@ -1564,3 +1564,650 @@ query_website_tool = WebpageQATool(qa_chain=load_qa_with_sources_chain(llm))
# !pip install duckduckgo_search
# !pip install duckduckgo_search
web_search = DuckDuckGoSearchRun ( )
web_search = DuckDuckGoSearchRun ( )
######################################################## zapier
import os
# get from https://platform.openai.com/
os . environ [ " OPENAI_API_KEY " ] = os . environ . get ( " OPENAI_API_KEY " , " " )
# get from https://nla.zapier.com/demo/provider/debug (under User Information, after logging in):
os . environ [ " ZAPIER_NLA_API_KEY " ] = os . environ . get ( " ZAPIER_NLA_API_KEY " , " " )
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits import ZapierToolkit
from langchain . agents import AgentType
from langchain . utilities . zapier import ZapierNLAWrapper
zapier = ZapierNLAWrapper ( )
toolkit = ZapierToolkit . from_zapier_nla_wrapper ( zapier )
# agent = initialize_agent(
# toolkit.get_tools(), llm, agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=True
# )
######################################################## zapier end
######################################################## youtube search
from langchain . tools import YouTubeSearchTool
tool = YouTubeSearchTool ( )
#tool.run("lex friedman")
######################################################## youtube search end
######################################################## wolfram beginning
import os
os . environ [ " WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APPID " ] = " "
from langchain . utilities . wolfram_alpha import WolframAlphaAPIWrapper
wolfram = WolframAlphaAPIWrapper ( )
#wolfram.run("What is 2x+5 = -3x + 7?")
######################################################## wolfram end
######################################################## Wikipedia beginning
from langchain . utilities import WikipediaAPIWrapper
wikipedia = WikipediaAPIWrapper ( )
#wikipedia.run("HUNTER X HUNTER")
######################################################## Wikipedia beginning
######################################################## search tools beginning
tools = load_tools ( [ " google-serper " ] , llm = llm )
agent = initialize_agent (
tools , llm , agent = AgentType . ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION , verbose = True
agent . run ( " What is the weather in Pomfret? " )
######################################################## search tools end
######################################################## requests
from langchain . agents import load_tools
requests_tools = load_tools ( [ " requests_all " ] )
# requests_tools
requests_tools [ 0 ] . requests_wrapper
from langchain . utilities import TextRequestsWrapper
requests = TextRequestsWrapper ( )
requests . get ( " https://www.google.com " )
######################################################## requests
######################################################## pubmed
from langchain . tools import PubmedQueryRun
tool = PubmedQueryRun ( )
tool . run ( " chatgpt " )
######################################################## pubmed emd
######################################################## IFTTT WebHooks
from langchain . tools . ifttt import IFTTTWebhook
import os
key = os . environ [ " IFTTTKey " ]
url = f " https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/spotify/json/with/key/ { key } "
tool = IFTTTWebhook (
name = " Spotify " , description = " Add a song to spotify playlist " , url = url
tool . run ( " taylor swift " )
######################################################## IFTTT WebHooks end
######################################################## huggingface
from langchain . agents import load_huggingface_tool
tool = load_huggingface_tool ( " lysandre/hf-model-downloads " )
print ( f " { tool . name } : { tool . description } " )
######################################################## huggingface end
######################################################## graphql
from langchain import OpenAI
from langchain . agents import load_tools , initialize_agent , AgentType
from langchain . utilities import GraphQLAPIWrapper
llm = OpenAI ( temperature = 0 )
tools = load_tools (
[ " graphql " ] ,
graphql_endpoint = " https://swapi-graphql.netlify.app/.netlify/functions/index " ,
llm = llm ,
# agent = initialize_agent(
# tools, llm, agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=True
# )
######################################################## graphql end
######################################################## graphql
from langchain . agents import initialize_agent
from langchain . llms import OpenAI
from gradio_tools . tools import (
StableDiffusionTool ,
ImageCaptioningTool ,
StableDiffusionPromptGeneratorTool ,
TextToVideoTool ,
from langchain . memory import ConversationBufferMemory
llm = OpenAI ( temperature = 0 )
memory = ConversationBufferMemory ( memory_key = " chat_history " )
tools = [
StableDiffusionTool ( ) . langchain ,
ImageCaptioningTool ( ) . langchain ,
StableDiffusionPromptGeneratorTool ( ) . langchain ,
TextToVideoTool ( ) . langchain ,
agent = initialize_agent (
tools , llm , memory = memory , agent = " conversational-react-description " , verbose = True
output = agent . run (
input = (
" Please create a photo of a dog riding a skateboard "
" but improve my prompt prior to using an image generator. "
" Please caption the generated image and create a video for it using the improved prompt. "
######################## ######################################################## graphql end
######################## ######################################################## file system
from langchain . tools . file_management import (
ReadFileTool ,
CopyFileTool ,
DeleteFileTool ,
MoveFileTool ,
WriteFileTool ,
ListDirectoryTool ,
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits import FileManagementToolkit
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
# We'll make a temporary directory to avoid clutter
working_directory = TemporaryDirectory ( )
toolkit = FileManagementToolkit (
root_dir = str ( working_directory . name )
) # If you don't provide a root_dir, operations will default to the current working directory
toolkit . get_tools ( )
tools = FileManagementToolkit (
root_dir = str ( working_directory . name ) ,
selected_tools = [ " read_file " , " write_file " , " list_directory " ] ,
) . get_tools ( )
read_tool , write_tool , list_tool = tools
write_tool . run ( { " file_path " : " example.txt " , " text " : " Hello World! " } )
# List files in the working directory
list_tool . run ( { } )
######################### BRAVE
from langchain . tools import BraveSearch
api_key = " ... "
tool = BraveSearch . from_api_key ( api_key = api_key , search_kwargs = { " count " : 3 } )
tool . run ( " obama middle name " )
######################### BRAVE END
######################### ARXVIV
from langchain . chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain . agents import load_tools , initialize_agent , AgentType
llm = ChatOpenAI ( temperature = 0.0 )
tools = load_tools (
[ " arxiv " ] ,
agent_chain = initialize_agent (
tools ,
llm ,
verbose = True ,
agent_chain . run (
" What ' s the paper 1605.08386 about? " ,
from langchain . utilities import ArxivAPIWrapper
arxiv = ArxivAPIWrapper ( )
docs = arxiv . run ( " 1605.08386 " )
docs = arxiv . run ( " Caprice Stanley " )
docs = arxiv . run ( " 1605.08386WWW " )
################################# GMAIL TOOKKIT
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits import GmailToolkit
toolkit = GmailToolkit ( )
from langchain . tools . gmail . utils import build_resource_service , get_gmail_credentials
# Can review scopes here https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/auth/scopes
# For instance, readonly scope is 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly'
credentials = get_gmail_credentials (
token_file = " token.json " ,
scopes = [ " https://mail.google.com/ " ] ,
client_secrets_file = " credentials.json " ,
api_resource = build_resource_service ( credentials = credentials )
toolkit = GmailToolkit ( api_resource = api_resource )
tools = toolkit . get_tools ( )
from langchain import OpenAI
from langchain . agents import initialize_agent , AgentType
llm = OpenAI ( temperature = 0 )
agent = initialize_agent (
tools = toolkit . get_tools ( ) ,
llm = llm ,
################################# GMAIL TOOKKIT JSON AGENT
import os
import yaml
from langchain . agents import create_json_agent , AgentExecutor
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits import JsonToolkit
from langchain . chains import LLMChain
from langchain . llms . openai import OpenAI
from langchain . requests import TextRequestsWrapper
from langchain . tools . json . tool import JsonSpec
with open ( " openai_openapi.yml " ) as f :
data = yaml . load ( f , Loader = yaml . FullLoader )
json_spec = JsonSpec ( dict_ = data , max_value_length = 4000 )
json_toolkit = JsonToolkit ( spec = json_spec )
json_agent_executor = create_json_agent (
llm = OpenAI ( temperature = 0 ) , toolkit = json_toolkit , verbose = True
json_agent_executor . run (
" What are the required parameters in the request body to the /completions endpoint? "
################################# OFFICE 365 TOOLKIT
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits import O365Toolkit
toolkit = O365Toolkit ( )
tools = toolkit . get_tools ( )
from langchain import OpenAI
from langchain . agents import initialize_agent , AgentType
llm = OpenAI ( temperature = 0 )
agent = initialize_agent (
tools = toolkit . get_tools ( ) ,
llm = llm ,
verbose = False ,
agent . run ( " Create an email draft for me to edit of a letter from the perspective of a sentient parrot "
" who is looking to collaborate on some research with her "
" estranged friend, a cat. Under no circumstances may you send the message, however. " )
################################# OFFICE 365 TOOLKIT END
import os , yaml
# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openai/openai-openapi/master/openapi.yaml
# mv openapi.yaml openai_openapi.yaml
# wget https://www.klarna.com/us/shopping/public/openai/v0/api-docs
# mv api-docs klarna_openapi.yaml
# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/APIs-guru/openapi-directory/main/APIs/spotify.com/1.0.0/openapi.yaml
# mv openapi.yaml spotify_openapi.yaml
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits . openapi . spec import reduce_openapi_spec
with open ( " openai_openapi.yaml " ) as f :
raw_openai_api_spec = yaml . load ( f , Loader = yaml . Loader )
openai_api_spec = reduce_openapi_spec ( raw_openai_api_spec )
with open ( " klarna_openapi.yaml " ) as f :
raw_klarna_api_spec = yaml . load ( f , Loader = yaml . Loader )
klarna_api_spec = reduce_openapi_spec ( raw_klarna_api_spec )
with open ( " spotify_openapi.yaml " ) as f :
raw_spotify_api_spec = yaml . load ( f , Loader = yaml . Loader )
spotify_api_spec = reduce_openapi_spec ( raw_spotify_api_spec )
import spotipy . util as util
from langchain . requests import RequestsWrapper
def construct_spotify_auth_headers ( raw_spec : dict ) :
scopes = list (
raw_spec [ " components " ] [ " securitySchemes " ] [ " oauth_2_0 " ] [ " flows " ] [
" authorizationCode "
] [ " scopes " ] . keys ( )
access_token = util . prompt_for_user_token ( scope = " , " . join ( scopes ) )
return { " Authorization " : f " Bearer { access_token } " }
# Get API credentials.
headers = construct_spotify_auth_headers ( raw_spotify_api_spec )
requests_wrapper = RequestsWrapper ( headers = headers )
endpoints = [
( route , operation )
for route , operations in raw_spotify_api_spec [ " paths " ] . items ( )
for operation in operations
if operation in [ " get " , " post " ]
len ( endpoints )
import tiktoken
enc = tiktoken . encoding_for_model ( " text-davinci-003 " )
def count_tokens ( s ) :
return len ( enc . encode ( s ) )
count_tokens ( yaml . dump ( raw_spotify_api_spec ) )
from langchain . llms . openai import OpenAI
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits . openapi import planner
llm = OpenAI ( model_name = " gpt-4 " , temperature = 0.0 )
spotify_agent = planner . create_openapi_agent ( spotify_api_spec , requests_wrapper , llm )
user_query = (
" make me a playlist with the first song from kind of blue. call it machine blues. "
spotify_agent . run ( user_query )
from langchain . agents import create_openapi_agent
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits import OpenAPIToolkit
from langchain . llms . openai import OpenAI
from langchain . requests import TextRequestsWrapper
from langchain . tools . json . tool import JsonSpec
with open ( " openai_openapi.yaml " ) as f :
data = yaml . load ( f , Loader = yaml . FullLoader )
json_spec = JsonSpec ( dict_ = data , max_value_length = 4000 )
openapi_toolkit = OpenAPIToolkit . from_llm (
OpenAI ( temperature = 0 ) , json_spec , openai_requests_wrapper , verbose = True
openapi_agent_executor = create_openapi_agent (
llm = OpenAI ( temperature = 0 ) , toolkit = openapi_toolkit , verbose = True
############################################ Natural Language APIs start
from typing import List , Optional
from langchain . chains import LLMChain
from langchain . llms import OpenAI
from langchain . prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain . requests import Requests
from langchain . tools import APIOperation , OpenAPISpec
from langchain . agents import AgentType , Tool , initialize_agent
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits import NLAToolkit
# Select the LLM to use. Here, we use text-davinci-003
llm = OpenAI (
temperature = 0 , max_tokens = 700
) # You can swap between different core LLM's here.
speak_toolkit = NLAToolkit . from_llm_and_url ( llm , " https://api.speak.com/openapi.yaml " )
klarna_toolkit = NLAToolkit . from_llm_and_url (
llm , " https://www.klarna.com/us/shopping/public/openai/v0/api-docs/ "
# Slightly tweak the instructions from the default agent
openapi_format_instructions = """ Use the following format:
Question : the input question you must answer
Thought : you should always think about what to do
Action : the action to take , should be one of [ { tool_names } ]
Action Input : what to instruct the AI Action representative .
Observation : The Agent ' s response
. . . ( this Thought / Action / Action Input / Observation can repeat N times )
Thought : I now know the final answer . User can ' t see any of my observations, API responses, links, or tools.
Final Answer : the final answer to the original input question with the right amount of detail
When responding with your Final Answer , remember that the person you are responding to CANNOT see any of your Thought / Action / Action Input / Observations , so if there is any relevant information there you need to include it explicitly in your response . """
natural_language_tools = speak_toolkit . get_tools ( ) + klarna_toolkit . get_tools ( )
mrkl = initialize_agent (
natural_language_tools ,
llm ,
verbose = True ,
agent_kwargs = { " format_instructions " : openapi_format_instructions } ,
mrkl . run (
" I have an end of year party for my Italian class and have to buy some Italian clothes for it "
spoonacular_api_key = " " # Copy from the API Console
requests = Requests ( headers = { " x-api-key " : spoonacular_api_key } )
spoonacular_toolkit = NLAToolkit . from_llm_and_url (
llm ,
" https://spoonacular.com/application/frontend/downloads/spoonacular-openapi-3.json " ,
requests = requests ,
max_text_length = 1800 , # If you want to truncate the response text
natural_language_api_tools = (
speak_toolkit . get_tools ( )
+ klarna_toolkit . get_tools ( )
+ spoonacular_toolkit . get_tools ( ) [ : 30 ]
print ( f " { len ( natural_language_api_tools ) } tools loaded. " )
natural_language_api_tools [ 1 ] . run (
" Tell the LangChain audience to ' enjoy the meal ' in Italian, please! "
############################################ Natural Language APIs start END
############################################ python tool
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits import create_python_agent
from langchain . tools . python . tool import PythonREPLTool
from langchain . python import PythonREPL
from langchain . llms . openai import OpenAI
from langchain . agents . agent_types import AgentType
from langchain . chat_models import ChatOpenAI
# PythonREPLTool()
agent_executor = create_python_agent (
llm = OpenAI ( temperature = 0 , max_tokens = 1000 ) ,
tool = PythonREPLTool ( ) ,
verbose = True ,
agent_type = AgentType . ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION ,
############################################ python tool
from langchain . embeddings . openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain . vectorstores import Chroma
from langchain . text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
from langchain import OpenAI , VectorDBQA
llm = OpenAI ( temperature = 0 )
from langchain . document_loaders import TextLoader
loader = TextLoader ( " ../../../state_of_the_union.txt " )
documents = loader . load ( )
text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter ( chunk_size = 1000 , chunk_overlap = 0 )
texts = text_splitter . split_documents ( documents )
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings ( )
state_of_union_store = Chroma . from_documents (
texts , embeddings , collection_name = " state-of-union "
from langchain . document_loaders import WebBaseLoader
loader = WebBaseLoader ( " https://beta.ruff.rs/docs/faq/ " )
docs = loader . load ( )
ruff_texts = text_splitter . split_documents ( docs )
ruff_store = Chroma . from_documents ( ruff_texts , embeddings , collection_name = " ruff " )
############ Initialize Toolkit and Agent
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits import (
create_vectorstore_agent ,
VectorStoreToolkit ,
VectorStoreInfo ,
vectorstore_info = VectorStoreInfo (
name = " state_of_union_address " ,
description = " the most recent state of the Union adress " ,
vectorstore = state_of_union_store ,
toolkit = VectorStoreToolkit ( vectorstore_info = vectorstore_info )
agent_executor = create_vectorstore_agent ( llm = llm , toolkit = toolkit , verbose = True )
######################### Multiple Vectorstores
#We can also easily use this initialize an agent with multiple vectorstores and use the agent to route between them. To do this. This agent is optimized for routing, so it is a different toolkit and initializer.
from langchain . agents . agent_toolkits import (
create_vectorstore_router_agent ,
VectorStoreRouterToolkit ,
VectorStoreInfo ,
ruff_vectorstore_info = VectorStoreInfo (
name = " ruff " ,
description = " Information about the Ruff python linting library " ,
vectorstore = ruff_store ,
router_toolkit = VectorStoreRouterToolkit (
vectorstores = [ vectorstore_info , ruff_vectorstore_info ] , llm = llm
agent_executor = create_vectorstore_router_agent (
llm = llm , toolkit = router_toolkit , verbose = True