# License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory. # Copyright(c) 2021 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. """ Brainstem Acroname Hub See documentation for brainstem here: https://acroname.com/reference/api/python/index.html """ from rspy import log, device_hub import time import platform, re if __name__ == '__main__': import os, sys, getopt def usage(): ourname = os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] ) print( 'Syntax: acroname [options]' ) print( ' Control the acroname USB hub' ) print( 'Options:' ) print( ' --enable Enable all ports' ) print( ' --disable Disable all ports' ) print( ' --recycle Recycle all ports' ) print( ' --reset Reset the acroname' ) sys.exit(2) try: opts,args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], '', longopts = [ 'help', 'recycle', 'enable', 'disable', 'reset' ]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print( '-F-', err ) # something like "option -a not recognized" usage() if args or not opts: usage() # See the end of the file for all the option handling try: import brainstem except ModuleNotFoundError: log.d( 'no acroname library is available' ) raise class NoneFoundError( RuntimeError ): def __init__( self, message = None ): super().__init__( self, message or 'no Acroname module found' ) class Acroname(device_hub.device_hub): def __init__(self): super().__init__() if discover() is None: # raise an error if there is no hub connected raise NoneFoundError() self.hub = None self.all_hubs = None def connect(self, reset = False, req_spec = None ): """ Connect to the hub. Raises RuntimeError on failure :param reset: When true, the acroname will be reset as part of the connection process :param req_spec: Required spec to connect to. """ if not self.hub: self.hub = brainstem.stem.USBHub3p() if req_spec: specs = [req_spec] else: specs = discover() spec = specs[0] result = self.hub.connectFromSpec( spec ) if result != brainstem.result.Result.NO_ERROR: raise RuntimeError( "failed to connect to Acroname (result={})".format( result )) elif len(specs) > 1: log.d( 'connected to', spec ) if reset: log.d("resetting Acroname...") result = self.hub.system.reset() # According to brainstem support: # Result error is expected, so we do not check it # * there is also a brainstem internal console print on Linux "error release -4" # Disconnection is needed after a reset command self.hub.disconnect() result = None for i in range(10): result = self.hub.connectFromSpec(spec) if result != brainstem.result.Result.NO_ERROR: time.sleep(1) else: log.d('reconnected') return raise RuntimeError("failed to reconnect to Acroname (result={})".format(result)) def is_connected(self): return self.hub is not None and self.hub.isConnected() def disconnect(self): if self.hub: self.hub.disconnect() del self.hub self.hub = None def all_ports(self): """ :return: a list of all possible ports, even if currently unoccupied or disabled """ return range(8) def ports(self): """ :return: a list of all ports currently occupied (and enabled) """ occupied_ports = [] for port in self.all_ports(): if self._port_power(port) > 0.0: occupied_ports.append( port ) return occupied_ports def is_port_enabled(self, port ): """ query if the input port number is enabled through Acroname It doesn't mean the device is enumerated as sometimes if the FW crashed we can have a situation where the port is "Disconnected" and not "OK" :param port: port number; :return: True if Acroname enabled this port, False otherwise """ return self.port_state( port ) != "Disabled" def port_state(self, port ): if port < 0 or port > 7: raise ValueError( "port number must be [0-7]" ) # status = self.hub.usb.getPortState( port ) #log.d("getPortState for port", port ,"return", port_state_bitmask_to_string( status.value )) return self.port_state_bitmask_to_string( status.value ) def port_state_bitmask_to_string(self, bitmask ): """ https://acroname.com/reference/devices/usbhub3p/entities/usb.html#usb-port-state Bit | Port State: Result Bitwise Description ----------------------------------------------- 0 | USB Vbus Enabled - Port is Disabled/Enabled by the Acroname 1 | USB2 Data Enabled 2 | Reserved 3 | USB3 Data Enabled 4:10 | Reserved 11 | USB2 Device Attached 12 | USB3 Device Attached 13:18 | Reserved 19 | USB Error Flag 20 | USB2 Boost Enabled 21:22 | Reserved 23 | Device Attached 24:31 | Reserved """ if bitmask == 0: # Port is disabled by Acroname return "Disabled" if bitmask == 11: # Port is enabled but no device was detected return "Disconnected" if bitmask > 100: # Normally we hope it will cover "Device Attached" use cases (Note, can also be turn on when 'USB Error Flag' is on...but we havn't seen that ) return "OK" return "Unknown Error ({})".format( bitmask ) def enable_ports(self, ports = None, disable_other_ports = False, sleep_on_change = 0 ): """ Set enable state to provided ports :param ports: List of port numbers; if not provided, enable all ports :param disable_other_ports: if True, the ports not in the list will be disabled :param sleep_on_change: Number of seconds to sleep if any change is made :return: True if no errors found, False otherwise """ result = True changed = False for port in self.all_ports(): # if ports is None or port in ports: if not self.is_port_enabled( port ): #log.d( "enabling port", port) action_result = self.hub.usb.setPortEnable( port ) if action_result != brainstem.result.Result.NO_ERROR: result = False log.e("Failed to enable port", port) else: changed = True # elif disable_other_ports: if self.is_port_enabled( port ): #log.d("disabling port", port) action_result = self.hub.usb.setPortDisable( port ) if action_result != brainstem.result.Result.NO_ERROR: result = False else: changed = True # if changed and sleep_on_change: import time time.sleep( sleep_on_change ) # return result def disable_ports(self, ports = None, sleep_on_change = 0 ): """ :param ports: List of port numbers; if not provided, disable all ports :param sleep_on_change: Number of seconds to sleep if any change is made :return: True if no errors found, False otherwise """ result = True changed = False for port in self.all_ports(): if ports is None or port in ports: if self.is_port_enabled( port ): #log.d("disabling port", port) action_result = self.hub.usb.setPortDisable( port ) if action_result != brainstem.result.Result.NO_ERROR: result = False log.e("Failed to disable port", port) else: changed = True if changed and sleep_on_change: import time time.sleep( sleep_on_change ) # return result def set_ports_usb2(self, portlist = None, timeout = 100e-3 ): """ Set USB ports to USB2 """ if portlist is None: portlist = self.ports() # self.recycle_ports( portlist, timeout = timeout ) # for port in portlist: self.hub.usb.setSuperSpeedDataEnable( port ) self.hub.usb.setHiSpeedDataEnable( port ) self.hub.usb.setSuperSpeedDataDisable( port ) def set_ports_usb3(self, portlist = None, timeout = 100e-3 ): """ Set USB ports to support USB3 """ if portlist is None: portlist = self.ports() # self.recycle_ports( portlist, timeout = timeout ) # for port in portlist: self.hub.usb.setSuperSpeedDataEnable( port ) self.hub.usb.setHiSpeedDataEnable( port ) self.hub.usb.setHiSpeedDataDisable( port ) def _port_power(self, port ): """ """ if port < 0 or port > 7: raise ValueError("port number can be only within 0 and 7 (inclusive)") # micro_volt = self.hub.usb.getPortVoltage( port ) micro_curr = self.hub.usb.getPortCurrent( port ) volt = float(micro_volt.value) / 10.0 ** 6 amps = float(micro_curr.value) / 10.0 ** 6 # return volt * amps if 'windows' in platform.system().lower(): def get_port_by_location(self, usb_location): """ """ if usb_location: # # T265 locations look differently... match = re.fullmatch(r'Port_#(\d+)\.Hub_#(\d+)', usb_location, re.IGNORECASE) if match: # We don't know how to get the port from these yet! return None # int(match.group(2)) else: split_location = [int(x) for x in usb_location.split('.')] # lambda helper to return the last 2 non-zero numbers, used when connecting using an additional hub # ex: laptop -> hub -> acroname get_last_two_digits = lambda array: tuple( reversed(list(reversed([i for i in array if i != 0]))[:2])) # only the last two digits are necessary first_index, second_index = get_last_two_digits(split_location) return get_port_from_usb(first_index, second_index) else: def get_port_by_location(self, usb_location): """ """ if not self.all_hubs: self.all_hubs = set(device_hub.find_all_hubs('24ff')) # 24ff is Acroname VendorID if usb_location: # # Devices connected through an acroname will be in one of two sub-hubs under the acroname main # hub. Each is a 4-port hub with a different port (4 for ports 0-3, 3 for ports 4-7): # /: Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/6p, 10000M # |__ Port 2: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Hub, Driver=hub/4p, 5000M <--- ACRONAME # |__ Port 3: Dev 3, If 0, Class=Hub, Driver=hub/4p, 5000M # |__ Port X: Dev, If... # |__ Port Y: ... # |__ Port 4: Dev 4, If 0, Class=Hub, Driver=hub/4p, 5000M # |__ Port Z: ... # (above is output from 'lsusb -t') # For the above acroname at '2-2' (bus 2, port 2), there are at least 3 devices: # 2-2.3.X # 2-2.3.Y # 2-2.4.Z # Given the two sub-ports (3.X, 3.Y, 4.Z), we can get the port number. # NOTE: some of our devices are hubs themselves! For example, the SR300 will show as '2-' -- # we must start a known hub or else the ports we look at are meaningless... # for port in self.all_hubs: if usb_location.startswith(port + '.'): match = re.search(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)', usb_location[len(port) + 1:]) if match: return get_port_from_usb(int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2))) specs = None def discover(retries = 0): """ Return all Acroname module specs in a list. Raise NoneFoundError if one is not found! """ global specs # see https://acroname.com/reference/_modules/brainstem/module.html#Module.discoverAndConnect if specs is None: log.d('discovering Acroname modules ...') try: log.debug_indent() for i in range(retries + 1): specs = brainstem.discover.findAllModules(brainstem.link.Spec.USB) if not specs: time.sleep(1) else: for spec in specs: log.d( '...', spec ) break if not specs: raise NoneFoundError() finally: log.debug_unindent() return specs def get_port_from_usb(first_usb_index, second_usb_index ): """ Based on last two USB location index, provide the port number """ acroname_port_usb_map = {(4, 4): 0, (4, 3): 1, (4, 2): 2, (4, 1): 3, (3, 4): 4, (3, 3): 5, (3, 2): 6, (3, 1): 7, } return acroname_port_usb_map[(first_usb_index, second_usb_index)] if __name__ == '__main__': acroname = Acroname() for opt,arg in opts: if opt in ('--enable'): acroname.connect() acroname.enable_ports() # so ports() will return all elif opt in ('--disable'): acroname.connect() acroname.disable_ports() elif opt in ('--recycle'): acroname.connect() acroname.enable_ports() # so ports() will return all acroname.recycle_ports() elif opt in ('--reset'): acroname.connect( reset = True )