds**. ## Camera Disconnection The **camera** is disconnected and no longer available to the **user**s. **Topics** - For this use case, no realdds topic is sent, only underlying DDS topics. **Preconditions** 1. An `Intel RealSense` device is connected to the **server**. **Trigger** - `Intel RealSense` device is disconnected from the **server**. **Successful Result** - The **Server** and all **user**s have released the resources related to the camera. **Main Scenario** 1. The **server** will destroy the appropriate *device-info* writer. 2. Subscribed **user**s will be notified via DDS middleware about the writer destruction (subscription unmatched) and will release all related resources. 3. The **server** will release all other device related resources. **Variations** None. **Exceptions** None. **Constraints** None. ## Start Streaming The **user** requests to receive streams of data (images, IMU, etc...). The **server** starts sending the data to it. **Topics** - *control* topic is used by the **user**, appropriate *image*s are sent back by the **server**. **Preconditions** 1. The **server** and **client** are running, and using the same DDS domain. 2. Camera Discovery phase (see use-case) has completed successfully. **Trigger** - The **user** triggers this use-case upon demand. **Successful Result** - The **user** receives *image* messages at the desired frame rates. **Main Scenario** 1. The **user** sends a *start streaming* message with the requested profiles listed. 2. The **server** starts publishing *image* messages for each requested profile. **Variations** None. **Exceptions** 1. The device is already streaming data from this sensor 1. The **server** will decline the request //TODO - should handle throw in rs-dds-adapter? 2. Terminate the use-case. //TODO - send failure *notification*? Currently not in the ICD, still WIP, will probably change to automatically stream when a reader is matched. **Constraints** None. ## Stop Streaming The **user** requests to stop sending data from some streams (images, IMU, etc...). The **server** stops sending the data. **Topics** - *control* topic is used by the **user**. **Preconditions** 1. The **server** and **client** are running, and using the same DDS domain. 2. Camera Discovery phase (see use-case) have completed successfully. **Trigger** - The **user** triggers this use-case upon demand. **Successful Result** - The **server** stops publishing *image* messages of the requested profiles. **Main Scenario** 1. The **user** sends a *stop streaming* message with the profiles requested to close listed. 2. The **server** stops publishing *image* messages for the requested profiles. **Variations** None. **Exceptions** 1. The device is not streaming data of the requested profiles 1. Terminate the use-case. //TODO - send failure *notification*? Currently not in the ICD **Constraints** None. **Notes** 1. When using librealsense API to control the device (as is the case with the `rs-dds-adapter` tool), when stoping a stream all streams in the containing sensor will be stopped. realdds does not use a "sensor" concept to start or stop streams, it is a librealsense limitation. For example, if "Infrared 1" and "Infrared 2" streams of the "Stereo Module" are both streaming and one of them is requested to stop, both will stop streaming. ## Query Option The **user** requests to current value of a supported option, e.g., color stream's gain or depth stream's depth units value. **Topics** - *control* topic is used by the **user**. *notification* topic is used by the **server**. **Preconditions** 1. The **server** and **client** are running, and using the same DDS domain. 2. Camera Discovery phase (see use-case) have completed successfully. **Trigger** - The **user** triggers this use-case upon demand. **Successful Result** - The **user** have knowledge of the option value. **Main Scenario** 1. The **user** sends a *query option* message with the option name and the option owner name (same option can be supported by multiple streams). 2. The **server** queries the actual value from the device. 3. The **server** sends a *query option* reply message with the value to the **user**. **Variations** None. **Exceptions** 1. Option is not supported or otherwise the value cannot be queried. 1. The **server** sends a *query option* reply message with failure status and failure reason to the **user**. **Constraints** None. ## Set Option The **user** requests to current value of a supported option, e.g., color stream's gain or depth stream's depth units value. **Topics** - *control* topic is used by the **user**. *notification* topic is used by the **server**. **Preconditions** 1. The **server** and **client** are running, and using the same DDS domain. 2. Camera Discovery phase (see use-case) have completed successfully. **Trigger** - The **user** triggers this use-case upon demand. **Successful Result** - The **user** have knowledge of the option value. **Main Scenario** 1. The **user** sends a *query option* message with the option name and the option owner name (same option can be supported by multiple streams). 2. The **server** queries the actual value from the device. 3. The **server** sends a *query option* reply message with the value to the **user**. **Variations** None. **Exceptions** 1. Option is not supported or otherwise the value cannot be queried. 1. The **server** sends a *query option* reply message with failure status and failure reason to the **user**. **Constraints** None. ## HW Monitor Command ## HW Reset? //TODO - Is needed? Is different from any other command? possibly no reply... ## FW Update? //TODO - Should be supported over network? Using HW monitor commands? ## Calibrations //TODO - Is needed? -------------------------------------------------------- ## Template Short description **Topics** - **Preconditions** 1. **Trigger** - **Successful Result** - **Main Scenario** 1. 2. **Variations** 1. **Exceptions** 1. **Constraints**