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Artem-Darius Weber bb2dc1e41e
feat: Определение местоположения объектов относительно RealSense и их разметка
4 months ago
dnn feat: Определение местоположения объектов относительно RealSense и их разметка 4 months ago
face feat: Определение местоположения объектов относительно RealSense и их разметка 4 months ago
rs-vino feat: Определение местоположения объектов относительно RealSense и их разметка 4 months ago
CMakeLists.txt feat: Определение местоположения объектов относительно RealSense и их разметка 4 months ago
check_vino_version.cmake feat: Определение местоположения объектов относительно RealSense и их разметка 4 months ago
dl_vino_model.cmake feat: Определение местоположения объектов относительно RealSense и их разметка 4 months ago feat: Определение местоположения объектов относительно RealSense и их разметка 4 months ago

OpenVINO Samples for Intel® RealSense™ cameras

Examples in this folder are designed to complement existing SDK examples and demonstrate how Intel RealSense cameras can be used together with the OpenVINO™ toolkit in the domain of computer-vision.

RealSense examples have been designed and tested with the following OpenVINO versions 2019.3.379 2020.3.194 2020.4.287 2021.1.110 2021.3.394

Working with other versions may require code changes.

List of Samples:

  1. Face - Facial recognition
  2. DNN - Object detection with MobileNet-SSD

Getting Started:

Before attempting any installation of OpenVINO, it is highly recommended that you check the latest OpenVINO Getting Started guide. This guide is in no way comprehensive.

These samples also require OpenCV, though this is not an OpenVINO requirement. The OpenCV installation (or where it was built, e.g. C:/work/opencv/build) should be pointed to using a CMake OpenCV_DIR entry. Please refer to OpenCV samples for additional information.

NOTE: You can use the OpenCV that is packaged with OpenVINO if you don't want to bother with installing it yourself. Add -DOpenCV_DIR=<openvino-dir>/opencv/cmake to your CMake command-line.


See the Windows-specific OpenVINO guide here.

After downloading and installing OpenVINO in C:\work\intel\openvino:

  1. Open a shell window
>  cd C:\work\intel\openvino
  1. Make sure you have Python and its scripts, e.g. pip, installed and on your path, otherwise some failures may be encountered:
>  set "PATH=%PATH%;C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/Shared/Python36_64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Python36_64\Scripts"
>  bin\setupvars.bat
  1. Install prerequisites
>  cd deployment_tools\model_optimizer\install_prerequisites
>  install_prerequisites.bat

NOTE: We ran into issues with the networkx library because of API changes. When manually revering back to version 1.11 everything worked.

NOTE: If you have to redo this step or the following, you may want to clean any previously-installed packages. By default, OpenVINO installs these under C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Intel\OpenVINO.

  1. Run the demo scripts and perform additional configuration steps:
>  cd ../../demo
>  demo_squeezenet_download_convert_run.bat
>  demo_security_barrier_camera.bat
  1. Download models
>  python tools/model_downloader/ --all --output_dir C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Intel\OpenVINO\models

This will take a while.

  1. Convert additional public models

Some models are put inside a public directory in their source (TensorFlow, etc.) format and must be converted to the OpenVINO IR format. This can be done with:

> cd C:\Users\${USER}\Documents\Intel\OpenVINO\models
> python C:\work\intel\openvino\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\ --name faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco [--mo C:\work\intel\openvino\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\]

Please refer to the example CMakeLists.txt files provided in this directory and the individual samples to see how to properly integrate with OpenVINO.

Runtime Dependencies

Many of the examples require DLL files or collaterals that need to be found. Rather than specify a hard-coded path, they usually expect these to be available in the same directory as the .exe. If the .exe is at c:/work/lrs/build/Release then place any missing DLLs or models in the same directory, or change the code to look in a different place.

For example, the following OpenCV DLLs were needed for the non-Debug executable, and were copied from ${OpenCV_DIR}/bin to the RelWithDebInfo directory where the .exe is written:


The pre-trained model files used by the examples are provided automatically when CMake is run, and are placed in each sample's build directory. For example, the following three are placed in build/wrappers/openvino/face:


Pre-trained models were taken from the OpenVINO model zoo, and public models were converted using the Model Converter.

The Device

The OpenVINO models may be loaded into any available device—CPU, GPU, Movidius™ Neural Compute Stick, or FPGA—provided the right .dll or .so files are available.

By default, the samples use the CPU device for running rather than assuming a GPU. If no discreet GPU is available, the CPU will likely run faster, but feel free to experiment by chaning the device.

To use the CPU device, the samples compile and depend on cpu_extension.dll (Windows) or (Linux) at runtime. If you encounter runtime error complaining of a missing component by these names, these can be found as a result of the regular build and then placed in the same place as all the model files (i.e., the current directory or alongside the .exe).


  1. Download the latest OpenVINO toolkit and follow the instructions for Linux installation. These are very similar to the Windows instructions above.
  2. Follow the instructions to build librealsense from source, but:
  • Add -DBUILD_OPENVINO_EXAMPLES=true -DOpenCV_DIR=... -DINTEL_OPENVINO_DIR=... to your cmake command
  1. Make sure you have $LD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing to the OpenVINO libraries when running the examples. Run source $INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR/bin/ to do this.