# License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory. # Copyright(c) 2024 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. #test:donotrun:!dds #test:retries:gha 2 from rspy import log, test import pyrealdds as dds dds.debug( log.is_debug_on() ) device_info = dds.message.device_info() device_info.topic_root = 'server/device' with test.remote.fork( nested_indent=None ) as remote: if remote is None: # we're the fork with test.closure( 'Start the server participant' ): participant = dds.participant() participant.init( 123, 'server' ) with test.closure( 'Create the server' ): device_info.name = 'Some device' s1 = dds.color_stream_server( 's1', 'sensor' ) s1.init_profiles( [ dds.video_stream_profile( 9, dds.video_encoding.rgb, 10, 10 ) ], 0 ) s1.init_options( [ dds.option.from_json( ['Backlight Compensation', 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 'Backlight custom description'] ), dds.option.from_json( ['Custom Option', 0.5, 0, 1, 0.1, 0.5, 'Something'] ), dds.option.from_json( ['Option 3', 25., 0, 50, 1, 25, 'Something Else'] ) ] ) s2 = dds.depth_stream_server( 's2', 'sensor' ) s2.init_profiles( [ dds.video_stream_profile( 27, dds.video_encoding.z16, 100, 100 ) ], 0 ) s2.init_options( [ dds.option.from_json( ['s2 option', 123, 'read-only integer'] ) ] ) server = dds.device_server( participant, device_info.topic_root ) server.init( [s1, s2], [ dds.option.from_json( ['IP Address', '', None, 'IP', ['optional', 'IPv4']] ) ], {} ) raise StopIteration() # exit the 'with' statement ############################################################################################################### # The client is a device from which we send controls # from dds import wait_for_devices with test.closure( 'Start the client participant' ): participant = dds.participant() participant.init( 123, 'client' ) with test.closure( 'Wait for the device' ): device_info.name = 'Device1' device = dds.device( participant, device_info ) device.wait_until_ready() with test.closure( 'Query single option, option-name: "Option 3"' ): reply = device.send_control( { 'id': 'query-option', 'stream-name': 's1', 'option-name': 'Option 3' }, True ) # Wait for reply test.info( 'reply', reply ) test.check_equal( reply.get( 'value' ), 25. ) with test.closure( 'Option names are case-sensitive' ): test.check_throws( lambda: device.send_control( { 'id': 'query-option', 'stream-name': 's1', 'option-name': 'custom option' }, True ), # Wait for reply RuntimeError, '["query-option" error] \'s1\' option \'custom option\' not found' ) with test.closure( 'Query all options in a stream' ): reply = device.send_control( { 'id': 'query-options', 'stream-name': 's1' }, True ) # Wait for reply test.info( 'reply', reply ) values = reply.get( 'option-values' ) if test.check( values ): if test.check_equal( len(values), 1 ): values = values.get( 's1' ) if test.check( values ): test.check_equal( len(values), 3 ) test.check_equal( type(values), dict ) with test.closure( 'Query all options in the device', on_fail=test.RAISE ): reply = device.send_control( { 'id': 'query-options', 'stream-name': '' }, True ) # Wait for reply test.info( 'reply', reply ) values = reply.get( 'option-values' ) test.check( values ) test.check_equal( len(values), 1 ) # 1 device option test.check_equal( type(values), dict ) test.check( values.get( 'IP Address' ) ) with test.closure( 'Query all options in the sensor', on_fail=test.RAISE ): reply = device.send_control( { 'id': 'query-options', 'sensor-name': 'sensor' }, True ) # Wait for reply test.info( 'reply', reply ) values = reply.get( 'option-values' ) test.check( values ) test.check_equal( len(values), 2 ) test.check_equal( type(values), dict ) test.check_equal( len( values.get( 's1' )), 3 ) test.check_equal( len( values.get( 's2' )), 1 ) with test.closure( 'Query all options, everywhere', on_fail=test.RAISE ): reply = device.send_control( { 'id': 'query-options' }, True ) # Wait for reply test.info( 'reply', reply ) values = reply.get( 'option-values' ) test.check( values ) test.check_equal( len(values), 3 ) test.check_equal( type(values), dict ) test.check( values.get( 'IP Address' ) ) test.check_equal( len( values.get( 's1' )), 3 ) test.check_equal( len( values.get( 's2' )), 1 ) device = None test.print_results()