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Swarms CLI Documentation

The Swarms Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to easily manage and run your Swarms of agents from the command line. This page will guide you through the installation process and provide a breakdown of the available commands.


You can install the swarms package using pip or poetry.

Using pip

pip3 install -U swarms

Using poetry

poetry add swarms

Once installed, you can run the Swarms CLI with the following command:

poetry run swarms help

Swarms CLI - Help

When running swarms help, you'll see the following output:

 /   _____/_  _  _______ _______  _____   ______
 \_____  \ \/ \/ /\__  \_  __ \/     \ /  ___/
 /        \     /  / __ \|  | \/  Y Y  \___ \ 
/_______  / \/\_/  (____  /__|  |__|_|  /____  >
        \/              \/            \/     \/ 

    Swarms CLI - Help

    onboarding    : Starts the onboarding process
    help          : Shows this help message
    get-api-key   : Retrieves your API key from the platform
    check-login   : Checks if you're logged in and starts the cache
    read-docs     : Redirects you to swarms cloud documentation!
    run-agents    : Run your Agents from your agents.yaml

    For more details, visit:

CLI Commands

Below is a detailed explanation of the available commands:

  • onboarding
    Starts the onboarding process to help you set up your environment and configure your agents.


    swarms onboarding
  • help
    Displays the help message, including a list of available commands.


    swarms help
  • get-api-key
    Retrieves your API key from the platform, allowing your agents to communicate with the Swarms platform.


    swarms get-api-key
  • check-login
    Verifies if you are logged into the platform and starts the cache for storing your login session.


    swarms check-login
  • read-docs
    Redirects you to the official Swarms documentation on the web for further reading.


    swarms read-docs
  • run-agents
    Executes your agents from the agents.yaml configuration file, which defines the structure and behavior of your agents. Refer to this document for how to leverage yamls for fast, reliable, and simple agent orchestration. CLICK HERE You can customize what yaml file to run with --yaml-file


    swarms run-agents --yaml-file agents.yaml