// License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory. // Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. //#test:device D400* #include "live-common.h" #include using namespace rs2; TEST_CASE("test video_stream_profile operator==", "[live]") { // Test that for 2 video_stream_profile objects, if width and height are different // then, video_stream_profile.operator== returns false. auto devices = find_devices_by_product_line_or_exit(RS2_PRODUCT_LINE_DEPTH); auto dev = devices[0]; auto depth_sens = dev.first< rs2::depth_sensor >(); stream_profile profile0, profile1; std::vector< stream_profile > stream_profiles; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(stream_profiles = depth_sens.get_stream_profiles()); for (auto profile : stream_profiles) { if (profile.is()) { profile0 = profile; } } if (!profile0) return; video_stream_profile vprofile0 = profile0.as(); for (auto profile : stream_profiles) { if (!profile.is()) continue; if (profile == profile0) { video_stream_profile vprofile = profile.as(); if (vprofile0.width() == vprofile.width() && vprofile0.height() == vprofile.height()) { REQUIRE(vprofile0 == vprofile); } else { REQUIRE(!(vprofile0 == vprofile)); } } } }