# License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory. # Copyright(c) 2024 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. import sys, os, re, platform from time import perf_counter as timestamp def usage(): ourname = os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] ) print( 'Syntax: devices [actions|flags]' ) print( ' Control the LibRS devices connected' ) print( 'Actions (only one)' ) print( ' --list Enumerate devices (default action)' ) print( ' --recycle Recycle all' ) print( 'Flags:' ) print( ' --all Enable all port [requires hub]' ) print( ' --port <#> Enable only this port [requires hub]' ) print( ' --ports Show physical port for each device (rather than the RS string)' ) sys.exit(2) try: from rspy import log except ModuleNotFoundError: if __name__ != '__main__': raise # # We need to tell Python where to look for rspy rspy_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ )) py_dir = os.path.dirname( rspy_dir ) sys.path.append( py_dir ) from rspy import log # # And where to look for pyrealsense2 from rspy import repo pyrs_dir = repo.find_pyrs_dir() sys.path.insert( 1, pyrs_dir ) MAX_ENUMERATION_TIME = 10 # [sec] # We need both pyrealsense2 and hub. We can work without hub, but # without pyrealsense2 no devices at all will be returned. from rspy import device_hub try: import pyrealsense2 as rs log.d( rs ) hub = device_hub.create() sys.path = sys.path[:-1] # remove what we added except ModuleNotFoundError: log.w( 'No pyrealsense2 library is available! Running as if no cameras available...' ) import sys log.d( 'sys.path=', sys.path ) rs = None hub = None import time _device_by_sn = dict() _context = None class Device: def __init__( self, sn, dev ): self._sn = sn self._dev = dev self._name = None if dev.supports( rs.camera_info.name ): self._name = dev.get_info( rs.camera_info.name ) if self._name.startswith( 'Intel RealSense ' ): self._name = self._name[16:] self._product_line = None if dev.supports( rs.camera_info.product_line ): self._product_line = dev.get_info( rs.camera_info.product_line ) self._physical_port = dev.supports( rs.camera_info.physical_port ) and dev.get_info( rs.camera_info.physical_port ) or None self._usb_location = None try: self._usb_location = _get_usb_location(self._physical_port) except Exception as e: log.e('Failed to get usb location:', e) self._port = None if hub: try: self._port = hub.get_port_by_location(self._usb_location) except Exception as e: log.e('Failed to get device port:', e) log.d(' physical port is', self._physical_port) log.d(' USB location is', self._usb_location) self._removed = False @property def serial_number( self ): return self._sn @property def name( self ): return self._name @property def product_line( self ): return self._product_line @property def physical_port( self ): return self._physical_port @property def usb_location( self ): return self._usb_location @property def port( self ): return self._port @property def handle( self ): return self._dev @property def enabled( self ): return self._removed is False def wait_until_all_ports_disabled( timeout = 5 ): """ Waits for all ports to be disabled """ for retry in range( timeout ): if len( enabled() ) == 0: return True time.sleep( 1 ) log.w( 'Timed out waiting for 0 devices' ) return False def map_unknown_ports(): """ Fill in unknown ports in devices by enabling one port at a time, finding out which device is there. """ if not hub: return global _device_by_sn devices_with_unknown_ports = [device for device in _device_by_sn.values() if device.port is None] if not devices_with_unknown_ports: return # ports = hub.ports() known_ports = [device.port for device in _device_by_sn.values() if device.port is not None] unknown_ports = [port for port in ports if port not in known_ports] try: log.d( 'mapping unknown ports', unknown_ports, '...' ) log.debug_indent() #log.d( "active ports:", ports ) #log.d( "- known ports:", known_ports ) #log.d( "= unknown ports:", unknown_ports ) # for known_port in known_ports: if known_port not in ports: log.e( "A device was found on port", known_port, "but the port is not reported as used by the hub!" ) # if len( unknown_ports ) == 1: device = devices_with_unknown_ports[0] log.d( '... port', unknown_ports[0], 'has', device.handle ) device._port = unknown_ports[0] return # hub.disable_ports( ports ) wait_until_all_ports_disabled() # # Enable one port at a time to try and find what device is connected to it n_identified_ports = 0 for port in unknown_ports: # log.d( 'enabling port', port ) hub.enable_ports( [port], disable_other_ports=True ) sn = None for retry in range( MAX_ENUMERATION_TIME ): if len( enabled() ) == 1: sn = list( enabled() )[0] break time.sleep( 1 ) if not sn: log.d( 'could not recognize device in port', port ) else: device = _device_by_sn.get( sn ) if device: log.d( '... port', port, 'has', device.handle ) device._port = port n_identified_ports += 1 if len( devices_with_unknown_ports ) == n_identified_ports: #log.d( 'no more devices; stopping' ) break else: log.w( "Device with serial number", sn, "was found in port", port, "but was not in context" ) hub.disable_ports( [port] ) wait_until_all_ports_disabled() finally: log.debug_unindent() def query( monitor_changes=True, hub_reset=False, recycle_ports=True ): """ Start a new LRS context, and collect all devices :param monitor_changes: If True, devices will update dynamically as they are removed/added :param recycle_ports: True to recycle all ports before querying devices; False to leave as-is :param hub_reset: Whether we want to reset the hub - this might be a better way to recycle the ports in certain cases that leave the ports in a bad state """ global rs if not rs: return # # Before we can start a context and query devices, we need to enable all the ports # on the hub, if any: if hub: if not hub.is_connected(): hub.connect(hub_reset) if recycle_ports: hub.disable_ports( sleep_on_change = 5 ) hub.enable_ports( sleep_on_change = MAX_ENUMERATION_TIME ) # # Get all devices, and store by serial-number global _device_by_sn, _context, _port_to_sn _context = rs.context( { 'dds': False } ) _device_by_sn = dict() try: log.debug_indent() for retry in range(3): try: devices = _context.query_devices() break except RuntimeError as e: log.d( 'FAILED to query devices:', e ) if retry > 1: log.e( 'FAILED to query devices', retry + 1, 'times!' ) raise else: time.sleep( 1 ) for dev in devices: # The FW update ID is always available, it seems, and is the ASIC serial number # whereas the Serial Number is the OPTIC serial number and is only available in # non-recovery devices. So we use the former... try: sn = dev.get_info( rs.camera_info.firmware_update_id ) except RuntimeError as e: log.e( f'Found device with S/N {sn} but trying to get fw-update-id failed: {e}' ) continue device = Device( sn, dev ) _device_by_sn[sn] = device log.d( '... port {}:'.format( device.port is None and '?' or device.port ), sn, dev ) finally: log.debug_unindent() # if monitor_changes: _context.set_devices_changed_callback( _device_change_callback ) def _device_change_callback( info ): """ Called when librealsense detects a device change (see query()) """ global _device_by_sn for device in _device_by_sn.values(): if device.enabled and info.was_removed( device.handle ): log.d( 'device removed:', device.serial_number ) device._removed = True for handle in info.get_new_devices(): sn = handle.get_info( rs.camera_info.firmware_update_id ) log.d( 'device added:', sn, handle ) if sn in _device_by_sn: device = _device_by_sn[sn] device._removed = False device._dev = handle # Because it has a new handle! else: # shouldn't see new devices... log.d( 'new device detected!?' ) _device_by_sn[sn] = Device( sn, handle ) def all(): """ :return: A set of all device serial-numbers at the time of query() """ global _device_by_sn return _device_by_sn.keys() def enabled(): """ :return: A set of all device serial-numbers that are currently enabled """ global _device_by_sn return { device.serial_number for device in _device_by_sn.values() if device.enabled } def by_product_line( product_line, ignored_products ): """ :param product_line: The product line we're interested in, as a string ("L500", etc.) :param ignored_products: List of products we want to ignore. e.g. ['D455', 'D457', etc.] :return: A set of device serial-numbers """ global _device_by_sn result = set() for device in _device_by_sn.values(): if device.product_line == product_line: for ignored_product in ignored_products: if ignored_product in device.name: break else: result.add(device.serial_number) return result def by_name( name, ignored_products ): """ :param name: Part of the product name to search for ("L515" would match "Intel RealSense L515") :param ignored_products: List of products we want to ignore. e.g. ['D455', 'D457', etc.] :return: A set of device serial-numbers """ global _device_by_sn result = set() ignored_list_as_str = " ".join(ignored_products) if name not in ignored_list_as_str: for device in _device_by_sn.values(): if device.name and device.name.find( name ) >= 0: result.add(device.serial_number) return result def by_spec( spec, ignored_products ): """ Helper function for by_configuration. Yields all serial-numbers matching the given spec :param spec: A product name/line (as a string) we want to get serial number of, or an actual s/n :param ignored_products: List of products we want to ignore. e.g. ['D455', 'D457', etc.] :return: A set of device serial-numbers """ if spec.endswith( '*' ): for sn in by_product_line( spec[:-1], ignored_products ): yield sn elif get( spec ): yield spec # the device serial number else: for sn in by_name( spec, ignored_products ): yield sn def expand_specs( specs ): """ Given a collection of configuration specs, expand them into actual serial numbers. Specs can be loaded from a file: see load_specs_from_file() :param specs: a collection of specs :return: a set of serial-numbers """ expanded = set() for spec in specs: sns = {sn for sn in by_spec( spec )} if sns: expanded.update( sns ) else: # maybe the spec is a specific serial-number? if get(spec): expanded.add( spec ) else: log.d( 'unknown spec:', spec ) return expanded def load_specs_from_file( filename ): """ Loads a set of specs from a file: - Comments (#) are removed - Each word in the file is a spec :param filename: the path to the text file we want to load :return: a set of specs that can then be expanded to a set of serial-numbers (see expand_specs()) """ from rspy import file exceptions = set() for line, comment in file.split_comments( filename ): specs = line.split() if specs: log.d( '...', specs, comment and (' # ' + comment) or '', ) exceptions.update( specs ) return exceptions def by_configuration( config, exceptions=None, inclusions=None ): """ Yields the serial numbers fitting the given configuration. If configuration includes an 'each' directive will yield all fitting serial numbers one at a time. Otherwise yields one set of serial numbers fitting the configuration :param config: A test:device line collection of arguments (e.g., [L515 D400*]) or serial numbers :param exceptions: A collection of serial-numbers that serve as exceptions that will never get matched :param inclusions: A collection of serial-numbers from which to match - nothing else will get matched If no device matches the configuration devices specified, a RuntimeError will be raised unless 'inclusions' is provided and the configuration is simple, and an empty set yielded to signify. """ exceptions = exceptions or set() # split the current config to two lists: # 1) new_config (the wanted products) # 2) ignored_products (strings starting with !) # For example: "each(D400*) !D457" ---> new_config = ['each(D400*)'], ignored_products = ['D457'] new_config = [] ignored_products = [] for p in config: if p[0] == '!': ignored_products.append(p[1:]) # remove the '!' else: new_config.append(p) nothing_matched = True if len( new_config ) > 0 and re.fullmatch( r'each\(.+\)', new_config[0], re.IGNORECASE ): spec = new_config[0][5:-1] for sn in by_spec( spec, ignored_products ): if sn in exceptions: continue if inclusions and sn not in inclusions: continue nothing_matched = False yield { sn } else: sns = set() for spec in new_config: old_len = len(sns) for sn in by_spec( spec, ignored_products ): if sn in exceptions: continue if inclusions and sn not in inclusions: continue if sn not in sns: sns.add( sn ) break new_len = len(sns) if new_len == old_len: # No new device matches the spec: # - if no inclusions were specified, this is always an error # - with inclusions, it's not an error only if it's the only spec if not inclusions or len(new_config) > 1: error = 'no device matches configuration "' + spec + '"' if old_len: error += ' (after already matching ' + str(sns) + ')' if ignored_products: error += ' (!' + str(ignored_products) + ')' if exceptions: error += ' (-' + str(exceptions) + ')' if inclusions: error += ' (+' + str(inclusions) + ')' raise RuntimeError( error ) if sns: nothing_matched = False yield sns if nothing_matched and inclusions: yield set() # let the caller decide how to deal with it def get_first( sns ): """ Throws if no serial-numbers are available! :param sns: An iterable list of serial-numbers. If None, defaults to all enabled() devices :return: The first Device in the given serial-numbers """ return get( next( iter( sns or enabled() ))) def get( sn ): """ :param sn: The serial-number of the requested device :return: The Device object with the given SN, or None """ global _device_by_sn return _device_by_sn.get(sn) def get_by_port( port ): """ Return the Device at the given port number. Note that the device may not be enabled! :param sn: The port of the requested device :return: The Device object, or None """ global _device_by_sn for sn in all(): device = get( sn ) if device.port == port: return device return None def recovery(): """ :return: A set of all device serial-numbers that are in recovery mode """ global _device_by_sn return { device.serial_number for device in _device_by_sn.values() if device.handle.is_update_device() } def enable_only( serial_numbers, recycle = False, timeout = MAX_ENUMERATION_TIME ): """ Enable only the devices corresponding to the given serial-numbers. This can work either with or without a hub: without, the devices will simply be HW-reset, but other devices will still be present. NOTE: will raise an exception if any SN is unknown! :param serial_numbers: A collection of serial-numbers to enable - all others' ports are disabled and will no longer be usable! :param recycle: If False, the devices will not be reset if they were already enabled. If True, the devices will be recycled by disabling the port, waiting, then re-enabling :param timeout: The maximum seconds to wait to make sure the devices are indeed online """ if hub: # ports = [ get( sn ).port for sn in serial_numbers ] # if recycle: # log.d( 'recycling ports via hub:', ports ) # enabled_devices = enabled() hub.disable_ports( ) _wait_until_removed( enabled_devices, timeout = timeout ) # hub.enable_ports( ports ) # else: # hub.enable_ports( ports, disable_other_ports = True ) # _wait_for( serial_numbers, timeout = timeout ) # elif recycle: # hw_reset( serial_numbers ) # else: log.d( 'no hub; ports left as-is' ) def enable_all(): """ Enables all ports on the hub -- without a hub, this does nothing! """ hub.enable_ports() def _wait_until_removed( serial_numbers, timeout = 5 ): """ Wait until the given serial numbers are all offline :param serial_numbers: A collection of serial-numbers to wait until removed :param timeout: Number of seconds of maximum wait time :return: True if all have come offline; False if timeout was reached """ while True: have_devices = False enabled_sns = enabled() for sn in serial_numbers: if sn in enabled_sns: have_devices = True break if not have_devices: return True # if timeout <= 0: log.e( "timed out waiting for devices to be removed" ) return False timeout -= 1 time.sleep( 1 ) def _wait_for( serial_numbers, timeout = MAX_ENUMERATION_TIME ): """ Wait until the given serial numbers are all online :param serial_numbers: A collection of serial-numbers to wait for :param timeout: Number of seconds of maximum wait time :return: True if all have come online; False if timeout was reached """ did_some_waiting = False while True: # have_all_devices = True enabled_sns = enabled() for sn in serial_numbers: if sn not in enabled_sns: have_all_devices = False break # if have_all_devices: if did_some_waiting: # Wait an extra second, just in case -- let the devices properly power up #log.d( 'all devices powered up' ) time.sleep( 1 ) return True # if timeout <= 0: if did_some_waiting: log.d( 'timed out waiting for a device connection' ) return False timeout -= 1 time.sleep( 1 ) did_some_waiting = True def hw_reset( serial_numbers, timeout = MAX_ENUMERATION_TIME ): """ Recycles the given devices manually, using a hardware-reset (rather than any hub port reset). The devices are sent a HW-reset command and then we'll wait until they come back online. NOTE: will raise an exception if any SN is unknown! :param serial_numbers: A collection of serial-numbers to reset :param timeout: Maximum # of seconds to wait for the devices to come back online :return: True if all devices have come back online before timeout """ usb_serial_numbers = { sn for sn in serial_numbers if _device_by_sn[sn].port is not None } for sn in serial_numbers: dev = get( sn ).handle dev.hardware_reset() # if usb_serial_numbers: _wait_until_removed( usb_serial_numbers ) else: # normally we will get here with a mipi device, # we want to allow some time for the device to reinitialize as it was not disconnected time.sleep(3) # return _wait_for( serial_numbers, timeout = timeout ) ############################################################################################### if 'windows' in platform.system().lower(): def _get_usb_location( physical_port ): """ Helper method to get Windows USB location from registry """ if not physical_port: return None # physical port example: # \\?\usb#vid_8086&pid_0b07&mi_00#6&8bfcab3&0&0000#{e5323777-f976-4f5b-9b55-b94699c46e44}\global # re_result = re.match( r'.*\\(.*)#vid_(.*)&pid_(.*)(?:&mi_(.*))?#(.*)#', physical_port, flags = re.IGNORECASE ) dev_type = re_result.group(1) vid = re_result.group(2) pid = re_result.group(3) mi = re_result.group(4) unique_identifier = re_result.group(5) # import winreg if mi: registry_path = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\{}\VID_{}&PID_{}&MI_{}\{}".format( dev_type, vid, pid, mi, unique_identifier ) else: registry_path = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\{}\VID_{}&PID_{}\{}".format( dev_type, vid, pid, unique_identifier ) try: reg_key = winreg.OpenKey( winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, registry_path ) except FileNotFoundError: log.e( 'Could not find registry key for port:', registry_path ) log.e( ' usb location:', physical_port ) return None result = winreg.QueryValueEx( reg_key, "LocationInformation" ) # location example: 0000.0014.0000. # and, for T265: Port_#0002.Hub_#0006 return result[0] else: def _get_usb_location( physical_port ): """ """ if not physical_port: return None # physical port example: # u'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb2/2-3/2-3.3/2-3.3.1/2-3.3.1:1.0/video4linux/video0' # split_location = physical_port.split( '/' ) if len(split_location) > 4: port_location = split_location[-4] elif len(split_location) == 1: # Recovery devices may have only the relevant port: e.g., L515 Recovery has "2-2.4.4-84" port_location = physical_port else: raise RuntimeError( f"invalid physical port '{physical_port}'" ) # location example: 2-3.3.1 return port_location ############################################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': import os, sys, getopt try: opts,args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], '', longopts = [ 'help', 'recycle', 'all', 'none', 'list', 'port=', 'ports' ]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print( '-F-', err ) # something like "option -a not recognized" usage() if args: usage() try: if hub: if not hub.is_connected(): hub.connect() action = 'list' def get_handle(dev): return dev.handle def get_phys_port(dev): return dev.physical_port or "???" printer = get_handle for opt,arg in opts: if opt in ('--list'): action = 'list' elif opt in ('--port'): if not hub: log.f( 'No hub available' ) all_ports = hub.all_ports() str_ports = arg.split(',') ports = [int(port) for port in str_ports if port.isnumeric() and int(port) in all_ports] if len(ports) != len(str_ports): log.f( 'Invalid ports', str_ports ) hub.enable_ports( ports, disable_other_ports=False ) action = 'none' elif opt in ('--ports'): printer = get_phys_port elif opt in ('--all'): if not hub: log.f( 'No hub available' ) hub.enable_ports() action = 'none' elif opt in ('--none'): if not hub: log.f( 'No hub available' ) hub.disable_ports() action = 'none' elif opt in ('--recycle'): action = 'recycle' else: usage() # if action == 'list': query( monitor_changes=False, recycle_ports=False, hub_reset=False ) for sn in all(): device = get( sn ) print( '{port} {name:30} {sn:20} {handle}'.format( sn = sn, name = device.name, port = device.port is None and '?' or device.port, handle = printer(device) )) elif action == 'recycle': hub.recycle_ports() finally: # Disconnect from the hub -- if we don't it might crash on Linux... hub.disconnect()