@ -90,12 +90,11 @@ markdown_extensions:
- footnotes
- Home:
- Installation:
- Overview: "index.md"
- Install: "swarms/install/install.md"
- Docker Setup: "swarms/install/docker_setup.md"
- Usage Examples:
- Overview: "swarms/usage/index.md"
- Overview: "swarms/usage/index.md" # Explains how the framework is decomposed into agents, models, and swarms
- Models:
- How to Create A Custom Language Model: "swarms/models/custom_model.md"
- Models Available: "swarms/models/index.md"
@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ nav:
- Multi-Agent Collaboration:
- SwarmNetwork: "swarms/structs/swarmnetwork.md"
- AgentRearrange: "swarms/structs/agent_rearrange.md"
- Why does Swarms Exist?:
- Why does Swarms Exist?: "swarms/usage/why_swarms.md"
- References:
- Agent Glossary: "swarms/glossary.md"
- List of The Best Multi-Agent Papers: "swarms/papers.md"
@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ nav:
- HuggingFaceLLM: "swarms/models/huggingface.md"
- Anthropic: "swarms/models/anthropic.md"
- OpenAIChat: "swarms/models/openai.md"
- MultiModal Models :
- MultiModal Models:
- BaseMultiModalModel: "swarms/models/base_multimodal_model.md"
- Fuyu: "swarms/models/fuyu.md"
- Vilt: "swarms/models/vilt.md"