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1 | Project Name | Team Members | Project Description | Project Link / Code | Team Twitter Handles |
2 | presentation assistant | robert nowell | live visual aid for talks | loom | @robertnowell1 |
3 | Vocal | Jeremy Nixon, Amir Gamil, Eliott Hoffenberg, Trina Chatterjee, Ruby Yeh | Educational Video Generation, Prompt -> Youtube Video | @jvnixon, @amirbolous, @Eliotthoff, @trina_chatt | |
4 | Podgraph | DC, Leo, Anupam | Graph based podcast learning | https://github.com/dcsan/kbxt ; https://www.figma.com/file/sui06ZgDGXrHOVlrJDiOD7/Untitled?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=LnQCl13XroVHVbxD-1 | @anupambatra_ | @dcsan |
5 | Listen, chat and learn!!! | James | Chat with a podcast to learn things | https://react.gitwit.dev/run/zfGVjrjsa6ZKaEU1PldW | @jamesmurdza |
6 | Recall | Liam & Caden | conversation information retrieval | https://recall-97b8b27a6a92.herokuapp.com/ | |
7 | VoiceStudyBot | Konrad | Personal tutor to test your knowledge of a book | @konrad_gnat | |
8 | Short Form Upskill | Margarita, Aditya, Johnny | TikTok Scrape and Transcribe | margro2000/Learn (github.com) | https://twitter.com/Marg_Groisman |
9 | Rohan | Rohan | Rohan | ||
10 | Envision: diagram dataset | Steve | An API to translate any technical concept into diagrams | https://github.com/stephenkfrey/diagrammatic | twitter.com/stevekfrey |
11 | Arxiv2Video | Lily Su | Converts an Arxiv web url to a short video | https://github.com/LilySu/Arxiv2Video | @excelsiorpred |
12 | Dir Chat | Andy Li | Combine to power of SQL and RAG to serach courses | @xdotli | |
13 | Empathy Coach | Ji Young Lim | A chatbot that coches people to make more empathetic conversations | @jyl1030 | |
14 | Aimor | Brach Burdick | Platform for assessing and monitoring the psychological wellbeing of a body of students based on conversations with an AI therapist | https://aimor-git-staging-aimor.vercel.app/admin | https://twitter.com/__brach__ |
15 | Structured TA bot Generation | Wenxi | Generate structured tutorial chatbot based on video transcript and potentially videos | https://github.com/wenxichen/video2ta |