You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

99 lines
2.8 KiB

# License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
# Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
import pyrealdds as dds
from rspy import log, test
import d435i
import threading
from time import sleep
dds.debug( log.is_debug_on(), log.nested )
participant = dds.participant()
participant.init( 123, "device-init-server" )
def test_one_stream():
s1p1 = dds.video_stream_profile( 9, dds.video_encoding.rgb, 10, 10 )
s1profiles = [s1p1]
s1 = dds.depth_stream_server( "s1", "sensor" )
s1.init_profiles( s1profiles, 0 )
log.d( s1.profiles() )
global server
server = dds.device_server( participant, "realdds/device/topic-root" )
server.init( [s1], [], {} )
def test_one_motion_stream():
s1p1 = dds.motion_stream_profile( 30 )
s1profiles = [s1p1]
s1 = dds.motion_stream_server( "s2", "sensor2" )
s1.init_profiles( s1profiles, 0 )
log.d( s1.profiles() )
global server
server = dds.device_server( participant, "realdds/device/topic-root" )
server.init( [s1], [], {} )
def test_no_profiles():
s1profiles = []
s1 = dds.color_stream_server( "s1", "sensor" )
s1.init_profiles( s1profiles, 0 )
global server
server = dds.device_server( participant, "realdds/device/topic-root" )
server.init( [s1], [], {} )
def test_no_streams():
global server
server = dds.device_server( participant, "realdds/device/topic-root" )
server.init( [], [], {} )
def test_n_profiles( n_profiles ):
assert n_profiles > 0
s1profiles = []
fibo = [0,1]
for i in range(n_profiles):
width = i
height = fibo[-2] + fibo[-1]
fibo[-2] = fibo[-1]
fibo[-1] = height
s1profiles += [dds.video_stream_profile( 9, dds.video_encoding.rgb, width, height )]
s1 = dds.ir_stream_server( "s1", "sensor" )
s1.init_profiles( s1profiles, 0 )
log.d( s1.profiles() )
global server
server = dds.device_server( participant, "realdds/device/topic-root" )
server.init( [s1], [], {} )
def test_d435i():
global server
server = participant )
notification_thread = None
def notification_flood():
def notification_flooder():
global server
i = 0
while server is not None:
i += 1
log.d( f'----> {i}' )
server.publish_notification( { 'id' : 'some-notification', 'counter' : i } )
sleep( 0.005 )
global notification_thread
notification_thread = threading.Thread( target=notification_flooder )
def close_server():
global server, notification_thread
server = None
if notification_thread is not None:
notification_thread = None
# From here down, we're in "interactive" mode (see
# ...