// License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory. // Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. #include "rs-dds-sniffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace TCLAP; using namespace eprosima::fastdds::dds; using namespace eprosima::fastrtps::types; // FastDDS GUID_t: (MSB first, little-endian; see GuidUtils.hpp) // 2 bytes - vendor ID // 2 bytes - host // 4 bytes - process (2 pid, 2 random) // 4 bytes - participant // 4 bytes - entity ID (reader/writer) // For example: // Participant 1 - 01.0f.be.05.f0.09.86.b6.|0.0.1.c1 // Writer under participant 1 - 01.0f.be.05.f0.09.86.b6.| // Participant 2 of same process - 01.0f.be.05.f0.09.86.b6.|0.0.1.c1 // Reader under participant 2 - 01.0f.be.05.f0.09.86.b6.| // Participant 3 other process - 01.0f.be.05.88.50.ea.4a.|0.0.1.c1 // Note same host for all, participant and entity IDs may be repeat for different processes // To differentiate entities of different participant with same name we append process GUID values to the name constexpr uint8_t GUID_PROCESS_LOCATION = 4; static eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::GuidPrefix_t std_prefix; static inline realdds::print_guid print_guid( realdds::dds_guid const & guid ) { return realdds::print_guid( guid, std_prefix ); } int main( int argc, char ** argv ) try { realdds::dds_domain_id domain = -1; // from settings; default to 0 uint32_t seconds = 0; CmdLine cmd( "librealsense rs-dds-sniffer tool", ' ' ); SwitchArg snapshot_arg( "s", "snapshot", "run momentarily taking a snapshot of the domain" ); SwitchArg machine_readable_arg( "m", "machine-readable", "output entities in a way more suitable for automatic parsing" ); SwitchArg topic_samples_arg( "t", "topic-samples", "register to topics that send TypeObject and print their samples" ); SwitchArg debug_arg( "", "debug", "Enable debug logging", false ); SwitchArg participants_arg( "", "participants", "Show participants and quit; implies --snapshot", false ); ValueArg< realdds::dds_domain_id > domain_arg( "d", "domain", "select domain ID to listen on", false, 0, "0-232" ); ValueArg< std::string > root_arg( "r", "root", "filter anything not inside this root path", false, "", "" ); cmd.add( snapshot_arg ); cmd.add( machine_readable_arg ); cmd.add( topic_samples_arg ); cmd.add( domain_arg ); cmd.add( debug_arg ); cmd.add( participants_arg ); cmd.add( root_arg ); cmd.parse( argc, argv ); bool participants = participants_arg.isSet(); bool machine_readable = machine_readable_arg.isSet(); bool topic_samples = topic_samples_arg.isSet(); bool snapshot = snapshot_arg.isSet() || participants; // Intercept DDS messages and redirect them to our own logging mechanism rsutils::configure_elpp_logger( debug_arg.isSet() ); eprosima::fastdds::dds::Log::ClearConsumers(); eprosima::fastdds::dds::Log::RegisterConsumer( realdds::log_consumer::create() ); if( snapshot ) { seconds = participants ? 1 : 3; // don't need as much time to detect participants } if( domain_arg.isSet() ) { domain = domain_arg.getValue(); if( domain > 232 ) { LOG_ERROR( "Invalid domain value, enter a value in the range [0, 232]" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } dds_sniffer sniffer; sniffer.print_discoveries( ! snapshot ); sniffer.print_by_topics( snapshot && ! participants ); sniffer.print_machine_readable( machine_readable ); sniffer.print_topic_samples( topic_samples && ! snapshot ); sniffer.set_root( root_arg.getValue() ); if( ! sniffer.init( domain ) ) { LOG_ERROR( "Initialization failure" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std_prefix = sniffer.get_participant().guid().guidPrefix; if( ! machine_readable && ! snapshot ) { std::cout << "rs-dds-sniffer listening on domain " << domain; std::cout << " (press Ctrl+C to stop)"; std::cout << std::endl; } if( ! snapshot ) { // Wait until user presses Ctrl+C std::cin.ignore( std::numeric_limits< std::streamsize >::max() ); } else { // We need to allow enough time to pick up all participants, writers, etc. -- it takes time std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds( seconds ) ); } if( participants ) { sniffer.print_participants(); } else if( snapshot ) { if( machine_readable ) sniffer.print_topics_machine_readable(); else sniffer.print_topics(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } catch( const TCLAP::ExitException & ) { LOG_ERROR( "Undefined exception while parsing command line arguments" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch( const TCLAP::ArgException & e ) { LOG_ERROR( e.what() ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch( const std::exception & e ) { LOG_ERROR( e.what() ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } dds_sniffer::dds_sniffer() : _participant() , _reader_listener( _discovered_types_datas ) { } dds_sniffer::~dds_sniffer() { for( const auto & it : _discovered_types_readers ) { DDS_API_CALL_NO_THROW( _discovered_types_subscriber->delete_datareader( it.first ) ); // If not empty than _discovered_types_subscriber != nullptr DDS_API_CALL_NO_THROW( _participant.get()->delete_topic( it.second ) ); } if( _discovered_types_subscriber != nullptr ) { DDS_API_CALL_NO_THROW( _participant.get()->delete_subscriber( _discovered_types_subscriber ) ); } _discovered_types_readers.clear(); _discovered_types_datas.clear(); } static rsutils::json load_settings( rsutils::json const & local_settings ) { // Load the realsense configuration file settings std::string const filename = rsutils::os::get_special_folder( rsutils::os::special_folder::app_data ) + "realsense-config.json"; auto config = rsutils::json_config::load_from_file( filename ); // Take just the 'context' part config = rsutils::json_config::load_settings( config, "context", "config-file" ); // Take the "dds" settings only config = config.nested( "dds" ); // We should always have DDS enabled if( config.is_object() ) config.erase( "enabled" ); // Patch the given local settings into the configuration config.override( local_settings, "local settings" ); return config; } bool dds_sniffer::init( realdds::dds_domain_id domain ) { // Set callbacks before calling _participant.init(), or some events, specifically on_participant_added, might get lost _participant.create_listener( &_listener ) ->on_writer_added( [this]( realdds::dds_guid guid, char const * topic_name ) { on_writer_added( guid, topic_name ); } ) ->on_writer_removed( [this]( realdds::dds_guid guid, char const * topic_name ) { on_writer_removed( guid, topic_name ); } ) ->on_reader_added( [this]( realdds::dds_guid guid, char const * topic_name ) { on_reader_added( guid, topic_name ); } ) ->on_reader_removed( [this]( realdds::dds_guid guid, char const * topic_name ) { on_reader_removed( guid, topic_name ); } ) ->on_participant_added( [this]( realdds::dds_guid guid, char const * participant_name ) { on_participant_added( guid, participant_name ); } ) ->on_participant_removed( [this]( realdds::dds_guid guid, char const * participant_name ) { on_participant_removed( guid, participant_name ); } ) ->on_type_discovery( [this]( char const * topic_name, DynamicType_ptr dyn_type ) { on_type_discovery( topic_name, dyn_type ); } ); rsutils::json settings( rsutils::json::object() ); settings = load_settings( settings ); _participant.init( domain, rsutils::os::executable_name(), std::move( settings ) ); return _participant.is_valid(); } static bool filter_topic( std::string const & topic, std::string const & root ) { if( root.empty() ) return false; if( 0 == strncmp( topic.data(), root.data(), root.length() ) ) return false; if( 0 == strncmp( topic.data(), "rt/", 3 ) && 0 == strncmp( topic.data() + 3, root.data(), root.length() ) ) return false; return true; } void dds_sniffer::on_writer_added( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * topic_name ) { if( _print_discoveries ) { print_writer_discovered( guid, topic_name, true ); } save_topic_writer( guid, topic_name ); } void dds_sniffer::on_writer_removed( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * topic_name ) { if( _print_discoveries ) { print_writer_discovered( guid, topic_name, false ); } remove_topic_writer( guid, topic_name ); } void dds_sniffer::on_reader_added( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * topic_name ) { if( _print_discoveries ) { print_reader_discovered( guid, topic_name, true ); } save_topic_reader( guid, topic_name ); } void dds_sniffer::on_reader_removed( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * topic_name ) { if( _print_discoveries ) { print_reader_discovered( guid, topic_name, false ); } remove_topic_reader( guid, topic_name ); } void dds_sniffer::on_participant_added( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * participant_name ) { if( _print_discoveries ) { print_participant_discovered( guid, participant_name, true ); } std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( _dds_entities_lock ); _discovered_participants[guid] = participant_name; } void dds_sniffer::on_participant_removed( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * participant_name ) { if( _print_discoveries ) { print_participant_discovered( guid, participant_name, false ); } std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( _dds_entities_lock ); _discovered_participants.erase( guid ); } void dds_sniffer::on_type_discovery( char const * topic_name, DynamicType_ptr dyn_type ) { if( ! _print_by_topics ) { // Register type with participant TypeSupport type_support( DDS_API_CALL( new DynamicPubSubType( dyn_type ) ) ); DDS_API_CALL( type_support.register_type( _participant.get() ) ); std::cout << "Discovered topic '" << topic_name << "' of type '" << type_support->getName() << "'" << std::endl; if( _print_topic_samples ) { // Create subscriber, topic and reader to receive instances of this topic if( _discovered_types_subscriber == nullptr ) { _discovered_types_subscriber = DDS_API_CALL( _participant.get()->create_subscriber( SUBSCRIBER_QOS_DEFAULT, nullptr ) ); if( _discovered_types_subscriber == nullptr ) { LOG_ERROR( "Cannot create subscriber for discovered type '" << topic_name ); return; } } Topic * topic = DDS_API_CALL( _participant.get()->create_topic( topic_name, type_support->getName(), TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT ) ); if( topic == nullptr ) { LOG_ERROR( "Cannot create topic for discovered type '" << topic_name ); return; } StatusMask sub_mask = StatusMask::subscription_matched() << StatusMask::data_available(); DataReaderQos rqos = DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT; rqos.endpoint().history_memory_policy = eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE; DataReader * reader = DDS_API_CALL( _discovered_types_subscriber->create_datareader( topic, rqos, &_reader_listener, sub_mask ) ); if( reader == nullptr ) { LOG_ERROR( "Cannot create reader for discovered type '" << topic_name ); DDS_API_CALL( _participant.get()->delete_topic( topic ) ); return; } _discovered_types_readers[reader] = topic; DynamicData_ptr data( DDS_API_CALL( DynamicDataFactory::get_instance()->create_data( dyn_type ) ) ); _discovered_types_datas[reader] = data; } } } dds_sniffer::dds_reader_listener::dds_reader_listener( std::map< DataReader *, DynamicData_ptr > & datas ) : _datas( datas ) { } void dds_sniffer::dds_reader_listener::on_data_available( DataReader * reader ) { const TopicDescription * topic_desc = DDS_API_CALL( reader->get_topicdescription() ); std::cout << "Received topic " << topic_desc->get_name() << " of type " << topic_desc->get_type_name() << std::endl; auto dit = _datas.find( reader ); if( dit != _datas.end() ) { DynamicData_ptr data = dit->second; SampleInfo info; if( DDS_API_CALL( reader->take_next_sample( data.get(), &info ) ) == ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_OK ) { if( info.valid_data ) { DynamicDataHelper::print( data ); } } } } void dds_sniffer::dds_reader_listener::on_subscription_matched( DataReader * reader, const SubscriptionMatchedStatus & info ) { if( info.current_count_change == 1 ) { LOG_DEBUG( "Subscriber matched by reader " << print_guid( reader->guid() ) ); } else if( info.current_count_change == -1 ) { LOG_DEBUG( "Subscriber unmatched by reader " << print_guid( reader->guid() ) ); } else { LOG_ERROR( info.current_count_change << " is not a valid value for SubscriptionMatchedStatus current count change" ); } } void dds_sniffer::save_topic_writer( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * topic_name ) { std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( _dds_entities_lock ); _topics_info_by_name[topic_name].writers.insert( guid ); } void dds_sniffer::remove_topic_writer( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * topic_name ) { std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( _dds_entities_lock ); auto topic_entry = _topics_info_by_name.find( topic_name ); if( topic_entry != _topics_info_by_name.end() ) { topic_entry->second.writers.erase( guid ); if( topic_entry->second.writers.empty() && topic_entry->second.readers.empty() ) { _topics_info_by_name.erase( topic_entry ); } } } void dds_sniffer::save_topic_reader( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * topic_name ) { std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( _dds_entities_lock ); _topics_info_by_name[topic_name].readers.insert( guid ); } void dds_sniffer::remove_topic_reader( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * topic_name ) { std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( _dds_entities_lock ); auto topic_entry = _topics_info_by_name.find( topic_name ); if( topic_entry != _topics_info_by_name.end() ) { topic_entry->second.readers.erase( guid ); if( topic_entry->second.writers.empty() && topic_entry->second.readers.empty() ) { _topics_info_by_name.erase( topic_entry ); } } } uint32_t dds_sniffer::calc_max_indentation() const { uint32_t indentation = 0; uint32_t max_indentation = 0; for( auto & topic : _topics_info_by_name ) //_dds_entities_lock locked by print_topics() { if( filter_topic( topic.first, _root ) ) continue; // Use / as delimiter for nested topic names indentation = static_cast< uint32_t >( std::count( topic.first.begin(), topic.first.end(), '/' ) ); if( indentation >= max_indentation ) { max_indentation = indentation + 1; //+1 for Reader/Writer indentation } } return max_indentation; } void dds_sniffer::print_writer_discovered( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * topic_name, bool discovered ) const { if( filter_topic( topic_name, _root ) ) return; if( _print_machine_readable ) { std::cout << "DataWriter," << print_guid( guid ) << "," << topic_name << ( discovered ? ",discovered" : ",removed" ) << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "DataWriter " << print_guid( guid ) << " publishing topic '" << topic_name << ( discovered ? "' discovered" : "' removed" ) << std::endl; } } void dds_sniffer::print_reader_discovered( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * topic_name, bool discovered ) const { if( filter_topic( topic_name, _root ) ) return; if( _print_machine_readable ) { std::cout << "DataReader," << print_guid( guid ) << "," << topic_name << ( discovered ? ",discovered" : ",removed" ) << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "DataReader " << print_guid( guid ) << " reading topic '" << topic_name << ( discovered ? "' discovered" : "' removed" ) << std::endl; } } void dds_sniffer::print_participant_discovered( realdds::dds_guid guid, const char * participant_name, bool discovered ) const { if( _print_machine_readable ) { std::cout << "Participant," << print_guid( guid ) << "," << participant_name << ( discovered ? ",discovered" : ",removed" ) << std::endl; } else { //prefix_.value[4] = static_cast( pid & 0xFF ); //prefix_.value[5] = static_cast( ( pid >> 8 ) & 0xFF ); uint16_t pid = guid.guidPrefix.value[GUID_PROCESS_LOCATION] + ( guid.guidPrefix.value[GUID_PROCESS_LOCATION + 1] << 8 ); std::cout << "Participant " << print_guid( guid ) << " '" << participant_name << "' (" << std::hex << pid << std::dec << ") " << ( discovered ? " discovered" : " removed" ) << std::endl; } } void dds_sniffer::print_topics_machine_readable() const { std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( _dds_entities_lock ); for( auto & topic : _topics_info_by_name ) { if( filter_topic( topic.first, _root ) ) continue; for( auto & writer : topic.second.writers ) { std::cout << topic.first << ","; print_topic_writer( writer ); } for( auto & reader : topic.second.readers ) { std::cout << topic.first << ","; print_topic_reader( reader ); } } } void dds_sniffer::print_topics() const { std::istringstream last_topic( "" ); std::string last_topic_nested; std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock( _dds_entities_lock ); uint32_t max_indentation( calc_max_indentation() ); for( auto & topic : _topics_info_by_name ) { if( filter_topic( topic.first, _root ) ) continue; std::cout << std::endl; std::istringstream current_topic( topic.first ); // Get topic name std::string current_topic_nested; uint32_t indentation = 0; // Compare to previous topic while( std::getline( last_topic, last_topic_nested, '/' ) ) // Use / as delimiter for nested topic names { if( std::getline( current_topic, current_topic_nested, '/' ) ) { if( current_topic_nested.compare( last_topic_nested ) == 0 ) { ++indentation; // Skip parts that are same as previous topic } else { ident( indentation ); std::cout << current_topic_nested << std::endl; ++indentation; break; } } } // Print remainder of string while( std::getline( current_topic, current_topic_nested, '/' ) ) { ident( indentation ); std::cout << current_topic_nested << std::endl; ++indentation; } for( auto & writer : topic.second.writers ) { print_topic_writer( writer, max_indentation ); } for( auto & reader : topic.second.readers ) { print_topic_reader( reader, max_indentation ); } last_topic.clear(); last_topic.str( topic.first ); // Save topic name for next iteration last_topic.seekg( 0, last_topic.beg ); } } void dds_sniffer::print_participants( bool with_guids ) const { for( auto & guid2name : _discovered_participants ) { std::cout << guid2name.second; if( with_guids ) std::cout << ' ' << realdds::print_raw_guid( guid2name.first ); std::cout << std::endl; } } void dds_sniffer::ident( uint32_t indentation ) const { while( indentation > 0 ) { std::cout << " "; --indentation; } std::cout << "- "; } void dds_sniffer::print_topic_writer( realdds::dds_guid guid, uint32_t indentation ) const { auto iter = _discovered_participants.begin(); for( ; iter != _discovered_participants.end(); ++iter ) //_dds_entities_lock locked by caller { if( iter->first.guidPrefix == guid.guidPrefix ) { if( _print_machine_readable ) { std::cout << "Writer," << realdds::dds_participant::name_from_guid( iter->first ) << std::endl; } else { ident( indentation ); std::cout << "Writer of \"" << realdds::dds_participant::name_from_guid( iter->first ) << "\"" << std::endl; } break; } } if( iter == _discovered_participants.end() ) { ident( indentation ); std::cout << "Writer of unknown participant" << std::endl; } } void dds_sniffer::print_topic_reader( realdds::dds_guid guid, uint32_t indentation ) const { auto iter = _discovered_participants.begin(); for( ; iter != _discovered_participants.end(); ++iter ) //_dds_entities_lock locked by caller { if( iter->first.guidPrefix == guid.guidPrefix ) { if( _print_machine_readable ) { std::cout << "Reader," << realdds::dds_participant::name_from_guid( iter->first ) << std::endl; } else { ident( indentation ); std::cout << "Reader of \"" << realdds::dds_participant::name_from_guid( iter->first ) << "\"" << std::endl; } break; } } if( iter == _discovered_participants.end() ) { ident( indentation ); std::cout << "Reader of unknown participant" << std::endl; } }