// License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory. // Copyright(c) 2024 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. #include "post-processing-filters-list.h" #include "post-processing-block-model.h" #include #include "metadata-helper.h" #include "subdevice-model.h" namespace rs2 { static void width_height_from_resolution(rs2_sensor_mode mode, int& width, int& height) { switch (mode) { case RS2_SENSOR_MODE_VGA: width = 640; height = 480; break; case RS2_SENSOR_MODE_XGA: width = 1024; height = 768; break; case RS2_SENSOR_MODE_QVGA: width = 320; height = 240; break; default: width = height = 0; break; } } static int get_resolution_id_from_sensor_mode(rs2_sensor_mode sensor_mode, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > >& res_values) { int width = 0, height = 0; width_height_from_resolution(sensor_mode, width, height); auto iter = std::find_if(res_values.begin(), res_values.end(), [width, height](std::pair< int, int > res) { if (((res.first == width) && (res.second == height)) || ((res.first == height) && (res.second == width))) return true; return false; }); if (iter != res_values.end()) { return static_cast(std::distance(res_values.begin(), iter)); } throw std::runtime_error("cannot convert sensor mode to resolution ID"); } std::vector get_string_pointers(const std::vector& vec) { std::vector res; for (auto&& s : vec) res.push_back(s.c_str()); return res; } std::string get_device_sensor_name(subdevice_model* sub) { std::stringstream ss; ss << configurations::viewer::post_processing << "." << sub->dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << "." << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME); return ss.str(); } void subdevice_model::populate_options( const std::string & opt_base_label, bool * options_invalidated, std::string & error_message ) { for (rs2::option_value option : s->get_supported_option_values()) { options_metadata[option->id] = create_option_model( option, opt_base_label, this, s, options_invalidated, error_message ); } try { s->on_options_changed( [this]( const options_list & list ) { for( auto changed_option : list ) { auto it = options_metadata.find( changed_option->id ); if( it != options_metadata.end() && ! _destructing ) // Callback runs in different context, check options_metadata still valid { it->second.value = changed_option; } } } ); } catch( const std::exception & e ) { if( viewer.not_model ) viewer.not_model->add_log( e.what(), RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_WARN ); } } // to be moved to processing-block-model bool restore_processing_block(const char* name, std::shared_ptr pb, bool enable) { for (auto opt : pb->get_supported_options()) { std::string key = name; key += "."; key += pb->get_option_name(opt); if (config_file::instance().contains(key.c_str())) { float val = config_file::instance().get(key.c_str()); try { auto range = pb->get_option_range(opt); if (val >= range.min && val <= range.max) pb->set_option(opt, val); } catch (...) { } } } std::string key = name; key += ".enabled"; if (config_file::instance().contains(key.c_str())) { return config_file::instance().get(key.c_str()); } return enable; } subdevice_model::subdevice_model( device& dev, std::shared_ptr s, std::shared_ptr< atomic_objects_in_frame > device_detected_objects, std::string& error_message, viewer_model& viewer, bool new_device_connected ) : s(s), dev(dev), ui(), last_valid_ui(), streaming(false), _pause(false), depth_colorizer(std::make_shared()), yuy2rgb(std::make_shared()), y411(std::make_shared()), viewer(viewer), detected_objects(device_detected_objects), _destructing( false ) { supported_options = s->get_supported_options(); restore_processing_block("colorizer", depth_colorizer); restore_processing_block("yuy2rgb", yuy2rgb); restore_processing_block("y411", y411); std::string device_name(dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)); std::string sensor_name(s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)); std::stringstream ss; ss << configurations::viewer::post_processing << "." << device_name << "." << sensor_name; auto key = ss.str(); bool const is_rgb_camera = s->is< color_sensor >(); if (config_file::instance().contains(key.c_str())) { post_processing_enabled = config_file::instance().get(key.c_str()); } try { if (s->supports(RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE)) auto_exposure_enabled = s->get_option(RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE) > 0; } catch (...) { } try { if (s->supports(RS2_OPTION_DEPTH_UNITS)) depth_units = s->get_option(RS2_OPTION_DEPTH_UNITS); } catch (...) {} try { if (s->supports(RS2_OPTION_STEREO_BASELINE)) stereo_baseline = s->get_option(RS2_OPTION_STEREO_BASELINE); } catch (...) {} auto filters = s->get_recommended_filters(); for (auto&& f : s->get_recommended_filters()) { auto shared_filter = std::make_shared(f); auto model = std::make_shared( this, shared_filter->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME), shared_filter, [=](rs2::frame f) { return shared_filter->process(f); }, error_message); if (shared_filter->is()) model->enable(false); if (shared_filter->is()) model->enable(false); if (shared_filter->is()) { if (is_rgb_camera) model->enable(false); } if (shared_filter->is()) { if (s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID)) { // using short range for D405 std::string device_pid = s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID); if (device_pid == "0B5B") { std::string error_msg; auto threshold_pb = shared_filter->as(); threshold_pb.set_option(RS2_OPTION_MIN_DISTANCE, SHORT_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE); threshold_pb.set_option(RS2_OPTION_MAX_DISTANCE, SHORT_RANGE_MAX_DISTANCE); } } } if (shared_filter->is()) { // processing block will be skipped if the requested option is not supported auto supported_options = s->get_supported_options(); if (std::find(supported_options.begin(), supported_options.end(), RS2_OPTION_SEQUENCE_ID) == supported_options.end()) continue; } post_processing.push_back(model); } if (is_rgb_camera) { for (auto& create_filter : post_processing_filters_list::get()) { auto filter = create_filter(); if (!filter) continue; filter->start(*this); std::shared_ptr< processing_block_model > model( new post_processing_block_model{ this, filter, [=](rs2::frame f) { return filter->process(f); }, error_message }); post_processing.push_back(model); } } auto colorizer = std::make_shared( this, "Depth Visualization", depth_colorizer, [=](rs2::frame f) { return depth_colorizer->colorize(f); }, error_message); const_effects.push_back(colorizer); if (s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID)) { std::string device_pid = s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID); // using short range for D405 if (device_pid == "0B5B") { std::string error_msg; depth_colorizer->set_option(RS2_OPTION_MIN_DISTANCE, SHORT_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE); depth_colorizer->set_option(RS2_OPTION_MAX_DISTANCE, SHORT_RANGE_MAX_DISTANCE); } } // Hack to restore "Enable Histogram Equalization" flag if needed. // The flag is set to true by colorizer constructor, but setting min/max_distance options above or during // restore_processing_block earlier, causes the registered observer to unset it, which is not the desired // behaviour. Observer should affect only if a user is setting the values after construction phase is over. if (depth_colorizer->supports(RS2_OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET)) { auto option_value = depth_colorizer->get_option(RS2_OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET); depth_colorizer->set_option(RS2_OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET, option_value); } ss.str(""); ss << "##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << "/" << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << "/" << (long long)this; if (s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PHYSICAL_PORT) && dev.supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_LINE)) { std::string product = dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_LINE); std::string id = s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PHYSICAL_PORT); bool has_metadata = !rs2::metadata_helper::instance().can_support_metadata(product) || rs2::metadata_helper::instance().is_enabled(id); static bool showed_metadata_prompt = false; if (!has_metadata && !showed_metadata_prompt) { auto n = std::make_shared(); viewer.not_model->add_notification(n); showed_metadata_prompt = true; } } try { auto sensor_profiles = s->get_stream_profiles(); reverse(begin(sensor_profiles), end(sensor_profiles)); std::map def_format{ {0, RS2_FORMAT_ANY} }; auto default_resolution = std::make_pair(1280, 720); auto default_fps = 30; for (auto&& profile : sensor_profiles) { std::stringstream res; if (auto vid_prof = profile.as()) { if (profile.is_default()) { default_resolution = std::pair(vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height()); default_fps = profile.fps(); if (is_rgb_camera) { auto intrinsics = vid_prof.get_intrinsics(); if (intrinsics.model == RS2_DISTORTION_INVERSE_BROWN_CONRADY && (std::abs(intrinsics.coeffs[0]) > std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon() || std::abs(intrinsics.coeffs[1]) > std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon() || std::abs(intrinsics.coeffs[2]) > std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon() || std::abs(intrinsics.coeffs[3]) > std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon() || std::abs(intrinsics.coeffs[4]) > std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon())) { uvmapping_calib_full = true; } } } res << vid_prof.width() << " x " << vid_prof.height(); push_back_if_not_exists(res_values, std::pair(vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height())); push_back_if_not_exists(resolutions, res.str()); push_back_if_not_exists(resolutions_per_stream[profile.stream_type()], std::pair(vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height())); push_back_if_not_exists(profile_id_to_res[profile.unique_id()], std::pair(vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height())); } std::stringstream fps; fps << profile.fps(); push_back_if_not_exists(fps_values_per_stream[profile.unique_id()], profile.fps()); push_back_if_not_exists(shared_fps_values, profile.fps()); push_back_if_not_exists(fpses_per_stream[profile.unique_id()], fps.str()); push_back_if_not_exists(shared_fpses, fps.str()); stream_display_names[profile.unique_id()] = profile.stream_name(); std::string format = rs2_format_to_string(profile.format()); push_back_if_not_exists(formats[profile.unique_id()], format); push_back_if_not_exists(format_values[profile.unique_id()], profile.format()); if (profile.is_default()) { stream_enabled[profile.unique_id()] = true; def_format[profile.unique_id()] = profile.format(); } profiles.push_back(profile); } auto any_stream_enabled = std::any_of(std::begin(stream_enabled), std::end(stream_enabled), [](const std::pair& p) { return p.second; }); if (!any_stream_enabled) { if (sensor_profiles.size() > 0) stream_enabled[sensor_profiles.rbegin()->unique_id()] = true; } for (auto&& fps_list : fps_values_per_stream) { sort_together(fps_list.second, fpses_per_stream[fps_list.first]); } sort_together(shared_fps_values, shared_fpses); for (auto&& res_list : resolutions_per_stream) { sort_resolutions(res_list.second); } sort_together(res_values, resolutions); show_single_fps_list = is_there_common_fps(); int selection_index{}; if (!show_single_fps_list) { for (auto fps_array : fps_values_per_stream) { if (get_default_selection_index(fps_array.second, default_fps, &selection_index)) { ui.selected_fps_id[fps_array.first] = selection_index; break; } } } else { if (get_default_selection_index(shared_fps_values, default_fps, &selection_index)) ui.selected_shared_fps_id = selection_index; } for (auto format_array : format_values) { if (get_default_selection_index(format_array.second, def_format[format_array.first], &selection_index)) { ui.selected_format_id[format_array.first] = selection_index; } } if (is_multiple_resolutions_supported()) { ui.is_multiple_resolutions = true; auto default_res = std::make_pair(1280, 960); for (auto res_array : profile_id_to_res) { if (get_default_selection_index(res_array.second, default_res, &selection_index)) { ui.selected_res_id_map[res_array.first] = selection_index; } } } else { get_default_selection_index(res_values, default_resolution, &selection_index); ui.selected_res_id = selection_index; } if (new_device_connected) { // Have the various preset options automatically update based on the resolution of the // (closed) stream... // TODO we have no res_values when loading color rosbag, and color sensor isn't // even supposed to support SENSOR_MODE... see RS5-7726 if (s->supports(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE) && !res_values.empty()) { // Watch out for read-only options in the playback sensor! try { auto requested_sensor_mode = static_cast(resolution_from_width_height( res_values[ui.selected_res_id].first, res_values[ui.selected_res_id].second)); auto currest_sensor_mode = s->get_option(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE); if (requested_sensor_mode != currest_sensor_mode) s->set_option(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE, requested_sensor_mode); } catch (not_implemented_error const&) { // Just ignore for now: need to figure out a way to write to playback sensors... } } } if (ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { for (auto it = ui.selected_res_id_map.begin(); it != ui.selected_res_id_map.end(); ++it) { while (it->second >= 0 && !is_selected_combination_supported()) it->second--; } } else { while (ui.selected_res_id >= 0 && !is_selected_combination_supported()) ui.selected_res_id--; } last_valid_ui = ui; } catch (const error& e) { error_message = error_to_string(e); } populate_options(ss.str().c_str(), &_options_invalidated, error_message); } subdevice_model::~subdevice_model() { _destructing = true; try { s->on_options_changed( []( const options_list & list ) {} ); } catch( ... ) { } } void subdevice_model::sort_resolutions(std::vector>& resolutions) const { std::sort(resolutions.begin(), resolutions.end(), [](const std::pair& a, const std::pair& b) { if (a.first != b.first) return (a.first < b.first); return (a.second <= b.second); }); } bool subdevice_model::is_there_common_fps() { std::vector first_fps_group; size_t group_index = 0; for (; group_index < fps_values_per_stream.size(); ++group_index) { if (!fps_values_per_stream[(rs2_stream)group_index].empty()) { first_fps_group = fps_values_per_stream[(rs2_stream)group_index]; break; } } for (size_t i = group_index + 1; i < fps_values_per_stream.size(); ++i) { auto fps_group = fps_values_per_stream[(rs2_stream)i]; if (fps_group.empty()) continue; auto fps1 = first_fps_group[0]; auto it = std::find_if( std::begin( fps_group ), std::end( fps_group ), [&]( const int & fps2 ) { return fps2 == fps1; } ); if( it == std::end( fps_group ) ) return false; } return true; } bool subdevice_model::draw_resolutions(std::string& error_message, std::string& label, std::function streaming_tooltip, float col0, float col1) { bool res = false; // Draw combo-box with all resolution options for this device auto res_chars = get_string_pointers(resolutions); if (res_chars.size() > 0) { ImGui::Text("Resolution:"); streaming_tooltip(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col1); label = rsutils::string::from() << "##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << " resolution"; if (!allow_change_resolution_while_streaming && streaming) { ImGui::Text("%s", res_chars[ui.selected_res_id]); streaming_tooltip(); } else { ImGui::PushItemWidth(-1); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, { 1,1,1,1 }); auto tmp_selected_res_id = ui.selected_res_id; if (ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &tmp_selected_res_id, res_chars.data(), static_cast(res_chars.size()))) { res = true; _options_invalidated = true; // Set sensor mode only at the Viewer app, // DQT app will handle the sensor mode when the streaming is off (while reseting the stream) if (s->supports(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE) && !allow_change_resolution_while_streaming) { auto width = res_values[tmp_selected_res_id].first; auto height = res_values[tmp_selected_res_id].second; auto res = resolution_from_width_height(width, height); if (res >= RS2_SENSOR_MODE_VGA && res < RS2_SENSOR_MODE_COUNT) { try { s->set_option(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE, float(res)); } catch (const error& e) { error_message = error_to_string(e); } // Only update the cached value once set_option is done! That way, if it doesn't change anything... try { int sensor_mode_val = static_cast(s->get_option(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE)); { ui.selected_res_id = get_resolution_id_from_sensor_mode( static_cast(sensor_mode_val), res_values); } } catch (...) {} } else { error_message = rsutils::string::from() << "Resolution " << width << "x" << height << " is not supported on this device"; } } else { ui.selected_res_id = tmp_selected_res_id; } } ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); } ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col0); } return res; } bool subdevice_model::draw_fps(std::string& error_message, std::string& label, std::function streaming_tooltip, float col0, float col1) { bool res = false; // FPS if (show_single_fps_list) { auto fps_chars = get_string_pointers(shared_fpses); ImGui::Text("Frame Rate (FPS):"); streaming_tooltip(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col1); label = rsutils::string::from() << "##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << " fps"; if (!allow_change_fps_while_streaming && streaming) { ImGui::Text("%s", fps_chars[ui.selected_shared_fps_id]); streaming_tooltip(); } else { ImGui::PushItemWidth(-1); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, { 1,1,1,1 }); if (ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &ui.selected_shared_fps_id, fps_chars.data(), static_cast(fps_chars.size()))) { res = true; } ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); } ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col0); } return res; } bool subdevice_model::draw_streams_and_formats(std::string& error_message, std::string& label, std::function streaming_tooltip, float col0, float col1) { bool res = false; if (!streaming) { ImGui::Text("Available Streams:"); } // Draw combo-box with all format options for current device for (auto&& f : formats) { // Format if (f.second.size() == 0) continue; auto formats_chars = get_string_pointers(f.second); if (!streaming || (streaming && stream_enabled[f.first])) { if (streaming) { label = rsutils::string::from() << stream_display_names[f.first] << (show_single_fps_list ? "" : " stream:"); ImGui::Text("%s", label.c_str()); streaming_tooltip(); } else { auto tmp = stream_enabled; label = rsutils::string::from() << stream_display_names[f.first] << "##" << f.first; if (ImGui::Checkbox(label.c_str(), &stream_enabled[f.first])) { prev_stream_enabled = tmp; } } } if (stream_enabled[f.first]) { if (show_single_fps_list) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col1); } label = rsutils::string::from() << "##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << " " << f.first << " format"; if (!show_single_fps_list) { ImGui::Text("Format:"); streaming_tooltip(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col1); } if (streaming) { ImGui::Text("%s", formats_chars[ui.selected_format_id[f.first]]); streaming_tooltip(); } else { ImGui::PushItemWidth(-1); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, { 1,1,1,1 }); ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &ui.selected_format_id[f.first], formats_chars.data(), static_cast(formats_chars.size())); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); } ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col0); // FPS // Draw combo-box with all FPS options for this device if (!show_single_fps_list && !fpses_per_stream[f.first].empty() && stream_enabled[f.first]) { auto fps_chars = get_string_pointers(fpses_per_stream[f.first]); ImGui::Text("Frame Rate (FPS):"); streaming_tooltip(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col1); label = rsutils::string::from() << "##" << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << f.first << " fps"; if (streaming) { ImGui::Text("%s", fps_chars[ui.selected_fps_id[f.first]]); streaming_tooltip(); } else { ImGui::PushItemWidth(-1); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, { 1,1,1,1 }); ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &ui.selected_fps_id[f.first], fps_chars.data(), static_cast(fps_chars.size())); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); } ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col0); } } } return res; } bool subdevice_model::draw_resolutions_combo_box_multiple_resolutions(std::string& error_message, std::string& label, std::function streaming_tooltip, float col0, float col1, int stream_type_id, int depth_res_id) { bool res = false; rs2_stream stream_type = RS2_STREAM_DEPTH; if (stream_type_id != depth_res_id) stream_type = RS2_STREAM_INFRARED; auto res_pairs = resolutions_per_stream[stream_type]; std::vector resolutions_str; for (int i = 0; i < res_pairs.size(); ++i) { std::stringstream ss; ss << res_pairs[i].first << "x" << res_pairs[i].second; resolutions_str.push_back(ss.str()); } auto res_chars = get_string_pointers(resolutions_str); if (res_chars.size() > 0) { if (!(streaming && !streaming_map[stream_type_id])) { // resolution // Draw combo-box with all resolution options for this stream type ImGui::Text("Resolution:"); streaming_tooltip(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col1); label = rsutils::string::from() << "##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << " resolution for " << rs2_stream_to_string(stream_type); if (!allow_change_resolution_while_streaming && streaming) { ImGui::Text("%s", res_chars[ui.selected_res_id_map[stream_type_id]]); streaming_tooltip(); } else { ImGui::PushItemWidth(-1); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, { 1,1,1,1 }); auto tmp_selected_res_id = ui.selected_res_id_map[stream_type_id]; if (ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &tmp_selected_res_id, res_chars.data(), static_cast(res_chars.size()))) { res = true; _options_invalidated = true; // Set sensor mode only at the Viewer app, // DQT app will handle the sensor mode when the streaming is off (while reseting the stream) if (s->supports(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE) && !allow_change_resolution_while_streaming) { auto width = res_values[tmp_selected_res_id].first; auto height = res_values[tmp_selected_res_id].second; auto res = resolution_from_width_height(width, height); if (res >= RS2_SENSOR_MODE_VGA && res < RS2_SENSOR_MODE_COUNT) { try { s->set_option(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE, float(res)); } catch (const error& e) { error_message = error_to_string(e); } // Only update the cached value once set_option is done! That way, if it doesn't change anything... try { int sensor_mode_val = static_cast(s->get_option(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE)); { ui.selected_res_id = get_resolution_id_from_sensor_mode( static_cast(sensor_mode_val), res_values); } } catch (...) {} } else { error_message = rsutils::string::from() << "Resolution " << width << "x" << height << " is not supported on this device"; } } else { ui.selected_res_id_map[stream_type_id] = tmp_selected_res_id; } } ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); } } ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col0); } return res; } bool subdevice_model::draw_formats_combo_box_multiple_resolutions(std::string& error_message, std::string& label, std::function streaming_tooltip, float col0, float col1, int stream_type_id) { bool res = false; std::map> stream_to_index; int depth_res_id, ir1_res_id, ir2_res_id; get_depth_ir_mismatch_resolutions_ids(depth_res_id, ir1_res_id, ir2_res_id); stream_to_index[RS2_STREAM_DEPTH] = { depth_res_id }; stream_to_index[RS2_STREAM_INFRARED] = { ir1_res_id, ir2_res_id }; rs2_stream stream_type = RS2_STREAM_DEPTH; if (stream_type_id != depth_res_id) stream_type = RS2_STREAM_INFRARED; for (auto&& f : formats) { if (f.second.size() == 0) continue; if (std::find(stream_to_index[stream_type].begin(), stream_to_index[stream_type].end(), f.first) == stream_to_index[stream_type].end()) continue; auto formats_chars = get_string_pointers(f.second); if (!streaming || (streaming && stream_enabled[f.first])) { if (streaming) { label = rsutils::string::from() << stream_display_names[f.first] << (show_single_fps_list ? "" : " stream:"); ImGui::Text("%s", label.c_str()); streaming_tooltip(); } else { res = true; auto tmp = stream_enabled; label = rsutils::string::from() << stream_display_names[f.first] << "##" << f.first; if (ImGui::Checkbox(label.c_str(), &stream_enabled[f.first])) { prev_stream_enabled = tmp; } } } if (stream_enabled[f.first]) { if (show_single_fps_list) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col1); } label = rsutils::string::from() << "##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << " " << f.first << " format"; if (!show_single_fps_list) { ImGui::Text("Format:"); streaming_tooltip(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col1); } if (streaming) { ImGui::Text("%s", formats_chars[ui.selected_format_id[f.first]]); streaming_tooltip(); } else { ImGui::PushItemWidth(-1); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, { 1,1,1,1 }); ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &ui.selected_format_id[f.first], formats_chars.data(), static_cast(formats_chars.size())); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); } ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col0); } } return res; } bool subdevice_model::draw_res_stream_formats(std::string& error_message, std::string& label, std::function streaming_tooltip, float col0, float col1) { bool res = false; if (!ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { return false; } int depth_res_id, ir1_res_id, ir2_res_id; get_depth_ir_mismatch_resolutions_ids(depth_res_id, ir1_res_id, ir2_res_id); std::vector stream_types_ids; stream_types_ids.push_back(depth_res_id); stream_types_ids.push_back(ir1_res_id); for (auto&& stream_type_id : stream_types_ids) { // resolution // Draw combo-box with all resolution options for this stream type res &= draw_resolutions_combo_box_multiple_resolutions(error_message, label, streaming_tooltip, col0, col1, stream_type_id, depth_res_id); // stream and formats // Draw combo-box with all format options for current stream type res &= draw_formats_combo_box_multiple_resolutions(error_message, label, streaming_tooltip, col0, col1, stream_type_id); } return res; } // The function returns true if one of the configuration parameters changed bool subdevice_model::draw_stream_selection(std::string& error_message) { bool res = false; std::string label = rsutils::string::from() << "Stream Selection Columns##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME); auto streaming_tooltip = [&]() { if ((!allow_change_resolution_while_streaming && streaming) && ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGui::SetTooltip("Can't modify while streaming"); }; auto col0 = ImGui::GetCursorPosX(); auto col1 = 9.f * (float)config_file::instance().get( configurations::window::font_size ); if (ui.is_multiple_resolutions && !strcmp(s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME), "Stereo Module")) { if (draw_fps_selector) { res |= draw_fps(error_message, label, streaming_tooltip, col0, col1); } if (draw_streams_selector) { if (!streaming) { ImGui::Text("Available Streams:"); } res |= draw_res_stream_formats(error_message, label, streaming_tooltip, col0, col1); } } else { res |= draw_resolutions(error_message, label, streaming_tooltip, col0, col1); if (draw_fps_selector) { res |= draw_fps(error_message, label, streaming_tooltip, col0, col1); } if (draw_streams_selector) { res |= draw_streams_and_formats(error_message, label, streaming_tooltip, col0, col1); } } ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ImGui::GetCursorPosY() + 5); return res; } bool subdevice_model::is_selected_combination_supported() { bool enforce_inter_stream_policies = false; std::vector results = get_selected_profiles(enforce_inter_stream_policies); if (results.size() == 0) return false; // Verify that the number of found matches corrseponds to the number of the requested streams // TODO - review whether the comparison can be made strict (==) return results.size() >= size_t(std::count_if(stream_enabled.begin(), stream_enabled.end(), [](const std::pair& kpv)-> bool { return kpv.second == true; })); } void subdevice_model::update_ui(std::vector profiles_vec) { if (profiles_vec.empty()) return; for (auto& s : stream_enabled) s.second = false; for (auto& p : profiles_vec) { stream_enabled[p.unique_id()] = true; // update format auto format_vec = format_values[p.unique_id()]; for (int i = 0; i < format_vec.size(); i++) { if (format_vec[i] == p.format()) { ui.selected_format_id[p.unique_id()] = i; break; } } // update resolution if (!ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { for (int i = 0; i < res_values.size(); i++) { if (auto vid_prof = p.as()) if (res_values[i].first == vid_prof.width() && res_values[i].second == vid_prof.height()) { ui.selected_res_id = i; break; } } } else { auto res_vec = profile_id_to_res[p.unique_id()]; for (int i = 0; i < res_vec.size(); i++) { if (auto vid_prof = p.as()) if (res_vec[i].first == vid_prof.width() && res_vec[i].second == vid_prof.height()) { ui.selected_res_id_map[p.unique_id()] = i; break; } } } // update fps for (int i = 0; i < shared_fps_values.size(); i++) { if (shared_fps_values[i] == p.fps()) { ui.selected_shared_fps_id = i; break; } } } last_valid_ui = ui; prev_stream_enabled = stream_enabled; // prev differs from curr only after user changes } template bool subdevice_model::check_profile(stream_profile p, T cond, std::map>& profiles_map, std::vector& results, V key, int num_streams, stream_profile& def_p) { bool found = false; if (auto vid_prof = p.as()) { for (auto& s : stream_enabled) { // find profiles that have an enabled stream and match the required condition if (s.second == true && vid_prof.unique_id() == s.first && cond(vid_prof)) { profiles_map[key].insert(std::pair(p.unique_id(), p)); if (profiles_map[key].size() == num_streams) { results.clear(); // make sure only current profiles are saved for (auto& it : profiles_map[key]) results.push_back(it.second); found = true; } else if (results.empty() && num_streams > 1 && profiles_map[key].size() == num_streams - 1) { for (auto& it : profiles_map[key]) results.push_back(it.second); } } else if (!def_p.get() && cond(vid_prof)) def_p = p; // in case no matching profile for current stream will be found, we'll use some profile that matches the condition } } return found; } void subdevice_model::get_sorted_profiles(std::vector& profiles) { auto fps = shared_fps_values[ui.selected_shared_fps_id]; int width = 0; int height = 0; std::vector> selected_resolutions; if (!ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { width = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].first; height = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].second; } else { for (auto it = profile_id_to_res.begin(); it != profile_id_to_res.end(); ++it) { selected_resolutions.push_back(it->second[ui.selected_res_id_map[it->first]]); } } std::sort(profiles.begin(), profiles.end(), [&](stream_profile a, stream_profile b) { int score_a = 0, score_b = 0; if (a.fps() != fps) score_a++; if (b.fps() != fps) score_b++; if (a.format() != format_values[a.unique_id()][ui.selected_format_id[a.unique_id()]]) score_a++; if (b.format() != format_values[b.unique_id()][ui.selected_format_id[b.unique_id()]]) score_b++; auto a_vp = a.as(); auto b_vp = a.as(); if (!a_vp || !b_vp) return score_a < score_b; if (!ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { if (a_vp.width() != width || a_vp.height() != height) score_a++; if (b_vp.width() != width || b_vp.height() != height) score_b++; } else { bool a_same_res_found = false; bool b_same_res_found = false; for (int i = 0; i < selected_resolutions.size(); ++i) { if (a_vp.width() == selected_resolutions[i].first && a_vp.height() == selected_resolutions[i].second) a_same_res_found = true; if (b_vp.width() == selected_resolutions[i].first && b_vp.height() == selected_resolutions[i].second) b_same_res_found = true; } if (!a_same_res_found) score_a++; if (!b_same_res_found) score_b++; } return score_a < score_b; }); } std::vector subdevice_model::get_supported_profiles() { std::vector results; if (!show_single_fps_list || res_values.size() == 0) return results; int num_streams = 0; for (auto& s : stream_enabled) if (s.second == true) num_streams++; stream_profile def_p; auto fps = shared_fps_values[ui.selected_shared_fps_id]; int width = 0; int height = 0; std::vector> selected_resolutions; if (!ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { width = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].first; height = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].second; } else { for (auto it = profile_id_to_res.begin(); it != profile_id_to_res.end(); ++it) { selected_resolutions.push_back(it->second[ui.selected_res_id_map[it->first]]); } } std::vector sorted_profiles = profiles; if (!ui.is_multiple_resolutions && (ui.selected_res_id != last_valid_ui.selected_res_id)) { get_sorted_profiles(sorted_profiles); std::map> profiles_by_fps; for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles) { if (check_profile(p, [&](video_stream_profile vsp) { return (vsp.width() == width && vsp.height() == height); }, profiles_by_fps, results, p.fps(), num_streams, def_p)) break; } } else if (ui.is_multiple_resolutions && (ui.selected_res_id_map != last_valid_ui.selected_res_id_map)) { get_sorted_profiles(sorted_profiles); std::map> profiles_by_fps; for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles) { if (check_profile(p, [&](video_stream_profile vsp) { bool res = false; std::pair cur_res; if (p.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_DEPTH) cur_res = selected_resolutions[0]; else cur_res = selected_resolutions[1]; return (vsp.width() == cur_res.first && vsp.height() == cur_res.second); }, profiles_by_fps, results, p.fps(), num_streams, def_p)) break; } } else if (ui.selected_shared_fps_id != last_valid_ui.selected_shared_fps_id) { get_sorted_profiles(sorted_profiles); std::map, std::map> profiles_by_res; for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles) { if (auto vid_prof = p.as()) { if (check_profile(p, [&](video_stream_profile vsp) { return (vsp.fps() == fps); }, profiles_by_res, results, std::make_tuple(vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height()), num_streams, def_p)) break; } } } else if (ui.selected_format_id != last_valid_ui.selected_format_id) { if (num_streams == 0) { last_valid_ui = ui; return results; } get_sorted_profiles(sorted_profiles); std::vector matching_profiles; std::map, std::map> profiles_by_fps_res; //fps, width, height rs2_format format; int stream_id; // find the stream to which the user made changes for (auto& it : ui.selected_format_id) { if (stream_enabled[it.first]) { auto last_valid_it = last_valid_ui.selected_format_id.find(it.first); if ((last_valid_it == last_valid_ui.selected_format_id.end() || it.second != last_valid_it->second)) { format = format_values[it.first][it.second]; stream_id = it.first; } } } for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles) { if (auto vid_prof = p.as()) if (p.unique_id() == stream_id && p.format() == format) // && stream_enabled[stream_id] { profiles_by_fps_res[std::make_tuple(p.fps(), vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height())].insert(std::pair(p.unique_id(), p)); matching_profiles.push_back(p); if (!def_p.get()) def_p = p; } } // take profiles not in matching_profiles with enabled stream and fps+resolution matching some profile in matching_profiles for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles) { if (auto vid_prof = p.as()) { if (check_profile(p, [&](stream_profile prof) { return (std::find_if(matching_profiles.begin(), matching_profiles.end(), [&](stream_profile sp) { return (stream_id != p.unique_id() && sp.fps() == p.fps() && sp.as().width() == vid_prof.width() && sp.as().height() == vid_prof.height()); }) != matching_profiles.end()); }, profiles_by_fps_res, results, std::make_tuple(p.fps(), vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height()), num_streams, def_p)) break; } } } else if (stream_enabled != prev_stream_enabled) { if (num_streams == 0) return results; get_sorted_profiles(sorted_profiles); std::vector matching_profiles; std::map> profiles_by_format; for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles) { // first try to find profile from the new stream to match the current configuration if (!ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { if (check_profile(p, [&](video_stream_profile vid_prof) { return (p.fps() == fps && vid_prof.width() == width && vid_prof.height() == height); }, profiles_by_format, results, p.format(), num_streams, def_p)) break; } else { if (check_profile(p, [&](video_stream_profile vid_prof) { bool res = false; for (int i = 0; i < selected_resolutions.size(); ++i) { auto cur_res = selected_resolutions[i]; if (p.fps() == fps && vid_prof.width() == cur_res.first && vid_prof.height() == cur_res.second) { res = true; break; } } return res; }, profiles_by_format, results, p.format(), num_streams, def_p)) break; } } if (results.size() < num_streams) { results.clear(); std::map, std::map> profiles_by_fps_res; for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles) { if (auto vid_prof = p.as()) { // if no stream with current configuration was found, try to find some configuration to match all enabled streams if (check_profile(p, [&](video_stream_profile vsp) { return true; }, profiles_by_fps_res, results, std::make_tuple(p.fps(), vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height()), num_streams, def_p)) break; } } } } if (results.empty()) results.push_back(def_p); update_ui(results); return results; } bool subdevice_model::is_ir_calibration_profile() const { // checking format bool is_cal_format = false; // checking that the SKU is D405 - otherwise, this method should return false if (dev.supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID) && !strcmp(dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID), "0B5B")) { for (auto it = stream_enabled.begin(); it != stream_enabled.end(); ++it) { if (it->second) { int selected_format_index = -1; if (ui.selected_format_id.count(it->first) > 0) selected_format_index = ui.selected_format_id.at(it->first); if (format_values.count(it->first) > 0 && selected_format_index > -1) { auto formats = format_values.at(it->first); if (formats.size() > selected_format_index) { auto format = formats[selected_format_index]; if (format == RS2_FORMAT_Y16) { is_cal_format = true; break; } } } } } } return is_cal_format; } std::pair subdevice_model::get_max_resolution(rs2_stream stream) const { if (resolutions_per_stream.count(stream) > 0) return resolutions_per_stream.at(stream).back(); std::stringstream error_message; error_message << "The stream "; error_message << rs2_stream_to_string(stream); error_message << " is not available with this sensor "; error_message << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME); throw std::runtime_error(error_message.str()); } std::vector subdevice_model::get_selected_profiles(bool enforce_inter_stream_policies) { std::vector results; std::stringstream error_message; error_message << "The profile "; bool is_cal_profile = is_ir_calibration_profile(); for (auto&& f : formats) { auto stream = f.first; if (stream_enabled[stream]) { auto format = format_values[stream][ui.selected_format_id[stream]]; auto fps = 0; if (show_single_fps_list) fps = shared_fps_values[ui.selected_shared_fps_id]; else fps = fps_values_per_stream[stream][ui.selected_fps_id[stream]]; for (auto&& p : profiles) { if (auto vid_prof = p.as()) { if (res_values.size() > 0) { int width = 0; int height = 0; std::vector> selected_resolutions; if (!ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { width = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].first; height = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].second; error_message << "\n{" << stream_display_names[stream] << "," << width << "x" << height << " at " << fps << "Hz, " << rs2_format_to_string(format) << "} "; } else { for (auto it = profile_id_to_res.begin(); it != profile_id_to_res.end(); ++it) { selected_resolutions.push_back(it->second[ui.selected_res_id_map[it->first]]); } error_message << "\n{" << stream_display_names[stream] << "," << selected_resolutions[0].first << "x" << selected_resolutions[0].second << " at " << fps << "Hz, " << rs2_format_to_string(format) << "} "; } if (p.unique_id() == stream && p.fps() == fps && p.format() == format) { // permitting to add color stream profile to depth sensor // when infrared calibration is active if (is_cal_profile && p.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_COLOR) { auto max_color_res = get_max_resolution(RS2_STREAM_COLOR); if (vid_prof.width() == max_color_res.first && vid_prof.height() == max_color_res.second) results.push_back(p); } else { if (!ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { if (vid_prof.width() == width && vid_prof.height() == height) results.push_back(p); } else { std::pair cur_res; if (p.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_DEPTH) cur_res = selected_resolutions[0]; else cur_res = selected_resolutions[1]; if (vid_prof.width() == cur_res.first && vid_prof.height() == cur_res.second) results.push_back(p); } } } } } else { error_message << "\n{" << stream_display_names[stream] << ", at " << fps << "Hz, " << rs2_format_to_string(format) << "} "; if (p.fps() == fps && p.unique_id() == stream && p.format() == format) results.push_back(p); } } } } if (results.size() == 0 && enforce_inter_stream_policies) { error_message << " is unsupported!"; throw std::runtime_error(error_message.str()); } return results; } void subdevice_model::stop(std::shared_ptr not_model) { if (not_model) not_model->add_log("Stopping streaming"); streaming = false; _pause = false; if (ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { int depth_res_id, ir1_res_id, ir2_res_id; get_depth_ir_mismatch_resolutions_ids(depth_res_id, ir1_res_id, ir2_res_id); streaming_map[depth_res_id] = false; streaming_map[ir1_res_id] = false; streaming_map[ir2_res_id] = false; } if (profiles[0].stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_COLOR) { std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock(detected_objects->mutex); detected_objects->clear(); detected_objects->sensor_is_on = false; } else if (profiles[0].stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_DEPTH) { viewer.disable_measurements(); } s->stop(); _options_invalidated = true; queues.foreach([&](frame_queue& q) { frame f; while (q.poll_for_frame(&f)); }); s->close(); } bool subdevice_model::is_paused() const { return _pause.load(); } void subdevice_model::pause() { _pause = true; } void subdevice_model::resume() { _pause = false; } //The function decides if specific frame should be sent to the syncer bool subdevice_model::is_synchronized_frame(viewer_model& viewer, const frame& f) { if (!viewer.is_3d_view || viewer.is_3d_depth_source(f) || viewer.is_3d_texture_source(f)) return true; return false; } void subdevice_model::play(const std::vector& profiles, viewer_model& viewer, std::shared_ptr syncer) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Starting streaming of "; for (size_t i = 0; i < profiles.size(); i++) { ss << profiles[i].stream_type(); if (i < profiles.size() - 1) ss << ", "; } ss << "..."; viewer.not_model->add_log(ss.str()); s->open(profiles); try { s->start([&, syncer](frame f) { // The condition here must match the condition inside render_loop()! if (viewer.synchronization_enable) { syncer->invoke(f); } else { auto id = f.get_profile().unique_id(); viewer.ppf.frames_queue[id].enqueue(f); on_frame(); } }); } catch (...) { s->close(); throw; } _options_invalidated = true; streaming = true; if (ui.is_multiple_resolutions) { int depth_res_id, ir1_res_id, ir2_res_id; get_depth_ir_mismatch_resolutions_ids(depth_res_id, ir1_res_id, ir2_res_id); streaming_map[depth_res_id] = true; streaming_map[ir1_res_id] = true; streaming_map[ir2_res_id] = true; } if (s->is< color_sensor >()) { std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock(detected_objects->mutex); detected_objects->sensor_is_on = true; } } void subdevice_model::update(std::string& error_message, notifications_model& notifications) { if (_options_invalidated) { next_option = 0; _options_invalidated = false; save_processing_block_to_config_file("colorizer", depth_colorizer); save_processing_block_to_config_file("yuy2rgb", yuy2rgb); save_processing_block_to_config_file("y411", y411); for (auto&& pbm : post_processing) pbm->save_to_config_file(); } if (next_option < supported_options.size()) { auto next = supported_options[next_option]; if (options_metadata.find(static_cast(next)) != options_metadata.end()) { auto& opt_md = options_metadata[static_cast(next)]; opt_md.update_all_fields(error_message, notifications); if (next == RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE) { auto old_ae_enabled = auto_exposure_enabled; auto_exposure_enabled = opt_md.value->as_float > 0; if (!old_ae_enabled && auto_exposure_enabled) { try { if (s->is()) { auto r = s->as().get_region_of_interest(); roi_rect.x = static_cast(r.min_x); roi_rect.y = static_cast(r.min_y); roi_rect.w = static_cast(r.max_x - r.min_x); roi_rect.h = static_cast(r.max_y - r.min_y); } } catch (...) { auto_exposure_enabled = false; } } } if (next == RS2_OPTION_DEPTH_UNITS) { opt_md.dev->depth_units = opt_md.value->as_float; } if (next == RS2_OPTION_STEREO_BASELINE) opt_md.dev->stereo_baseline = opt_md.value->as_float; } next_option++; } } void subdevice_model::draw_options(const std::vector& drawing_order, bool update_read_only_options, std::string& error_message, notifications_model& notifications) { for (auto& opt : drawing_order) { draw_option(opt, update_read_only_options, error_message, notifications); } for (auto i = 0; i < RS2_OPTION_COUNT; i++) { auto opt = static_cast(i); if (viewer.is_option_skipped(opt)) continue; if (std::find(drawing_order.begin(), drawing_order.end(), opt) == drawing_order.end()) { draw_option(opt, update_read_only_options, error_message, notifications); } } } uint64_t subdevice_model::num_supported_non_default_options() const { return (uint64_t)std::count_if( std::begin(options_metadata), std::end(options_metadata), [&](const std::pair& p) {return p.second.supported && !viewer.is_option_skipped(p.second.opt); }); } bool subdevice_model::supports_on_chip_calib() { bool is_d400 = s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_LINE) ? std::string(s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_LINE)) == "D400" : false; std::string fw_version = s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_FIRMWARE_VERSION) ? s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_FIRMWARE_VERSION) : ""; bool supported_fw = s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_FIRMWARE_VERSION) ? is_upgradeable("", fw_version) : false; return s->is() && is_d400 && supported_fw; // TODO: Once auto-calib makes it into the API, switch to querying camera info } void subdevice_model::get_depth_ir_mismatch_resolutions_ids(int& depth_res_id, int& ir1_res_id, int& ir2_res_id) const { auto it = profile_id_to_res.begin(); if (it != profile_id_to_res.end()) { depth_res_id = it->first; if (++it != profile_id_to_res.end()) { ir1_res_id = it->first; if (++it != profile_id_to_res.end()) { ir2_res_id = it->first; } } } } }