swarms banner

Former-commit-id: 10c5fa877a
Kye 2 years ago
parent 55abbd522e
commit 231fff50ef

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Swarms of Autonomous AI Agents 🤖 🤖 🤖 # Swarms of Autonomous AI Agents 🤖 🤖 🤖
![Swarming banner](images/swarms.png) ![Swarming banner](images/swarmsbannernew.png)
Introducing Swarms, automating all digital activities with multi-agent collaboration, get started in 30 seconds in a seamless onboarding experience. Introducing Swarms, automating all digital activities with multi-agent collaboration, get started in 30 seconds in a seamless onboarding experience.

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@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
name = "swarms"
version = "0.6.1"
description = "Swarms - Pytorch"
authors = ["Kye Gomez <kye@apac.ai>"]
license = "MIT"
readme = "README.md"
python = "^3.6"
transformers = "*"
openai = "*"
langchain = "*"
torch = "*"
torchvision = "*"
asyncio = "*"
nest_asyncio = "*"
bs4 = "*"
playwright = "*"
duckduckgo_search = "*"
faiss-cpu = "*"
wget = "3.2"
accelerate = "0.17.1"
addict = "*"
albumentations = "*"
basicsr = "*"
controlnet-aux = "*"
diffusers = "0.14.0"
einops = "*"
gradio = "*"
imageio = "*"
imageio-ffmpeg = "*"
kornia = "*"
numpy = "*"
omegaconf = "*"
open_clip_torch = "*"
opencv-python = "*"
prettytable = "*"
safetensors = "*"
streamlit = "*"
test-tube = "*"
timm = "*"
torchmetrics = "*"
webdataset = "*"
yapf = "*"
wolframalpha = "*"
wikipedia = "1.4.0"
httpx = "*"
ggl = "*"
gradio_tools = "*"
arxiv = "*"
google-api-python-client = "*"
google-auth-oauth = "*"
google-auth-httplib2 = "*"
beautifulsoup4 = "4.11.2"
O365 = "*"
pytube = "*"
pydub = "*"
llama-index = "*"
fastapi = "0.94.1"
pydantic = "1.10.6"
tenacity = "8.2.2"
python-dotenv = "1.0.0"
pillow = "9.4.0"
boto3 = "*"
uvicorn = "0.21.1"
python-ptrace = "0.9.8"
jinja2 = "3.1.2"
python-multipart = "0.0.6"
celery = "5.2.7"
redis = "4.5.4"
sentencepiece = "0.1.97"
bitsandbytes = "0.37.2"
psycopg2-binary = "2.9.5"
google-search-results = "2.4.2"
black = "23.1.0"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
# class Swarms:
# def __init__(self, openai_api_key):
# self.openai_api_key = openai_api_key
# def initialize_llm(self, llm_class, temperature=0.5):
# # Initialize language model
# return llm_class(openai_api_key=self.openai_api_key, temperature=temperature)
# def initialize_tools(self, llm_class):
# llm = self.initialize_llm(llm_class)
# # Initialize tools
# web_search = DuckDuckGoSearchRun()
# tools = [
# web_search,
# WriteFileTool(root_dir=ROOT_DIR),
# ReadFileTool(root_dir=ROOT_DIR),
# process_csv,
# WebpageQATool(qa_chain=load_qa_with_sources_chain(llm)),
# # RequestsGet()
# Tool(name="RequestsGet", func=RequestsGet.get, description="A portal to the internet, Use this when you need to get specific content from a website. Input should be a url (i.e. https://www.google.com). The output will be the text response of the GET request."),
# # CodeEditor,
# # Terminal,
# # RequestsGet,
# # ExitConversation
# #code editor + terminal editor + visual agent
# # Give the worker node itself as a tool
# ]
# assert tools is not None, "tools is not initialized"
# return tools
# def initialize_vectorstore(self):
# # Initialize vector store
# embeddings_model = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=self.openai_api_key)
# embedding_size = 1536
# index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embedding_size)
# return FAISS(embeddings_model.embed_query, index, InMemoryDocstore({}), {})
# def initialize_worker_node(self, worker_tools, vectorstore):
# # Initialize worker node
# llm = self.initialize_llm(ChatOpenAI)
# worker_node = WorkerNode(llm=llm, tools=worker_tools, vectorstore=vectorstore)
# worker_node.create_agent(ai_name="Swarm Worker AI Assistant", ai_role="Assistant", human_in_the_loop=False, search_kwargs={})
# worker_node_tool = Tool(name="WorkerNode AI Agent", func=worker_node.run, description="Input: an objective with a todo list for that objective. Output: your task completed: Please be very clear what the objective and task instructions are. The Swarm worker agent is Useful for when you need to spawn an autonomous agent instance as a worker to accomplish any complex tasks, it can search the internet or write code or spawn child multi-modality models to process and generate images and text or audio and so on")
# return worker_node_tool
# def initialize_boss_node(self, vectorstore, worker_node):
# # Initialize boss node
# llm = self.initialize_llm(OpenAI)
# todo_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template("You are a boss planer in a swarm who is an expert at coming up with a todo list for a given objective and then creating an worker to help you accomplish your task. Come up with a todo list for this objective: {objective} and then spawn a worker agent to complete the task for you. Always spawn an worker agent after creating a plan and pass the objective and plan to the worker agent.")
# todo_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=todo_prompt)
# tools = [
# Tool(name="TODO", func=todo_chain.run, description="useful for when you need to come up with todo lists. Input: an objective to create a todo list for. Output: a todo list for that objective. Please be very clear what the objective is!"),
# worker_node
# ]
# suffix = """Question: {task}\n{agent_scratchpad}"""
# prefix = """You are an Boss in a swarm who performs one task based on the following objective: {objective}. Take into account these previously completed tasks: {context}.\n """
# prompt = ZeroShotAgent.create_prompt(tools, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, input_variables=["objective", "task", "context", "agent_scratchpad"],)
# llm_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt)
# agent = ZeroShotAgent(llm_chain=llm_chain, allowed_tools=[tool.name for tool in tools])
# agent_executor = AgentExecutor.from_agent_and_tools(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True)
# # return BossNode(return BossNode(llm, vectorstore, agent_executor, max_iterations=5)
# return BossNode(llm, vectorstore, agent_executor, max_iterations=5)
# def run(self, objective, run_as=None):
# try:
# # Run the swarm with the given objective
# worker_tools = self.initialize_tools(OpenAI)
# assert worker_tools is not None, "worker_tools is not initialized"
# vectorstore = self.initialize_vectorstore()
# worker_node = self.initialize_worker_node(worker_tools, vectorstore)
# if run_as.lower() == 'worker':
# tool_input = {'prompt': objective}
# return worker_node.run(tool_input)
# else:
# boss_node = self.initialize_boss_node(vectorstore, worker_node)
# task = boss_node.create_task(objective)
# return boss_node.execute_task(task)
# except Exception as e:
# logging.error(f"An error occurred in run: {e}")
# raise
#omni agent ===> working
# class Swarms:
# def __init__(self,
# openai_api_key,
# # omni_api_key=None,
# # omni_api_endpoint=None,
# # omni_api_type=None
# ):
# self.openai_api_key = openai_api_key
# # self.omni_api_key = omni_api_key
# # self.omni_api_endpoint = omni_api_endpoint
# # self.omni_api_key = omni_api_type
# # if omni_api_key and omni_api_endpoint and omni_api_type:
# # self.omni_worker_agent = OmniWorkerAgent(omni_api_key, omni_api_endpoint, omni_api_type)
# # else:
# # self.omni_worker_agent = None
# def initialize_llm(self):
# # Initialize language model
# return ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-4", temperature=1.0, openai_api_key=self.openai_api_key)
# def initialize_tools(self, llm):
# # Initialize tools
# web_search = DuckDuckGoSearchRun()
# tools = [
# web_search,
# WriteFileTool(root_dir=ROOT_DIR),
# ReadFileTool(root_dir=ROOT_DIR),
# process_csv,
# WebpageQATool(qa_chain=load_qa_with_sources_chain(llm)),
# ]
# # if self.omni_worker_agent:
# # tools.append(self.omni_worker_agent.chat) #add omniworker agent class
# return tools
# def initialize_vectorstore(self):
# # Initialize vector store
# embeddings_model = OpenAIEmbeddings()
# embedding_size = 1536
# index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embedding_size)
# return FAISS(embeddings_model.embed_query, index, InMemoryDocstore({}), {})
# def initialize_worker_node(self, llm, worker_tools, vectorstore):
# # Initialize worker node
# worker_node = WorkerNode(llm=llm, tools=worker_tools, vectorstore=vectorstore)
# worker_node.create_agent(ai_name="AI Assistant", ai_role="Assistant", human_in_the_loop=False, search_kwargs={})
# return worker_node
# def initialize_boss_node(self, llm, vectorstore, worker_node):
# # Initialize boss node
# todo_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template("You are a planner who is an expert at coming up with a todo list for a given objective. Come up with a todo list for this objective: {objective}")
# todo_chain = LLMChain(llm=OpenAI(temperature=0), prompt=todo_prompt)
# tools = [
# Tool(name="TODO", func=todo_chain.run, description="useful for when you need to come up with todo lists. Input: an objective to create a todo list for. Output: a todo list for that objective. Please be very clear what the objective is!"),
# worker_node,
# ]
# suffix = """Question: {task}\n{agent_scratchpad}"""
# prefix = """You are an Boss in a swarm who performs one task based on the following objective: {objective}. Take into account these previously completed tasks: {context}.\n"""
# prompt = ZeroShotAgent.create_prompt(tools, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, input_variables=["objective", "task", "context", "agent_scratchpad"],)
# llm_chain = LLMChain(llm=OpenAI(temperature=0), prompt=prompt)
# agent = ZeroShotAgent(llm_chain=llm_chain, allowed_tools=[tool.name for tool in tools])
# agent_executor = AgentExecutor.from_agent_and_tools(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True)
# return BossNode(self.openai_api_key, llm, vectorstore, agent_executor, verbose=True, max_iterations=5)
# def run(self, objective):
# # Run the swarm with the given objective
# llm = self.initialize_llm()
# worker_tools = self.initialize_tools(llm)
# vectorstore = self.initialize_vectorstore()
# worker_node = self.initialize_worker_node(llm, worker_tools, vectorstore)
# boss_node = self.initialize_boss_node(llm, vectorstore, worker_node)
# task = boss_node.create_task(objective)
# boss_node.execute_task(task)
# worker_node.run_agent(objective)
# class Swarms:
# def __init__(self, num_nodes: int, llm: BaseLLM, self_scaling: bool):
# self.nodes = [WorkerNode(llm) for _ in range(num_nodes)]
# self.self_scaling = self_scaling
# def add_worker(self, llm: BaseLLM):
# self.nodes.append(WorkerNode(llm))
# def remove_workers(self, index: int):
# self.nodes.pop(index)
# def execute(self, task):
# #placeholer for main execution logic
# pass
# def scale(self):
# #placeholder for self scaling logic
# pass
#special classes
# class HierarchicalSwarms(Swarms):
# def execute(self, task):
# pass
# class CollaborativeSwarms(Swarms):
# def execute(self, task):
# pass
# class CompetitiveSwarms(Swarms):
# def execute(self, task):
# pass
# class MultiAgentDebate(Swarms):
# def execute(self, task):
# pass
#======================================> WorkerNode
# class MetaWorkerNode:
# def __init__(self, llm, tools, vectorstore):
# self.llm = llm
# self.tools = tools
# self.vectorstore = vectorstore
# self.agent = None
# self.meta_chain = None
# def init_chain(self, instructions):
# self.agent = WorkerNode(self.llm, self.tools, self.vectorstore)
# self.agent.create_agent("Assistant", "Assistant Role", False, {})
# def initialize_meta_chain():
# meta_template = """
# Assistant has just had the below interactions with a User. Assistant followed their "Instructions" closely. Your job is to critique the Assistant's performance and then revise the Instructions so that Assistant would quickly and correctly respond in the future.
# ####
# {chat_history}
# ####
# Please reflect on these interactions.
# You should first critique Assistant's performance. What could Assistant have done better? What should the Assistant remember about this user? Are there things this user always wants? Indicate this with "Critique: ...".
# You should next revise the Instructions so that Assistant would quickly and correctly respond in the future. Assistant's goal is to satisfy the user in as few interactions as possible. Assistant will only see the new Instructions, not the interaction history, so anything important must be summarized in the Instructions. Don't forget any important details in the current Instructions! Indicate the new Instructions by "Instructions: ...".
# """
# meta_prompt = PromptTemplate(
# input_variables=["chat_history"], template=meta_template
# )
# meta_chain = LLMChain(
# llm=OpenAI(temperature=0),
# prompt=meta_prompt,
# verbose=True,
# )
# return meta_chain
# def meta_chain(self):
# #define meta template and meta prompting as per your needs
# self.meta_chain = initialize_meta_chain()
# def get_chat_history(chain_memory):
# memory_key = chain_memory.memory_key
# chat_history = chain_memory.load_memory_variables(memory_key)[memory_key]
# return chat_history
# def get_new_instructions(meta_output):
# delimiter = "Instructions: "
# new_instructions = meta_output[meta_output.find(delimiter) + len(delimiter) :]
# return new_instructions
# def main(self, task, max_iters=3, max_meta_iters=5):
# failed_phrase = "task failed"
# success_phrase = "task succeeded"
# key_phrases = [success_phrase, failed_phrase]
# instructions = "None"
# for i in range(max_meta_iters):
# print(f"[Episode {i+1}/{max_meta_iters}]")
# self.initialize_chain(instructions)
# output = self.agent.perform('Assistant', {'request': task})
# for j in range(max_iters):
# print(f"(Step {j+1}/{max_iters})")
# print(f"Assistant: {output}")
# print(f"Human: ")
# human_input = input()
# if any(phrase in human_input.lower() for phrase in key_phrases):
# break
# output = self.agent.perform('Assistant', {'request': human_input})
# if success_phrase in human_input.lower():
# print(f"You succeeded! Thanks for playing!")
# return
# self.initialize_meta_chain()
# meta_output = self.meta_chain.predict(chat_history=self.get_chat_history())
# print(f"Feedback: {meta_output}")
# instructions = self.get_new_instructions(meta_output)
# print(f"New Instructions: {instructions}")
# print("\n" + "#" * 80 + "\n")
# print(f"You failed! Thanks for playing!")
# #init instance of MetaWorkerNode
# meta_worker_node = MetaWorkerNode(llm=OpenAI, tools=tools, vectorstore=vectorstore)
# #specify a task and interact with the agent
# task = "Provide a sysmatic argument for why we should always eat past with olives"
# meta_worker_node.main(task)
####################################################################### => Boss Node
####################################################################### => Boss Node
####################################################################### => Boss Node

@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class LeaderAgent(ABC):
def distribute_task(self, WAs, task):
def collect_results(self, WAs):
def process_results(self):
class WorkerAgent(ABC):
def execute_task(self):
class CollaborativeAgent(ABC):
def execute_task(self, task):
def collaborate(self):
class CompetitiveAgent(ABC):
def execute_task(self, task):
def evaluate_results(CompAs):
# Example
class MyWorkerAgent(WorkerAgent):
def execute_task(self):
# Insert your implementation here
import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from tiktoken import Tokenizer, TokenizerException
# Helper function to count tokens
def count_tokens(text: str, tokenizer: Tokenizer) -> int:
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
return len(tokens)
except TokenizerException as e:
logging.error(f"Error tokenizing text: {e}")
return 0
def divide_and_conquer_v2(task: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function divides a complex task into smaller subtasks and assigns each subtask to a different agent.
Then, it combines the results to form the final solution, considering the GPT-4 token limit.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final solution to the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
logging.info(f"Divide and conquer started for task: {task}")
subtasks = split_task_into_subtasks(task)
results = []
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
for subtask in subtasks:
agent_memory = random.choice(agents_memory)
chat_input = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": subtask}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for divide_and_conquer_v2")
return ""
result, _ = chat(chat_input)
final_solution = combine_subtask_results(results)
logging.info(f"Divide and conquer completed. Final solution: {final_solution}")
# Save the final solution to a database (e.g., a document-based database like MongoDB)
save_solution_to_database(task, final_solution)
return final_solution
def collaborative_execution_v2(task: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows a group of agents to collaborate on solving a complex task, considering the GPT-4 token limit.
Each agent proposes a solution, and a final solution is derived from the best aspects of each proposal.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final solution to the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
logging.info(f"Collaborative execution started for task: {task}")
solutions = []
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
chat_input = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Propose a solution for: {task}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for collaborative_execution_v2")
return ""
solution, _ = chat(chat_input)
solutions.append({"role": "assistant", "content": solution.strip()})
chat_input = [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a collaborative AI agent. Work with other agents to solve the given task."}] + solutions + [{"role": "user", "content": "Combine the best aspects of each solution to create the final solution."}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for collaborative_execution_v2")
return ""
final_solution, _ = chat(chat_input)
logging.info(f"Collaborative execution completed. Final solution: {final_solution}")
# Save the final solution to a database (e.g., a graph-based database like Neo4j for better analysis of connections)
save_solution_to_database(task, final_solution)
return final_solution.strip()
def expert_agents_v2(task: str, domain_experts_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows a group of domain expert agents to provide solutions to a given task.
The function evaluates the quality of each solution and returns the best one.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
domain_experts_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of domain expert agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The best solution to the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
logging.info(f"Expert agents execution started for task: {task}")
best_solution = None
best_score = 0
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
for expert_memory in domain_experts_memory:
chat_input = expert_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Provide a solution for: {task} based on your domain expertise."}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for expert_agents_v2")
return ""
expert_solution, _ = chat(chat_input)
score = evaluate_solution_quality(task, expert_solution.strip())
if score > best_score:
best_solution = expert_solution.strip()
best_score = score
logging.info(f"Expert agents execution completed. Best solution: {best_solution}")
# Save the best solution to a database (e.g., a relational database like PostgreSQL for structured data)
save_solution_to_database(task, best_solution)
return best_solution
def _v2(taskagent_delegation: str, manager_agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], subordinate_agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows a group of manager agents to delegate a complex task to a group of subordinate agents.
Each manager agent selects the best subordinate agent for each subtask, and the results are combined.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
manager_agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of manager agent memory states.
subordinate_agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of subordinate agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final combined result of the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
logging.info(f"Agent delegation execution started for task: {task}")
subtasks = generate_tasks(task)
results = []
for subtask in subtasks:
manager_memory = random.choice(manager_agents_memory)
selected_subordinate_memory = None
while selected_subordinate_memory is None:
chat_input = manager_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Select the best subordinate to solve: {subtask}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for agent_delegation_v2")
return ""
suggested_subordinate, _ = chat(chat_input)
subordinate_id = int(suggested_subordinate.strip())
if 0 <= subordinate_id < len(subordinate_agents_memory):
selected_subordinate_memory = subordinate_agents_memory[subordinate_id]
manager_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": "Invalid subordinate ID, please try again."})
result = continue_until_done(subtask, selected_subordinate_memory)
final_result = combine_results(results)
logging.info(f"Agent delegation execution completed. Final result: {final_result}")
# Save the final result to a database (e.g., a graph database like Neo4j for mapping connections between entities)
save_result_to_database(task, final_result)
return final_result
def parallel_execution_v2(task: str, num_agents: int, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function uses multiple agents to solve a complex task in parallel.
Each agent works on a subtask, and the results are combined.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
num_agents (int): The number of agents working in parallel.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final combined result of the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
logging.info(f"Parallel execution started for task: {task}")
tasks = generate_tasks(task)
results = []
threads = []
def threaded_execution(task: str, agent_memory: Dict[str, Any], results: List[str]) -> None:
chat_input = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": task}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for parallel_execution_v2")
result = continue_until_done(task, agent_memory)
for task in tasks:
agent_id = random.randint(0, num_agents - 1)
t = threading.Thread(target=threaded_execution, args=(task, agents_memory[agent_id], results))
for t in threads:
final_result = combine_results(results)
logging.info(f"Parallel execution completed. Final result: {final_result}")
# Save the final result to a database (e.g., a relational database like PostgreSQL for structured data)
save_result_to_database(task, final_result)
return final_result
def hierarchical_execution_v2(task: str, num_levels: int, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function solves a complex task by dividing it into smaller subtasks and assigning them to agents in a
hierarchical manner.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
num_levels (int): The number of hierarchical levels in the agent hierarchy.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final combined result of the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
logging.info(f"Hierarchical execution started for task: {task}")
levels = divide_problem_into_modules(task)
results = []
for level in levels:
assigned_agent_memory = agents_memory[num_levels % len(agents_memory)]
chat_input = assigned_agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": level}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for hierarchical_execution_v2")
return ""
result = continue_until_done(level, assigned_agent_memory)
num_levels += 1
final_result = combine_results(results)
logging.info(f"Hierarchical execution completed. Final result: {final_result}")
# Save the final result to a database (e.g., a graph database like Neo4j for hierarchical relationships)
save_result_to_database(task, final_result)
return final_result
def consensus_based_decision_v2(task_prompt: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function takes a task prompt and a list of agent memories, and it returns the consensus-based decision among
the agents.
task_prompt (str): The task prompt to be solved.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The consensus-based decision among the agents.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
logging.info(f"Consensus-based decision started for task: {task_prompt}")
options = collaborative_brainstorm(task_prompt, agents_memory[0], agents_memory[1])
votes = []
for option in options:
vote_count = 0
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
chat_input = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Which option do you prefer: {options[0]} or {option}?"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for consensus_based_decision_v2")
return ""
vote, _ = chat(chat_input)
if vote.strip() == option:
vote_count += 1
consensus_option = options[votes.index(max(votes))]
logging.info(f"Consensus-based decision completed. Final result: {consensus_option}")
# Save the final result to a database (e.g., a relational database like PostgreSQL for structured data)
save_result_to_database(task_prompt, consensus_option)
return consensus_option
def ask_for_help_v2(chatbot1_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], chatbot2_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function facilitates the interaction between two chatbots. Chatbot1 asks Chatbot2 for help on a task.
chatbot1_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of Chatbot1.
chatbot2_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of Chatbot2.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The suggestion provided by Chatbot2 to help Chatbot1 with the task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
logging.info("Ask for help started")
chat_input1 = chatbot1_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": "Chatbot1, I need help with this task."}]
tokens1 = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input1), tokenizer)
if tokens1 >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for ask_for_help_v2")
return ""
chatbot1_help_request, chatbot1_tokens = chat(chat_input1)
chatbot1_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot1_help_request})
chat_input2 = chatbot2_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Chatbot2, please help me with this: {chatbot1_help_request}"}]
tokens2 = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input2), tokenizer)
if tokens2 >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for ask_for_help_v2")
return ""
chatbot2_suggestion, chatbot2_tokens = chat(chat_input2)
chatbot2_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot2_suggestion})
logging.info(f"Ask for help completed. Chatbot2's suggestion: {chatbot2_suggestion}")
# Save the chat history to a database (e.g., a graph database like Neo4j for interconnected data)
save_chat_history_to_database(chatbot1_memory, chatbot2_memory)
return chatbot2_suggestion
def collaborative_brainstorm_v2(topic: str, chatbot1_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], chatbot2_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> List[str]:
This function enables two chatbots to collaboratively brainstorm ideas on a given topic.
topic (str): The topic for brainstorming.
chatbot1_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of Chatbot1.
chatbot2_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of Chatbot2.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
List[str]: A list of brainstormed ideas from both chatbots.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty list.
logging.info(f"Collaborative brainstorming started for topic: {topic}")
ideas = []
for i in range(3):
chat_input1 = chatbot1_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Chatbot1, brainstorm an idea for {topic}"}]
tokens1 = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input1), tokenizer)
if tokens1 >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for collaborative_brainstorm_v2")
return []
chatbot1_idea, chatbot1_tokens = chat(chat_input1)
chatbot1_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot1_idea})
chat_input2 = chatbot2_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Chatbot2, brainstorm an idea for {topic}"}]
tokens2 = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input2), tokenizer)
if tokens2 >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for collaborative_brainstorm_v2")
return []
chatbot2_idea, chatbot2_tokens = chat(chat_input2)
chatbot2_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot2_idea})
logging.info(f"Collaborative brainstorming completed. Ideas: {ideas}")
# Save the brainstorming session to a database (e.g., a document database like MongoDB for storing complex data structures)
save_brainstorming_session_to_database(topic, ideas, chatbot1_memory, chatbot2_memory)
return ideas
def graph_based_chat_v2(chatbot_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], user_id: str, user_message: str, graph_database: GraphDatabase, max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows a chatbot to engage in a conversation with a user, utilizing a graph database to provide insights
and connections between users, keywords, and topics.
chatbot_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of the chatbot.
user_id (str): The unique identifier for the user.
user_message (str): The message from the user.
graph_database (GraphDatabase): The graph database containing connections between users, keywords, topics, etc.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The chatbot's response to the user's message.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
logging.info(f"Received message from user {user_id}: {user_message}")
# Update the graph database with user's message
update_graph_database(user_id, user_message, graph_database)
# Retrieve insights from the graph database
insights = get_insights(graph_database)
chat_input = chatbot_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"{user_message}\nInsights: {insights}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for graph_based_chat_v2")
return ""
chatbot_response, chatbot_tokens = chat(chat_input)
chatbot_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot_response})
logging.info(f"Chatbot response to user {user_id}: {chatbot_response}")
# Save the chat conversation to a database (e.g., a relational database like MySQL for structured data)
save_chat_conversation_to_database(user_id, user_message, chatbot_response)
return chatbot_response
def multi_platform_chat_v2(platform: str, chatbot_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], user_id: str, user_message: str, max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows a chatbot to engage in a conversation with a user on various platforms such as
WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
platform (str): The platform on which the chat is taking place (e.g., "WhatsApp", "Facebook").
chatbot_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of the chatbot.
user_id (str): The unique identifier for the user.
user_message (str): The message from the user.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The chatbot's response to the user's message.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
logging.info(f"Received message from user {user_id} on {platform}: {user_message}")
chat_input = chatbot_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Platform: {platform}\nUser message: {user_message}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for multi_platform_chat_v2")
return ""
chatbot_response, chatbot_tokens = chat(chat_input)
chatbot_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot_response})
logging.info(f"Chatbot response to user {user_id} on {platform}: {chatbot_response}")
# Save the chat conversation to a database (e.g., a document-based database like MongoDB for unstructured data)
save_chat_conversation_to_database(user_id, platform, user_message, chatbot_response)
return chatbot_response
def agent_swapping_v2(task_prompt: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows multiple agents to collaboratively solve a task by swapping in and out when
their individual knowledge is insufficient.
task_prompt (str): The task to be solved.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of memory states for each agent.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final solution to the task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
current_agent_index = 0
current_agent_memory = agents_memory[current_agent_index]
input_messages = current_agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Task: {task_prompt}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for agent_swapping_v2")
return ""
partial_solution, remaining_task = chat(input_messages)
while remaining_task:
current_agent_index = (current_agent_index + 1) % len(agents_memory)
current_agent_memory = agents_memory[current_agent_index]
input_messages = current_agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Remaining task: {remaining_task}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for agent_swapping_v2")
return ""
next_partial_solution, remaining_task = chat(input_messages)
partial_solution += next_partial_solution
return partial_solution
def multi_agent_voting_v2(task_prompt: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows multiple agents to collaboratively solve a task by proposing solutions and
voting on the best one.
task_prompt (str): The task to be solved.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of memory states for each agent.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final solution to the task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
proposed_solutions = []
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
input_messages = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Propose a solution for: {task_prompt}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for multi_agent_voting_v2")
return ""
proposed_solution, _ = chat(input_messages)
input_messages = [{"role": "system", "content": "You are an AI agent. Vote on the best solution from the following options:"}] + [{"role": "assistant", "content": option} for option in proposed_solutions]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for multi_agent_voting_v2")
return ""
winning_solution, _ = chat(input_messages + [{"role": "user", "content": "Which solution is the best?"}])
return winning_solution.strip()
def multi_agent_brainstorming_v2(topic: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> List[str]:
This function allows multiple agents to collaboratively brainstorm ideas on a given topic.
topic (str): The topic for brainstorming.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of memory states for each agent.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
List[str]: List of brainstormed ideas.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty list.
ideas = []
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
input_messages = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Brainstorm an idea for: {topic}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for multi_agent_brainstorming_v2")
return []
idea, _ = chat(input_messages)
return ideas
def multi_agent_emotion_analysis_v2(text: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> Dict[str, float]:
This function allows multiple agents to perform emotion analysis on a given text.
text (str): The text to perform emotion analysis on.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of memory states for each agent.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
Dict[str, float]: A dictionary containing emotion scores for the text.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty dictionary.
emotion_scores = defaultdict(float)
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
input_messages = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Analyze the emotions in this text: {text}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for multi_agent_emotion_analysis_v2")
return {}
emotion_analysis, _ = chat(input_messages)
parsed_scores = json.loads(emotion_analysis.strip())
for emotion, score in parsed_scores.items():
emotion_scores[emotion] += score
for emotion in emotion_scores:
emotion_scores[emotion] /= len(agents_memory)
return emotion_scores
def swarm_intelligence(task_prompt, agents_memory):
subtasks = generate_tasks(task_prompt)
results = []
for subtask in subtasks:
agent_votes = []
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
agent_vote, _ = chat(agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Propose a solution for: {subtask}"}])
most_common_solution = max(set(agent_votes), key=agent_votes.count)
return results