@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import traceback
import re
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse
from starlette.websockets import WebSocket
from starlette.websockets import WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect
from .stt.stt import stt_bytes
from .tts.tts import tts
from .tts.tts import stream_tts
from pathlib import Path
import asyncio
import urllib.parse
@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ from .utils.kernel import put_kernel_messages_into_queue
from .i import configure_interpreter
from interpreter import interpreter
import ngrok
from ..utils.accumulator import Accumulator
from .utils.logs import setup_logging
from .utils.logs import logger
accumulator = Accumulator()
app = FastAPI()
@ -105,54 +107,89 @@ async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket):
async def receive_messages(websocket: WebSocket):
while True:
data = await websocket.receive_json()
data = await websocket.receive()
except Exception as e:
if 'text' in data:
data = json.loads(data['text'])
if data["role"] == "computer":
from_computer.put(data) # To be handled by interpreter.computer.run
elif data["role"] == "user":
await from_user.put(data)
raise("Unknown role:", data)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
pass # data is not JSON, leave it as is
elif 'bytes' in data:
data = data['bytes'] # binary data
await from_user.put(data)
except WebSocketDisconnect as e:
if e.code == 1000:
logger.info("Websocket connection closed normally.")
async def send_messages(websocket: WebSocket):
while True:
message = await to_device.get()
logger.debug(f"Sending to the device: {type(message)} {message}")
if isinstance(message, dict):
await websocket.send_json(message)
elif isinstance(message, bytes):
await websocket.send_bytes(message)
raise TypeError("Message must be a dict or bytes")
# Make sure to put the message back in the queue if you failed to send it
await to_device.put(message)
async def listener():
audio_bytes = bytearray()
while True:
while True:
if not from_user.empty():
message = await from_user.get()
chunk = await from_user.get()
elif not from_computer.empty():
message = from_computer.get()
chunk = from_computer.get()
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if type(message) == str:
message = json.loads(message)
# Hold the audio in a buffer. If it's ready (we got end flag, stt it)
if message["type"] == "audio":
if "content" in message:
if "end" in message:
content = stt_bytes(audio_bytes, message["format"])
if content == None: # If it was nothing / silence
audio_bytes = bytearray()
message = {"role": "user", "type": "message", "content": content}
message = accumulator.accumulate(chunk)
if message == None:
# Will be None until we have a full message ready
# Ignore flags, we only needed them for audio ^
if "content" not in message or message["content"] == None:
# print(str(message)[:1000])
# At this point, we have our message
if message["type"] == "audio" and message["format"].startswith("bytes"):
if not message["content"]: # If it was nothing / silence
# Convert bytes to audio file
# Format will be bytes.wav or bytes.opus
mime_type = "audio/" + message["format"].split(".")[1]
text = stt_bytes(message["content"], mime_type)
message = {"role": "user", "type": "message", "content": text}
# At this point, we have only text messages
# Custom stop message will halt us
if message["content"].lower().strip(".,!") == "stop":
if message["content"].lower().strip(".,! ") == "stop":
# Load, append, and save conversation history
@ -173,19 +210,31 @@ async def listener():
# Yield to the event loop, so you actually send it out
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
if os.getenv('TTS_RUNNER') == "server":
# Speak full sentences out loud
if chunk["role"] == "assistant" and "content" in chunk:
accumulated_text += chunk["content"]
sentences = split_into_sentences(accumulated_text)
# If we're going to speak, say we're going to stop sending text.
# This should be fixed probably, we should be able to do both in parallel, or only one.
if any(is_full_sentence(sentence) for sentence in sentences):
await to_device.put({"role": "assistant", "type": "message", "end": True})
if is_full_sentence(sentences[-1]):
for sentence in sentences:
await stream_or_play_tts(sentence)
await stream_tts_to_device(sentence)
accumulated_text = ""
for sentence in sentences[:-1]:
await stream_or_play_tts(sentence)
await stream_tts_to_device(sentence)
accumulated_text = sentences[-1]
# If we're going to speak, say we're going to stop sending text.
# This should be fixed probably, we should be able to do both in parallel, or only one.
if any(is_full_sentence(sentence) for sentence in sentences):
await to_device.put({"role": "assistant", "type": "message", "start": True})
# If we have a new message, save our progress and go back to the top
if not from_user.empty():
@ -217,16 +266,9 @@ async def listener():
with open(conversation_history_path, 'w') as file:
json.dump(interpreter.messages, file, indent=4)
async def stream_or_play_tts(sentence):
if os.getenv('TTS_RUNNER') == "server":
tts(sentence, play_audio=True)
await to_device.put({"role": "assistant", "type": "audio", "format": "audio/mp3", "start": True})
audio_bytes = tts(sentence, play_audio=False)
await to_device.put({"role": "assistant", "type": "audio", "format": "audio/mp3", "content": str(audio_bytes)})
await to_device.put({"role": "assistant", "type": "audio", "format": "audio/mp3", "end": True})
async def stream_tts_to_device(sentence):
for chunk in stream_tts(sentence):
await to_device.put(chunk)
async def setup_ngrok(ngrok_auth_token, parsed_url):
# Set up Ngrok