function pointcloud_example() % Make Pipeline object to manage streaming pipe = realsense.pipeline(); pointcloud = realsense.pointcloud(); % Start streaming on an arbitrary camera with default settings profile = pipe.start(); figure('visible','on'); hold on; figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]) % Main loop for i = 1:10000 % Obtain frames from a streaming device fs = pipe.wait_for_frames(); % Select depth frame depth = fs.get_depth_frame(); %color = fs.get_color_frame(); % Produce pointcloud if (depth.logical())% && color.logical()) %pointcloud.map_to(color); points = pointcloud.calculate(depth); % Adjust frame CS to matlab CS vertices = points.get_vertices(); X = vertices(:,1,1); Y = vertices(:,2,1); Z = vertices(:,3,1); plot3(X,Z,-Y,'.'); grid on hold off; view([45 30]); xlim([-0.5 0.5]) ylim([0.3 1]) zlim([-0.5 0.5]) xlabel('X'); ylabel('Z'); zlabel('Y'); pause(0.01); end % pcshow(vertices); Toolbox required end % Stop streaming pipe.stop(); end