#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import sys import json import ctypes import os import binascii import struct import pyrealsense2 as rs import ctypes import time import enum import threading is_data = None get_key = None if os.name == 'posix': import select import tty import termios is_data = lambda : select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0) == ([sys.stdin], [], []) get_key = lambda : sys.stdin.read(1) elif os.name == 'nt': import msvcrt is_data = msvcrt.kbhit get_key = lambda : msvcrt.getch() else: raise Exception('Unsupported OS: %s' % os.name) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: input = raw_input max_float = struct.unpack('f',b'\xff\xff\xff\xff')[0] max_int = struct.unpack('i',b'\xff\xff\xff\xff')[0] max_uint8 = struct.unpack('B', b'\xff')[0] g = 9.80665 # SI Gravity page 52 of https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication330e2008.pdf COLOR_RED = "\033[1;31m" COLOR_BLUE = "\033[1;34m" COLOR_CYAN = "\033[1;36m" COLOR_GREEN = "\033[0;32m" COLOR_RESET = "\033[0;0m" COLOR_BOLD = "\033[;1m" COLOR_REVERSE = "\033[;7m" def int_to_bytes(num, length=4, order='big'): res = bytearray(length) for i in range(length): res[i] = num & 0xff num >>= 8 if num: raise OverflowError("Number {} doesn't fit into {} bytes.".format(num, length)) if order == 'little': res.reverse() return res def bytes_to_uint(bytes_array, order='little'): bytes_array = list(bytes_array) bytes_array.reverse() if order == 'little': return struct.unpack('>i', struct.pack('BBBB', *([0] * (4 - len(bytes_array))) + bytes_array))[0] & 0xffffffff else: return struct.unpack('>i', struct.pack('BBBB', *([0] * (4 - len(bytes_array))) + bytes_array))[0] & 0xffffffff class imu_wrapper: class Status(enum.Enum): idle = 0, rotate = 1, wait_to_stable = 2, collect_data = 3 def __init__(self): self.pipeline = None self.imu_sensor = None self.status = self.Status(self.Status.idle) # 0 - idle, 1 - rotate to position, 2 - wait to stable, 3 - pick data self.thread = threading.Condition() self.step_start_time = time.time() self.time_to_stable = 3 self.time_to_collect = 2 self.samples_to_collect = 1000 self.rotating_threshold = 0.1 self.moving_threshold_factor = 0.1 self.collected_data_gyro = [] self.collected_data_accel = [] self.callback_lock = threading.Lock() self.max_norm = np.linalg.norm(np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])) self.line_length = 20 self.is_done = False self.is_data = False def escape_handler(self): self.thread.acquire() self.status = self.Status.idle self.is_done = True self.thread.notify() self.thread.release() sys.exit(-1) def imu_callback(self, frame): if not self.is_data: self.is_data = True with self.callback_lock: try: if is_data(): c = get_key() if c == '\x1b': # x1b is ESC self.escape_handler() if self.status == self.Status.idle: return pr = frame.get_profile() data = frame.as_motion_frame().get_motion_data() data_np = np.array([data.x, data.y, data.z]) elapsed_time = time.time() - self.step_start_time ## Status.collect_data if self.status == self.Status.collect_data: sys.stdout.write('\r %15s' % self.status) part_done = len(self.collected_data_accel) / float(self.samples_to_collect) # sys.stdout.write(': %-3.1f (secs)' % (self.time_to_collect - elapsed_time)) color = COLOR_GREEN if pr.stream_type() == rs.stream.gyro: self.collected_data_gyro.append(np.append(frame.get_timestamp(), data_np)) is_moving = any(abs(data_np) > self.rotating_threshold) else: is_in_norm = np.linalg.norm(data_np - self.crnt_bucket) < self.max_norm if is_in_norm: self.collected_data_accel.append(np.append(frame.get_timestamp(), data_np)) else: color = COLOR_RED is_moving = abs(np.linalg.norm(data_np) - g) / g > self.moving_threshold_factor sys.stdout.write(color) sys.stdout.write('['+'.'*int(part_done*self.line_length)+' '*int((1-part_done)*self.line_length) + ']') sys.stdout.write(COLOR_RESET) if is_moving: print('WARNING: MOVING') self.status = self.Status.rotate return # if elapsed_time > self.time_to_collect: if part_done >= 1: self.status = self.Status.collect_data sys.stdout.write('\n\nDirection data collected.') self.thread.acquire() self.status = self.Status.idle self.thread.notify() self.thread.release() return if pr.stream_type() == rs.stream.gyro: return sys.stdout.write('\r %15s' % self.status) crnt_dir = np.array(data_np) / np.linalg.norm(data_np) crnt_diff = self.crnt_direction - crnt_dir is_in_norm = np.linalg.norm(data_np - self.crnt_bucket) < self.max_norm ## Status.rotate if self.status == self.Status.rotate: sys.stdout.write(': %35s' % (np.array2string(crnt_diff, precision=4, suppress_small=True))) sys.stdout.write(': %35s' % (np.array2string(abs(crnt_diff) < 0.1))) if is_in_norm: self.status = self.Status.wait_to_stable sys.stdout.write('\r'+' '*90) self.step_start_time = time.time() return ## Status.wait_to_stable if self.status == self.Status.wait_to_stable: sys.stdout.write(': %-3.1f (secs)' % (self.time_to_stable - elapsed_time)) if not is_in_norm: self.status = self.Status.rotate return if elapsed_time > self.time_to_stable: self.collected_data_gyro = [] self.collected_data_accel = [] self.status = self.Status.collect_data self.step_start_time = time.time() return return except Exception as e: print('ERROR?' + str(e)) self.thread.acquire() self.status = self.Status.idle self.thread.notify() self.thread.release() def get_measurements(self, buckets, bucket_labels): measurements = [] print('-------------------------') print('*** Press ESC to Quit ***') print('-------------------------') for bucket,bucket_label in zip(buckets, bucket_labels): self.crnt_bucket = np.array(bucket) self.crnt_direction = np.array(bucket) / np.linalg.norm(np.array(bucket)) print('\nAlign to direction: ', self.crnt_direction, ' ', bucket_label) self.status = self.Status.rotate self.thread.acquire() while (not self.is_done and self.status != self.Status.idle): self.thread.wait(3) if not self.is_data: raise Exception('No IMU data. Check connectivity.') if self.is_done: raise Exception('User Abort.') measurements.append(np.array(self.collected_data_accel)) return np.array(measurements), np.array(self.collected_data_gyro) def enable_imu_device(self, serial_no): self.pipeline = rs.pipeline() cfg = rs.config() cfg.enable_device(serial_no) try: self.pipeline.start(cfg) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: ', str(e)) return False # self.sync_imu_by_this_stream = rs.stream.any active_imu_profiles = [] active_profiles = dict() self.imu_sensor = None for sensor in self.pipeline.get_active_profile().get_device().sensors: for pr in sensor.get_stream_profiles(): if pr.stream_type() == rs.stream.gyro and pr.format() == rs.format.motion_xyz32f: active_profiles[pr.stream_type()] = pr self.imu_sensor = sensor if pr.stream_type() == rs.stream.accel and pr.format() == rs.format.motion_xyz32f: active_profiles[pr.stream_type()] = pr self.imu_sensor = sensor if self.imu_sensor: break if not self.imu_sensor: print('No IMU sensor found.') return False print('\n'.join(['FOUND %s with fps=%s' % (str(ap[0]).split('.')[1].upper(), ap[1].fps()) for ap in active_profiles.items()])) active_imu_profiles = list(active_profiles.values()) if len(active_imu_profiles) < 2: print('Not all IMU streams found.') return False self.imu_sensor.stop() self.imu_sensor.close() self.imu_sensor.open(active_imu_profiles) self.imu_start_loop_time = time.time() self.imu_sensor.start(self.imu_callback) # Make the device use the original IMU values and not already calibrated: if self.imu_sensor.supports(rs.option.enable_motion_correction): self.imu_sensor.set_option(rs.option.enable_motion_correction, 0) return True class CHeader: def __init__(self, version, table_type): self.buffer = np.ones(16, dtype=np.uint8) * 255 self.buffer[0] = int(version[0], 16) self.buffer[1] = int(version[1], 16) self.buffer.dtype=np.uint16 self.buffer[1] = int(table_type, 16) def size(self): return 16 def set_data_size(self, size): self.buffer.dtype=np.uint32 self.buffer[1] = size def set_crc32(self, crc32): self.buffer.dtype=np.uint32 self.buffer[3] = crc32 % (1<<32) # convert from signed to unsigned 32 bit def get_buffer(self): self.buffer.dtype=np.uint8 return self.buffer def bitwise_int_to_float(ival): return struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('i', ival))[0] def bitwise_float_to_int(fval): return struct.unpack('i', struct.pack('f', fval))[0] def parse_buffer(buffer): cmd_size = 24 header_size = 16 buffer.dtype=np.uint32 tab1_size = buffer[3] buffer.dtype=np.uint8 print('tab1_size (all_data): ', tab1_size) tab1 = buffer[cmd_size:cmd_size+tab1_size] # 520 == epprom++ tab1.dtype=np.uint32 tab2_size = tab1[1] tab1.dtype=np.uint8 print('tab2_size (calibration_table): ', tab2_size) tab2 = tab1[header_size:header_size+tab2_size] # calibration table tab2.dtype=np.uint32 tab3_size = tab2[1] tab2.dtype=np.uint8 print('tab3_size (calibration_table): ', tab3_size) tab3 = tab2[header_size:header_size+tab3_size] # D435 IMU Calib Table tab3.dtype=np.uint32 tab4_size = tab3[1] tab3.dtype=np.uint8 print('tab4_size (D435_IMU_Calib_Table): ', tab4_size) tab4 = tab3[header_size:header_size+tab4_size] # calibration data return tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4 def get_IMU_Calib_Table(X, product_line): version = ['0x02', '0x01'] table_type = '0x20' header = CHeader(version, table_type) header_size = header.size() data_size = 37*4 + 96 size_of_buffer = header_size + data_size # according to table "D435 IMU Calib Table" here: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6958867/50902974-20507500-1425-11e9-8ca5-8bd2ac2d0ea1.png assert(size_of_buffer % 4 == 0) buffer = np.ones(size_of_buffer, dtype=np.uint8) * 255 use_extrinsics = False use_intrinsics = True data_buffer = np.ones(data_size, dtype=np.uint8) * 255 data_buffer.dtype = np.float32 data_buffer[0] = bitwise_int_to_float(np.int32(int(use_intrinsics)) << 8 | np.int32(int(use_extrinsics))) intrinsic_vector = np.zeros(24, dtype=np.float32) intrinsic_vector[:9] = X[:3,:3].T.flatten() intrinsic_vector[9:12] = X[:3,3] intrinsic_vector[12:21] = X[3:,:3].flatten() intrinsic_vector[21:24] = X[3:,3] data_buffer[13:13+X.size] = intrinsic_vector data_buffer.dtype = np.uint8 header.set_data_size(data_size) header.set_crc32(binascii.crc32(data_buffer)) buffer[:header_size] = header.get_buffer() buffer[header_size:] = data_buffer return buffer def get_calibration_table(d435_imu_calib_table): version = ['0x02', '0x00'] table_type = '0x20' header = CHeader(version, table_type) d435_imu_calib_table_size = d435_imu_calib_table.size sn_table_size = 32 data_size = d435_imu_calib_table_size + sn_table_size header_size = header.size() size_of_buffer = header_size + data_size # according to table "D435 IMU Calib Table" in "https://sharepoint.ger.ith.intel.com/sites/3D_project/Shared%20Documents/Arch/D400/FW/D435i_IMU_Calibration_eeprom_0_52.xlsx" assert(size_of_buffer % 4 == 0) buffer = np.ones(size_of_buffer, dtype=np.uint8) * 255 data_buffer = np.ones(data_size, dtype=np.uint8) * 255 data_buffer[:d435_imu_calib_table_size] = d435_imu_calib_table header.set_data_size(data_size) header.set_crc32(binascii.crc32(data_buffer)) buffer[:header_size] = header.get_buffer() buffer[header_size:header_size+data_size] = data_buffer return buffer def get_eeprom(calibration_table): version = ['0x01', '0x01'] table_type = '0x09' header = CHeader(version, table_type) DC_MM_EEPROM_SIZE = 520 # data_size = calibration_table.size header_size = header.size() size_of_buffer = DC_MM_EEPROM_SIZE data_size = size_of_buffer - header_size # size_of_buffer = header_size + data_size assert(size_of_buffer % 4 == 0) buffer = np.ones(size_of_buffer, dtype=np.uint8) * 255 header.set_data_size(data_size) buffer[header_size:header_size+calibration_table.size] = calibration_table header.set_crc32(binascii.crc32(buffer[header_size:])) buffer[:header_size] = header.get_buffer() return buffer def write_eeprom_to_camera(eeprom, serial_no=''): # DC_MM_EEPROM_SIZE = 520 DC_MM_EEPROM_SIZE = eeprom.size DS5_CMD_LENGTH = 24 MMEW_Cmd_bytes = b'\x14\x00\xab\xcd\x50\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' buffer = np.ones([DC_MM_EEPROM_SIZE + DS5_CMD_LENGTH, ], dtype = np.uint8) * 255 cmd = np.array(struct.unpack('I'*6, MMEW_Cmd_bytes), dtype=np.uint32) cmd.dtype = np.uint16 cmd[0] += DC_MM_EEPROM_SIZE cmd.dtype = np.uint32 cmd[3] = DC_MM_EEPROM_SIZE # command 1 = 0x50 # command 2 = 0 # command 3 = size cmd.dtype = np.uint8 buffer[:len(cmd)] = cmd buffer[len(cmd):len(cmd)+eeprom.size] = eeprom debug = get_debug_device(serial_no) if not debug: print('Error getting RealSense Device.') return # tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4 = parse_buffer(buffer) rcvBuf = debug.send_and_receive_raw_data(bytearray(buffer)) if rcvBuf[0] == buffer[4]: print('SUCCESS: saved calibration to camera.') else: print('FAILED: failed to save calibration to camera.') print(rcvBuf) def get_debug_device(serial_no): ctx = rs.context() devices = ctx.query_devices() found_dev = False for dev in devices: if len(serial_no) == 0 or serial_no == dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.serial_number): found_dev = True break if not found_dev: print('No RealSense device found' + str('.' if len(serial_no) == 0 else ' with serial number: '+serial_no)) return 0 # print(a few basic information about the device) print(' Device PID: ', dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.product_id)) print(' Device name: ', dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.name)) print(' Serial number: ', dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.serial_number)) print(' Firmware version: ', dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.firmware_version)) debug = rs.debug_protocol(dev) return debug def check_X(X, accel, show_graph): fdata = np.apply_along_axis(np.dot, 1, accel, X[:3,:3]) - X[3,:] norm_data = (accel**2).sum(axis=1)**(1./2) norm_fdata = (fdata**2).sum(axis=1)**(1./2) if show_graph: import pylab pylab.plot(norm_data, '.b') #pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(norm_fdata, '.g') pylab.show() print ('norm (raw data ): %f' % np.mean(norm_data)) print ('norm (fixed data): %f' % np.mean(norm_fdata), "A good calibration will be near %f" % g) def l500_send_command(dev, op_code, param1=0, param2=0, param3=0, param4=0, data=[], retries=1): for i in range(retries): try: debug_device = rs.debug_protocol(dev) gvd_command_length = 0x14 + len(data) magic_number1 = 0xab magic_number2 = 0xcd buf = bytearray() buf += bytes(int_to_bytes(gvd_command_length, 2)) #buf += bytes(int_to_bytes(0, 1)) buf += bytes(int_to_bytes(magic_number1, 1)) buf += bytes(int_to_bytes(magic_number2, 1)) buf += bytes(int_to_bytes(op_code)) buf += bytes(int_to_bytes(param1)) buf += bytes(int_to_bytes(param2)) buf += bytes(int_to_bytes(param3)) buf += bytes(int_to_bytes(param4)) buf += bytearray(data) l = list(buf) res = debug_device.send_and_receive_raw_data(buf) if res[0] == op_code: res1 = res[4:] return res1 else: raise Exception("send_command return error", res[0]) except: if i < retries - 1: time.sleep(0.1) else: raise def wait_for_rs_device(serial_no): ctx = rs.context() start = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) now = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) while now - start < 5000: devices = ctx.query_devices() for dev in devices: pid = str(dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.product_id)) if len(serial_no) == 0 or serial_no == dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.serial_number): # print(a few basic information about the device) print(' Device PID: ', dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.product_id)) print(' Device name: ', dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.name)) print(' Serial number: ', dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.serial_number)) print(' Product Line: ', dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.product_line)) print(' Firmware version: ', dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.firmware_version)) return dev time.sleep(5) now = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) raise Exception('No RealSense device' + str('.' if len(serial_no) == 0 else ' with serial number: '+serial_no)) def main(): if any([help_str in sys.argv for help_str in ['-h', '--help', '/?']]): print("Usage:", sys.argv[0], "[Options]") print print('[Options]:') print('-i : /path/to/accel.txt [/path/to/gyro.txt]') print('-s : serial number of device to calibrate.') print('-g : show graph of norm values - original values in blue and corrected in green.') print print('If -i option is given, calibration is done using previosly saved files') print('Otherwise, an interactive process is followed.') sys.exit(1) try: accel_file = None gyro_file = None serial_no = '' show_graph = '-g' in sys.argv for idx in range(len(sys.argv)): if sys.argv[idx] == '-i': accel_file = sys.argv[idx+1] if len(sys.argv) > idx+2 and not sys.argv[idx+2].startswith('-'): gyro_file = sys.argv[idx+2] if sys.argv[idx] == '-s': serial_no = sys.argv[idx+1] print('waiting for realsense device...') dev = wait_for_rs_device(serial_no) product_line = dev.get_info(rs.camera_info.product_line) buckets = [[0, -g, 0], [ g, 0, 0], [0, g, 0], [-g, 0, 0], [0, 0, -g], [ 0, 0, g]] # all D400 cameras with IMU equipped with a mounting screw at the bottom of the device # when device is in normal use position upright facing out, mount screw is pointing down, aligned with positive Y direction in depth coordinate system # IMU output on each of these devices is transformed into the depth coordinate system, i.e., # looking from back of the camera towards front, the positive x-axis points to the right, the positive y-axis points down, and the positive z-axis points forward. # output of motion data is consistent with convention that positive direction aligned with gravity leads to -1g and opposite direction leads to +1g, for example, # positive z_aixs points forward away from front glass of the device, # 1) if place the device flat on a table, facing up, positive z-axis points up, z-axis acceleration is around +1g # 2) facing down, positive z-axis points down, z-axis accleration would be around -1g # buckets_labels = ["Mounting screw pointing down, device facing out", "Mounting screw pointing left, device facing out", "Mounting screw pointing up, device facing out", "Mounting screw pointing right, device facing out", "Viewing direction facing down", "Viewing direction facing up"] gyro_bais = np.zeros(3, np.float32) old_settings = None if accel_file: if gyro_file: #compute gyro bais #assume the first 4 seconds the device is still gyro = np.loadtxt(gyro_file, delimiter=",") gyro = gyro[gyro[:, 0] < gyro[0, 0]+4000, :] gyro_bais = np.mean(gyro[:, 1:], axis=0) print(gyro_bais) #compute accel intrinsic parameters max_norm = np.linalg.norm(np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])) measurements = [[], [], [], [], [], []] import csv with open(accel_file, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) rnum = 0 for row in reader: M = np.array([float(row[1]), float(row[2]), float(row[3])]) is_ok = False for i in range(0, len(buckets)): if np.linalg.norm(M - buckets[i]) < max_norm: is_ok = True measurements[i].append(M) rnum += 1 print('read %d rows.' % rnum) else: print('Start interactive mode:') if os.name == 'posix': old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin.fileno()) imu = imu_wrapper() if not imu.enable_imu_device(serial_no): print('Failed to enable device.') return -1 measurements, gyro = imu.get_measurements(buckets, buckets_labels) con_mm = np.concatenate(measurements) if os.name == 'posix': termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) header = input('\nWould you like to save the raw data? Enter footer for saving files (accel_