// License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory. // Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. #include "fw-logs-xml-helper.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace librealsense { namespace fw_logs { fw_logs_xml_helper::fw_logs_xml_helper(string xml_content) : _init_done(false), _xml_content(xml_content) {} fw_logs_xml_helper::~fw_logs_xml_helper(void) { // TODO: Add cleanup code } bool fw_logs_xml_helper::get_root_node(xml_node<>** node) { if (_init_done) { *node = _xml_doc.first_node(); return true; } return false; } bool fw_logs_xml_helper::try_load_external_xml() { try { if (_xml_content.empty()) return false; _document_buffer.resize(_xml_content.size() + 2); memcpy(_document_buffer.data(), _xml_content.data(), _xml_content.size()); _document_buffer[_xml_content.size()] = '\0'; _document_buffer[_xml_content.size() + 1] = '\0'; _xml_doc.parse<0>(_document_buffer.data()); return true; } catch (...) { _document_buffer.clear(); throw; } return false; } bool fw_logs_xml_helper::init() { _init_done = try_load_external_xml(); return _init_done; } bool fw_logs_xml_helper::build_log_meta_data(fw_logs_formating_options* log_meta_data) { xml_node<>* xml_root_node_list; if (!init()) return false; if (!get_root_node(&xml_root_node_list)) { return false; } string root_name(xml_root_node_list->name(), xml_root_node_list->name() + xml_root_node_list->name_size()); // check if Format is the first root name. if (root_name.compare("Format") != 0) return false; xml_node<>* events_node = xml_root_node_list->first_node(); if (!build_meta_data_structure(events_node, log_meta_data)) return false; return true; } bool fw_logs_xml_helper::build_meta_data_structure(xml_node<>* xml_node_list_of_events, fw_logs_formating_options* logs_formating_options) { node_type res = none; int id{}; int num_of_params{}; string line; // loop through all elements in the Format. for (xml_node<>* node = xml_node_list_of_events; node; node = node->next_sibling()) { line.clear(); res = get_next_node(node, &id, &num_of_params, &line); if (res == event) { fw_log_event log_event(num_of_params, line); logs_formating_options->_fw_logs_event_list.insert(pair(id, log_event)); } else if (res == file) { logs_formating_options->_fw_logs_file_names_list.insert(kvp(id, line)); } else if (res == thread) { logs_formating_options->_fw_logs_thread_names_list.insert(kvp(id, line)); } else if (res == enums) { for (xml_node<>* enum_node = node->first_node(); enum_node; enum_node = enum_node->next_sibling()) { for (xml_attribute<>* attribute = enum_node->first_attribute(); attribute; attribute = attribute->next_attribute()) { string attr(attribute->name(), attribute->name() + attribute->name_size()); if (attr.compare("Name") == 0) { string name_attr_str(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); vector xml_kvp; for (xml_node<>* enum_value_node = enum_node->first_node(); enum_value_node; enum_value_node = enum_value_node->next_sibling()) { int key = 0; string value_str; for (xml_attribute<>* attribute = enum_value_node->first_attribute(); attribute; attribute = attribute->next_attribute()) { string attr(attribute->name(), attribute->name() + attribute->name_size()); if (attr.compare("Value") == 0) { value_str = std::string(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); } if (attr.compare("Key") == 0) { try { auto key_str = std::string(attribute->value()); key = std::stoi(key_str); } catch (...) {} } } xml_kvp.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value_str)); } logs_formating_options->_fw_logs_enum_names_list.insert(pair>(name_attr_str, xml_kvp)); } } } } else return false; } return true; } fw_logs_xml_helper::node_type fw_logs_xml_helper::get_next_node(xml_node<>* node, int* id, int* num_of_params, string* line) { string tag(node->name(), node->name() + node->name_size()); if (tag.compare("Event") == 0) { if (get_event_node(node, id, num_of_params, line)) return event; } else if (tag.compare("File") == 0) { if (get_file_node(node, id, line)) return file; } else if (tag.compare("Thread") == 0) { if (get_thread_node(node, id, line)) return thread; } else if (tag.compare("Enums") == 0) { return enums; } return none; } bool fw_logs_xml_helper::get_enum_name_node(xml_node<>* node_file, int* thread_id, string* enum_name) { for (xml_attribute<>* attribute = node_file->first_attribute(); attribute; attribute = attribute->next_attribute()) { string attr(attribute->name(), attribute->name() + attribute->name_size()); if (attr.compare("Name") == 0) { string name_attr_str(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); *enum_name = name_attr_str; continue; } else return false; } return true; } bool fw_logs_xml_helper::get_enum_value_node(xml_node<>* node_file, int* thread_id, string* enum_name) { for (xml_attribute<>* attribute = node_file->first_attribute(); attribute; attribute = attribute->next_attribute()) { string attr(attribute->name(), attribute->name() + attribute->name_size()); if (attr.compare("Value") == 0) { string name_attr_str(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); *enum_name = name_attr_str; continue; } else return false; } return true; } bool fw_logs_xml_helper::get_thread_node(xml_node<>* node_file, int* thread_id, string* thread_name) { for (xml_attribute<>* attribute = node_file->first_attribute(); attribute; attribute = attribute->next_attribute()) { string attr(attribute->name(), attribute->name() + attribute->name_size()); if (attr.compare("id") == 0) { string id_attr_str(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); *thread_id = stoi(id_attr_str); continue; } else if (attr.compare("Name") == 0) { string name_attr_str(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); *thread_name = name_attr_str; continue; } else return false; } return true; } bool fw_logs_xml_helper::get_file_node(xml_node<>* node_file, int* file_id, string* file_name) { for (xml_attribute<>* attribute = node_file->first_attribute(); attribute; attribute = attribute->next_attribute()) { string attr(attribute->name(), attribute->name() + attribute->name_size()); if (attr.compare("id") == 0) { string id_attr_str(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); *file_id = stoi(id_attr_str); continue; } else if (attr.compare("Name") == 0) { string name_attr_str(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); *file_name = name_attr_str; continue; } else return false; } return true; } bool fw_logs_xml_helper::get_event_node(xml_node<>* node_event, int* event_id, int* num_of_params, string* line) { for (xml_attribute<>* attribute = node_event->first_attribute(); attribute; attribute = attribute->next_attribute()) { string attr(attribute->name(), attribute->name() + attribute->name_size()); if (attr.compare("id") == 0) { string id_attr_str(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); *event_id = stoi(id_attr_str); continue; } else if (attr.compare("numberOfArguments") == 0) { string num_of_args_attr_str(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); *num_of_params = stoi(num_of_args_attr_str); continue; } else if (attr.compare("format") == 0) { string format_attr_str(attribute->value(), attribute->value() + attribute->value_size()); *line = format_attr_str; continue; } else return false; } return true; } } }