{ "READ-ME": [ "This is a sample preset file, and should not (in fact, cannot) be loaded.", "", "Presets are JSON files that were exported from the RealSense Viewer. For the Viewer to automatically show", "these in the Preset combo-box for a particular camera:", " * place it into ~/librealsense2/presets (in Windows, under your Documents folder)", " * name it ' .preset', where is the camera name, e.g. 'D435I Max Range.preset'", "", "Is is best not to generate these manually, but rather export one from the Viewer and then maybe change its", "values." ], "device": { "name": "Intel RealSense D435I", "product line": "D400" }, "parameters": { "key": "value..." }, "schema version": 1, "viewer": { "stream-fps": "60", "stream-height": "480", "stream-width": "640" } }