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118 lines
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118 lines
3.8 KiB
import pyrealsense2 as rs
import sys, getopt
import asyncore
import numpy as np
import pickle
import socket
import struct
import cv2
print('Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.')
print('Argument List:', str(sys.argv))
mc_ip_address = ''
local_ip_address = ''
port = 1024
chunk_size = 4096
def main(argv):
multi_cast_message(mc_ip_address, port, 'EtherSensePing')
#UDP client for each camera server
class ImageClient(asyncore.dispatcher):
def __init__(self, server, source):
asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, server)
self.address = server.getsockname()[0]
self.port = source[1]
self.buffer = bytearray()
self.windowName = self.port
# open cv window which is unique to the port
self.remainingBytes = 0
self.frame_id = 0
def handle_read(self):
if self.remainingBytes == 0:
# get the expected frame size
self.frame_length = struct.unpack('<I', self.recv(4))[0]
# get the timestamp of the current frame
self.timestamp = struct.unpack('<d', self.recv(8))
self.remainingBytes = self.frame_length
# request the frame data until the frame is completely in buffer
data = self.recv(self.remainingBytes)
self.buffer += data
self.remainingBytes -= len(data)
# once the frame is fully recived, process/display it
if len(self.buffer) == self.frame_length:
def handle_frame(self):
# convert the frame from string to numerical data
imdata = pickle.loads(self.buffer)
bigDepth = cv2.resize(imdata, (0,0), fx=2, fy=2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
cv2.putText(bigDepth, str(self.timestamp), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (65536), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow("window"+str(self.windowName), bigDepth)
self.buffer = bytearray()
self.frame_id += 1
def readable(self):
return True
class EtherSenseClient(asyncore.dispatcher):
def __init__(self):
self.server_address = ('', 1024)
# create a socket for TCP connection between the client and server
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def writable(self):
return False # don't want write notifies
def readable(self):
return True
def handle_connect(self):
print("connection recvied")
def handle_accept(self):
pair = self.accept()
if pair is not None:
sock, addr = pair
print ('Incoming connection from %s' % repr(addr))
# when a connection is attempted, delegate image receival to the ImageClient
handler = ImageClient(sock, addr)
def multi_cast_message(ip_address, port, message):
# send the multicast message
multicast_group = (ip_address, port)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
connections = {}
# Send data to the multicast group
print('sending "%s"' % message + str(multicast_group))
sent = sock.sendto(message.encode(), multicast_group)
# defer waiting for a response using Asyncore
client = EtherSenseClient()
# Look for responses from all recipients
except socket.timeout:
print('timed out, no more responses')
print(sys.stderr, 'closing socket')
if __name__ == '__main__':