# rs-grabcuts Sample ## Overview This example demonstrates how to enchance existing 2D algorithms with 3D data: [GrabCut algorithm](https://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d8/d83/tutorial_py_grabcut.html) is commonly used for interactive, user-assisted foreground extraction. In this demo we replace user input with initial guess based on depth data. > **How is it different from [rs-align example](../../../examples/align)?** > **rs-align** is doing real-time background removal using simple masking and thresholding. This results in fast but not very clean results. > This demo is performing pixel-level optimization to cut the foreground in the 2D image. The depth data serves only as an initial estimate of what is near and what is far. ## Example Flow ### Get Aligned Color & Depth We start by getting a pair of spatially and temporally synchronized frames: ```cpp frameset data = pipe.wait_for_frames(); // Make sure the frameset is spatialy aligned // (each pixel in depth image corresponds to the same pixel in the color image) frameset aligned_set = align_to.process(data); frame depth = aligned_set.get_depth_frame(); auto color_mat = frame_to_mat(aligned_set.get_color_frame()); ```

Left: Color frame, Right: Raw depth frame aligned to Color

### Generate Near / Far Mask We continue to generate pixel regions that would estimate near and far objects. We use basic [morphological transformations](https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/imgproc/erosion_dilatation/erosion_dilatation.html) to improve the quality of the two masks: ```cpp // Generate "near" mask image: auto near = frame_to_mat(bw_depth); cvtColor(near, near, CV_BGR2GRAY); // Take just values within range [180-255] // These will roughly correspond to near objects due to histogram equalization create_mask_from_depth(near, 180, THRESH_BINARY); // Generate "far" mask image: auto far = frame_to_mat(bw_depth); cvtColor(far, far, CV_BGR2GRAY); // Note: 0 value does not indicate pixel near the camera, and requires special attention: far.setTo(255, far == 0); create_mask_from_depth(far, 100, THRESH_BINARY_INV); ```

Left: Foreground Guess in Green, Right: Background Guess in Red

### Invoke `cv::GrabCut` Algorithm The two masks are combined into a single guess: ```cpp // GrabCut algorithm needs a mask with every pixel marked as either: // BGD, FGB, PR_BGD, PR_FGB Mat mask; mask.create(near.size(), CV_8UC1); mask.setTo(Scalar::all(GC_BGD)); // Set "background" as default guess mask.setTo(GC_PR_BGD, far == 0); // Relax this to "probably background" for pixels outside "far" region mask.setTo(GC_FGD, near == 255); // Set pixels within the "near" region to "foreground" ``` We run the algorithm: ```cpp Mat bgModel, fgModel; cv::grabCut(color_mat, mask, Rect(), bgModel, fgModel, 1, cv::GC_INIT_WITH_MASK); ``` And generate the resulting image: ```cpp // Extract foreground pixels based on refined mask from the algorithm cv::Mat3b foreground = cv::Mat3b::zeros(color_mat.rows, color_mat.cols); color_mat.copyTo(foreground, (mask == cv::GC_FGD) | (mask == cv::GC_PR_FGD)); cv::imshow(window_name, foreground); ```