Your Name 4 months ago
parent 4dfa159592
commit f5a532f493

@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ nav:
- Overview: "index.md" - Overview: "index.md"
# - The Vision: "swarms/framework/vision.md" # - The Vision: "swarms/framework/vision.md"
- Install: "swarms/install/install.md" - Install: "swarms/install/install.md"
- Quickstart: "swarms/install/quickstart.md"
- Swarms Framework Architecture: "swarms/concept/framework_architecture.md" - Swarms Framework Architecture: "swarms/concept/framework_architecture.md"
- Philosophy: "swarms/concept/philosophy.md" - Philosophy: "swarms/concept/philosophy.md"
# - Docker Setup: "swarms/install/docker_setup.md" # - Docker Setup: "swarms/install/docker_setup.md"

@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
## Quickstart
**Swarms** is an enterprise-grade, production-ready multi-agent collaboration framework that enables you to orchestrate agents to work collaboratively at scale to automate real-world activities. Follow this quickstart guide to get up and running with Swarms, including setting up your environment, building an agent, and leveraging multi-agent methods.
### **Requirements**
- Python 3.10 or above
- `.env` file with API keys from your providers like `OPENAI_API_KEY`, `ANTHROPIC_API_KEY`
- Set an environment variable for your workspace directory:
### **Installation**
To install Swarms, run:
$ pip install -U swarms
### **Usage Example: Single Agent**
Heres a simple example of creating a financial analysis agent powered by OpenAIs GPT-4 model. This agent will analyze financial queries like how to set up a ROTH IRA.
import os
from swarms import Agent
from swarm_models import OpenAIChat
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# Initialize OpenAI model
model = OpenAIChat(
openai_api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"), model_name="gpt-4o-mini", temperature=0.1
# Initialize the agent
agent = Agent(
system_prompt="Analyze financial situations and provide advice...",
# Run the agent on a financial query
out = agent.run("How can I establish a ROTH IRA to buy stocks and get a tax break? What are the criteria?")
#### **Agent Class**
- **Attributes:**
- `agent_name`: Name of the agent.
- `system_prompt`: System-level instruction guiding the agent's behavior.
- `llm`: Language model used by the agent (e.g., GPT, Anthropic).
- `max_loops`: Max iterations for a task.
- `autosave`: Auto-saves the state after each iteration.
- **Methods:**
- `run(task: str)`: Executes the agents task.
- `ingest_docs(doc_path: str)`: Ingests documents into the agents knowledge base.
- `filtered_run(task: str)`: Runs agent with a filtered system prompt.
## Integrating External Agents
Integrating external agents from other agent frameworks is easy with swarms.
1. Create a new class that inherits `Agent`
2. Create a `.run(task: str) -> str` method that runs the agent and returns the response.
3. The new Agent must return a string of the response. But you may add additional methods to save the output to JSON.
### Griptape Example
For example, here's an example on how to create an agent from griptape.
Heres how you can create a custom **Griptape** agent that integrates with the **Swarms** framework by inheriting from the `Agent` class in **Swarms** and overriding the `run(task: str) -> str` method.
from swarms import (
Agent as SwarmsAgent,
) # Import the base Agent class from Swarms
from griptape.structures import Agent as GriptapeAgent
from griptape.tools import (
# Create a custom agent class that inherits from SwarmsAgent
class GriptapeSwarmsAgent(SwarmsAgent):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Initialize the Griptape agent with its tools
self.agent = GriptapeAgent(
input="Load {{ args[0] }}, summarize it, and store it in a file called {{ args[1] }}.",
# Add additional settings
# Override the run method to take a task and execute it using the Griptape agent
def run(self, task: str) -> str:
# Extract URL and filename from task (you can modify this parsing based on task structure)
url, filename = task.split(
) # Example of splitting task string
# Execute the Griptape agent with the task inputs
result = self.agent.run(url.strip(), filename.strip())
# Return the final result as a string
return str(result)
# Example usage:
griptape_swarms_agent = GriptapeSwarmsAgent()
output = griptape_swarms_agent.run(
"https://griptape.ai, griptape.txt"
### Key Components:
1. **GriptapeSwarmsAgent**: A custom class that inherits from the `SwarmsAgent` class and integrates the Griptape agent.
2. **run(task: str) -> str**: A method that takes a task string, processes it (e.g., splitting into a URL and filename), and runs the Griptape agent with the provided inputs.
3. **Griptape Tools**: The tools integrated into the Griptape agent (e.g., `WebScraperTool`, `PromptSummaryTool`, `FileManagerTool`) allow for web scraping, summarization, and file management.
You can now easily plug this custom Griptape agent into the **Swarms Framework** and use it to run tasks!
## Overview of Swarm Architectures in the Swarms Framework
### 1. **Sequential Workflow**
**Overview**: The `SequentialWorkflow` enables tasks to be executed one after the other. Each agent processes its task and passes the output to the next agent in the sequence.
#### Mermaid Graph:
graph TD;
A[Task Input] --> B[Blog Generator Agent];
B --> C[Summarizer Agent];
C --> D[Task Output];
#### Code Example:
from swarms import Agent, SequentialWorkflow
from swarm_models import Anthropic
# Initialize agents
agent1 = Agent(agent_name="Blog generator", system_prompt="Generate a blog post", llm=Anthropic(), max_loops=1)
agent2 = Agent(agent_name="Summarizer", system_prompt="Summarize the blog post", llm=Anthropic(), max_loops=1)
# Create Sequential workflow
workflow = SequentialWorkflow(agents=[agent1, agent2], max_loops=1)
# Run workflow
output = workflow.run("Generate a blog post on how swarms of agents can help businesses grow.")
### 2. **Agent Rearrange**
**Overview**: `AgentRearrange` allows the orchestration of agents in both sequential and parallel configurations. The user can define a flexible flow of tasks between agents.
#### Mermaid Graph:
graph TD;
A[Director Agent] --> B[Worker 1 Agent];
A --> C[Worker 2 Agent];
B --> D[Task Completed];
C --> D[Task Completed];
#### Code Example:
from swarms import Agent, AgentRearrange
from swarm_models import Anthropic
# Initialize agents
director = Agent(agent_name="Director", system_prompt="Directs tasks", llm=Anthropic(), max_loops=1)
worker1 = Agent(agent_name="Worker1", system_prompt="Generate a transcript", llm=Anthropic(), max_loops=1)
worker2 = Agent(agent_name="Worker2", system_prompt="Summarize the transcript", llm=Anthropic(), max_loops=1)
# Define agent relationships and workflow
flow = "Director -> Worker1 -> Worker2"
agent_system = AgentRearrange(agents=[director, worker1, worker2], flow=flow)
# Run agent system
output = agent_system.run("Create a YouTube transcript and summary")
### 3. **Graph Workflow**
**Overview**: `GraphWorkflow` allows agents to work in a graph-based architecture, where agents or tasks can be connected in any manner—both sequentially and concurrently.
#### Mermaid Graph:
graph TD;
A[Agent 1] --> D[Task 1];
B[Agent 2] --> D[Task 1];
D --> E[Task Completed];
#### Code Example:
from swarms import Agent, Edge, GraphWorkflow, Node, NodeType
from swarm_models import OpenAIChat
import os
# Initialize agents
agent1 = Agent(llm=OpenAIChat(openai_api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"), max_tokens=4000), max_loops=1)
agent2 = Agent(llm=OpenAIChat(openai_api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"), max_tokens=4000), max_loops=1)
def sample_task():
return "Task completed"
# Create the graph workflow
wf_graph = GraphWorkflow()
wf_graph.add_node(Node(id="agent1", type=NodeType.AGENT, agent=agent1))
wf_graph.add_node(Node(id="agent2", type=NodeType.AGENT, agent=agent2))
wf_graph.add_node(Node(id="task1", type=NodeType.TASK, callable=sample_task))
# Define the flow of the graph
wf_graph.add_edge(Edge(source="agent1", target="task1"))
wf_graph.add_edge(Edge(source="agent2", target="task1"))
# Set entry and end points
wf_graph.set_entry_points(["agent1", "agent2"])
# Run the workflow
results = wf_graph.run()
print("Execution results:", results)
### 4. **Mixture of Agents**
**Overview**: `MixtureOfAgents` is a parallelized architecture where agents perform tasks concurrently and then feed their results back into a loop for final aggregation. This is useful for highly parallelizable tasks.
#### Mermaid Graph:
graph TD;
A[Director Agent] --> B[Accountant 1];
A --> C[Accountant 2];
B --> D[Final Aggregation];
C --> D[Final Aggregation];
#### Code Example:
from swarms import Agent, OpenAIChat, MixtureOfAgents
# Initialize agents
director = Agent(agent_name="Director", system_prompt="Directs tasks", llm=OpenAIChat(), max_loops=1)
accountant1 = Agent(agent_name="Accountant1", system_prompt="Prepare financial statements", llm=OpenAIChat(), max_loops=1)
accountant2 = Agent(agent_name="Accountant2", system_prompt="Audit financial records", llm=OpenAIChat(), max_loops=1)
# Create Mixture of Agents swarm
swarm = MixtureOfAgents(name="Mixture of Accountants", agents=[director, accountant1, accountant2], layers=3, final_agent=director)
# Run the swarm
output = swarm.run("Prepare financial statements and audit financial records")
### 5. **Spreadsheet Swarm**
**Overview**: `SpreadSheetSwarm` enables the management of thousands of agents simultaneously, where each agent operates on its own thread. Its ideal for overseeing large-scale agent outputs.
#### Mermaid Graph:
graph TD;
A[Spreadsheet Swarm] --> B[Twitter Agent];
A --> C[Instagram Agent];
A --> D[Facebook Agent];
A --> E[LinkedIn Agent];
A --> F[Email Agent];
#### Code Example:
from swarms import Agent
from swarm_models import OpenAIChat
from swarms.structs.spreadsheet_swarm import SpreadSheetSwarm
import os
# Initialize agents for different marketing platforms
agents = [
Agent(agent_name="Twitter Agent", system_prompt="Create a tweet", llm=OpenAIChat(openai_api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")), max_loops=1),
Agent(agent_name="Instagram Agent", system_prompt="Create an Instagram post", llm=OpenAIChat(openai_api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")), max_loops=1),
Agent(agent_name="Facebook Agent", system_prompt="Create a Facebook post", llm=OpenAIChat(openai_api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")), max_loops=1),
Agent(agent_name="LinkedIn Agent", system_prompt="Create a LinkedIn post", llm=OpenAIChat(openai_api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")), max_loops=1),
Agent(agent_name="Email Agent", system_prompt="Write a marketing email", llm=OpenAIChat(openai_api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")), max_loops=1),
# Create the Spreadsheet Swarm
swarm = SpreadSheetSwarm(agents=agents, save_file_path="real_estate_marketing_spreadsheet.csv", run_all_agents=False, max_loops=2)
# Run the swarm
swarm.run("Create posts to promote luxury properties in North Texas.")
These are the key swarm architectures available in the **Swarms Framework**. Each one is designed to solve different types of multi-agent orchestration problems, from sequential tasks to large-scale parallel processing.
### Overview of Swarm Architectures
#### **Workflow Classes**
- **SequentialWorkflow:**
- Chains agents, where one agent's output becomes the next agents input.
- **AgentRearrange:**
- Dynamically rearranges agent tasks either in parallel or sequentially based on defined flow.
#### **Swarm Architectures**
- **Hierarchical Swarms:**
- Implements top-down control, where a boss agent coordinates tasks among sub-agents.
- **Spreadsheet Swarm:**
- A large-scale swarm architecture for managing multiple agents working concurrently.