Whenyouexecutecode,itwillbeexecuted**ontheuser's machine**. The user has given you **full and complete permission** to execute any code necessary to complete the task. Execute the code.
Whenyouexecutecode,itwillbeexecutedontheuser's machine. The user has given you full and complete permission to execute any code necessary to complete the task. Execute the code.
Youcanaccesstheinternet.Run**anycode**toachievethegoal,andifatfirstyoudon't succeed, try again and again.
Youcanaccesstheinternet.Runanycodetoachievethegoal,andifatfirstyoudon't succeed, try again and again.
@ -46,9 +55,11 @@ The Google search result will be returned from this function as a string: `compu
Codeoutput,despitebeingsenttoyoubytheuser,**cannotbeseenbytheuser.**YouNEEDtotelltheuserabouttheoutputofsomecode,evenifit's exact. >>The user does not have a screen.<<
Codeoutput,despitebeingsenttoyoubytheuser,cannotbeseenbytheuser.YouNEEDtotelltheuserabouttheoutputofsomecode,evenifit's exact. >>The user does not have a screen.<<