# License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory. # Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. from rspy import log, test from pyrsutils import running_average import random random.seed() # seed random number generator def test_around( median, plus_minus, reps = 50, sets = 10 ): """ Generate random numbers around the median, keeping within 'plus_minus' of it. Test that, at the end, the running-average is the same as the average we calculate manually (sum(numbers)/count). :param median: the middle number around which we pick numbers :param plus_minus: how far away from the median we want to get :param reps: how many numbers per set of numbers :param sets: how many times to repeat this """ test.start( f"double, {median} +/- {plus_minus}" ) for s in range(sets): avg = running_average() tot = 0. log.d( f" # value | average | expected" ) for r in range(reps): d = random.random() # [0,1) d -= 0.5 # [-0.5,0.5) d *= 2 # [-1,1) d *= plus_minus d += median avg.add( d ) tot += d log.d( f"{avg.size():>3} {d:>12.2f} | {avg.get():>12.2f} | {tot / avg.size():>12.2f}" ) test.check_equal( avg.size(), reps ) golden = tot / avg.size() test.check_approx_abs( avg.get(), golden, .00001 ) log.d() test.finish() ############################################################################################# # test_around( 5000, 100 ) # positive, small range test_around( 100, 99 ) # positive, range large (in comparison) test_around( 0, 100 ) # positive & negative test_around( -100, 150 ) # more negative test_around( -10, 5 ) # negative, small range test_around( 100000000, 50000000 ) # ############################################################################################# test.print_results_and_exit()