using System; using System.Threading; using UnityEngine; using Intel.RealSense; using System.Collections; using System.Linq; /// /// Manages streaming using a RealSense Device /// [HelpURL("")] public class RsDevice : RsFrameProvider { /// /// The parallelism mode of the module /// public enum ProcessMode { Multithread, UnityThread, } // public static RsDevice Instance { get; private set; } /// /// Threading mode of operation, Multithread or UnityThread /// [Tooltip("Threading mode of operation, Multithreads or Unitythread")] public ProcessMode processMode; // public bool Streaming { get; private set; } /// /// Notifies upon streaming start /// public override event Action OnStart; /// /// Notifies when streaming has stopped /// public override event Action OnStop; /// /// Fired when a new frame is available /// public override event Action OnNewSample; /// /// User configuration /// public RsConfiguration DeviceConfiguration = new RsConfiguration { mode = RsConfiguration.Mode.Live, RequestedSerialNumber = string.Empty, Profiles = new RsVideoStreamRequest[] { new RsVideoStreamRequest {Stream = Stream.Depth, StreamIndex = -1, Width = 640, Height = 480, Format = Format.Z16 , Framerate = 30 }, new RsVideoStreamRequest {Stream = Stream.Infrared, StreamIndex = -1, Width = 640, Height = 480, Format = Format.Y8 , Framerate = 30 }, new RsVideoStreamRequest {Stream = Stream.Color, StreamIndex = -1, Width = 640, Height = 480, Format = Format.Rgb8 , Framerate = 30 } } }; private Thread worker; private readonly AutoResetEvent stopEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); private Pipeline m_pipeline; void OnEnable() { m_pipeline = new Pipeline(); using (var cfg = DeviceConfiguration.ToPipelineConfig()) ActiveProfile = m_pipeline.Start(cfg); DeviceConfiguration.Profiles = ActiveProfile.Streams.Select(RsVideoStreamRequest.FromProfile).ToArray(); if (processMode == ProcessMode.Multithread) { stopEvent.Reset(); worker = new Thread(WaitForFrames); worker.IsBackground = true; worker.Start(); } StartCoroutine(WaitAndStart()); } IEnumerator WaitAndStart() { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); Streaming = true; if (OnStart != null) OnStart(ActiveProfile); } void OnDisable() { OnNewSample = null; // OnNewSampleSet = null; if (worker != null) { stopEvent.Set(); worker.Join(); } if (Streaming && OnStop != null) OnStop(); if (ActiveProfile != null) { ActiveProfile.Dispose(); ActiveProfile = null; } if (m_pipeline != null) { // if (Streaming) // m_pipeline.Stop(); m_pipeline.Dispose(); m_pipeline = null; } Streaming = false; } void OnDestroy() { // OnStart = null; OnStop = null; if (ActiveProfile != null) { ActiveProfile.Dispose(); ActiveProfile = null; } if (m_pipeline != null) { m_pipeline.Dispose(); m_pipeline = null; } } private void RaiseSampleEvent(Frame frame) { var onNewSample = OnNewSample; if (onNewSample != null) { onNewSample(frame); } } /// /// Worker Thread for multithreaded operations /// private void WaitForFrames() { while (!stopEvent.WaitOne(0)) { using (var frames = m_pipeline.WaitForFrames()) RaiseSampleEvent(frames); } } void Update() { if (!Streaming) return; if (processMode != ProcessMode.UnityThread) return; FrameSet frames; if (m_pipeline.PollForFrames(out frames)) { using (frames) RaiseSampleEvent(frames); } } }