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01 Light Manufacturing Report

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This report captures the comprehensive work completed through June 2024, including detailed product requirements, product architecture, design thinking, and strategic decisions. Below, you'll find links to essential assets, resources, and documentation that collectively support the development and vision of the O1 Light.

Thanks to Facture for the amazing work producing these resources.

Product Requirements

Project Details

The Product Requirements Document (PRD) is the north star during development and includes additional information such as success metrics and risks/mitigations. It is critical that this is drafted early on in any project and maintained diligently throughout. Requirements are categorized and utilize priority ranking (P0/P1/P2) to focus on core function, but not forgetting about reach goals or long-term product targets.

The following summarize the content that is present in the PRD:

Product Requirements

# Feature Requirement Priority Notes
1 System Requirements Full device COGs should be <$70, <$45, <$30 P0, P1, P2 Updated per kickoff
2 Functional Requirements - UX/ID General size must be around the size of a Glossier You P1
Thumbprint indentation on top of the case P0
Silicon wrapper/skin around the main mechanical enclosure P1 To be determined upon manufacturing vendor clarifying information
Silicone wrapper surface should be pleasant to hold P1 STEM Player as inspiration
Thumbprint size and orientation must cater to appropriate device orientation P0
Device case must fit comfortably within the vast majority of consumers' hands P0
Users must be able to easily access and plug in a USB C cord to charge P0
Tactile button to engage voice transmission P0
Haptic vibration must be detectable to user while in hand and pocket P1
LED must be perceivable to user in daylight P2 May or may not be included in the device
3 Functional Requirements - Mechanical No larger than <55 x 55 x 38> mm P0 No larger than current prototype
No heavier than <50> g P2 Baseline of an AirPods case - open for discussion
All component parts shall be located and secured to avoid chatter P0
Pad printing shall meet the requirements of Abrasion and Adhesion P1 Should this be branded?
Date of manufacture marking on the exterior of the housing P1 Indelible and uniquely identified
PROTOTYPE not for resale P1
4 Functional Requirements - Electrical Device shall be capable of communicating with server via Bluetooth P0
Device shall be capable of communicating with server via Wifi P1
Audio output should be clear and discernible from an arms length away P0
Device shall be audible from 12-18" away in quiet environment P1 User is expected to need to bring device closer in noisy environments
Speaker driver shall be capable of delivering at least xx Watts of power P0 01 Light has 2.5W speaker driver but no listed speaker
Speaker driver must have no more than xx % THD P0
Shall be capable of producing an acoustic sound pressure level (SPL) of at least xx dB at 10 cm P0
Microphone shall have SNR of at least 61.5 dB(A) P0 Driven from 01 Light components
Microphone shall have sensitivity of at least -19 dBFS (94dB SPL @ 1 kHz) P0 Driven from 01 Light components
Tactile pushbutton shall have an operating force of at least xx gf P1
Battery should provide at least 4 hours of active Bluetooth use P0
Battery should provide at least 2 hours of active WiFi use P0
Device should provide haptic feedback to user P1
User must be able to charge battery via USB-C port P0
Installing FW updates should be possible via USB-C port P1
Device may contain LED to indicate status of charge n/a Client expects one more discussion (with Killian included) about this
Device may leverage Bluetooth headset for speaker and microphone P2
5 Functional Requirements - Firmware Device shall disable WiFi when Bluetooth is used P2 ESP supports simultaneous connections, however, device should have capabilities of turning the unused or lower speed connection off to conserve power.
Microphone shall never be enabled unless pushbutton is pressed P0
Device shall deliver unique tones and/or vibration to alert user of low power and fully charged states P1 Specific UX alert requirements TBD
User should be able to turn the device ON/OFF by quickly pressing the pushbutton 3 times P1 quickly needs more definition
Device should be capable of simultaneous charging and operation P1
Security of data transfer shall be considered only after all P0 items are complete P1
6 Functional Requirements - Software n/a
7 Environmental Requirements Ambient temperatures of <-15°C, 45°C> P0
Ambient temperatures of <-30°C, 50°C> P0
Ambient relative humidity of <10%, 90%> P0
Ambient relative humidity of <10%, 90%> P0
0 to 10,000 feet steady-state P0
Airplane transit Pressure change of 0 ft to 8,000 ft (2 hr dwell) to 0 ft with a ramp rate of 250 ft/min P0 Device must remain in off state
IP53 P0 Minimal use case - going out in the rain
IP65 P1 Expected use case
Drop from 30” no permanent damage to the device P0 Some cosmetic damage is acceptable
Drop from 60” no permanent damage to the device P1 Some cosmetic damage is acceptable
Visual color change no greater than Slight after exposure using UVA-351 lamps for 200 hours P1 Corresponding to 8 on the ASTM scale of 0 (Very Severe) to 10 (No Effect) after exposure using UVA-351 lamps for 200 hours (Test per ASTM D4674-02A, Method IV)
Device shall withstand wiping with mild soap or detergent and water P0 No functional or cosmetic damage
No substantial staining or cosmetic defect from household cleaners P1
USB connector P1
The device shall not contain materials which sustain fungus growth P1
8 Safety and Regulatory The surface temperature of the product does not exceed <75 degC> during any use case (e.g. charging & being used) P0 Derived off of a plastic enclosure and available standards
9 Other The packaging will protect the device and all other items from drop of <5ft> P0 All packaging requirements to be discussed in next meeting to determine who is owning this.
The final packaging will include instructions for use P0
The final product will include a 01 Light, Charger, Power Brick P0
The device should be presented or revealed in a visually appealing way upon initial unboxing P1

Electrical Design

Electrical Design Approach

Electrical hardware design follows on requirements definition with the creation of a system block diagram and selection of key components for each block. Key components were selected based on ability to meet requirements, as well as other key criteria such as component size, availability, and minimizing development risk. This major component selection is to be followed by schematic capture, PCB layout, PCBA manufacture, and test.

To support a tight development timeline and requirements for wireless communication, a MCU module providing required radio functions with a transferable FCC certification was targeted. Selecting a module that provided desired support for both Bluetooth/BLE and Wi-Fi with the required certification for handheld (“portable”) devices proved to be challenging, leading to a strategy of extending the existing certification for a non-handheld device through a change in ID. In order to minimize cost and overhead of this approach, portable certification was to be obtained by limiting RF transmit power in firmware to a level that provided exemption from SAR testing.

Hardware Block Diagram

Component Selection - Overview

Due to proposed speed of development, component selection had to be completed quickly and without any significant error. The following priorities were considered while selecting electrical components:

  1. Minimizing risk to schedule
    • Classified design elements into high and low risk categories based on the following:
      • Priority of the feature it supports (P0, P1, P2)
      • Confidence in ability to select the right component the first time, without testing
      • Impact to system if component needs to be re-spec'd
    • Overspecd components to ensure performance requirements would be easily achieved
  2. Speed of selection and development
    • Did not always exhaust every available option if subsystem was low enough risk and suitable options were already found
    • Considered hardware and firmware development implications when appropriate, opted for well supported ICs with existing driver libraries
  3. Size of component and associated design
    • Carefully reviewed size of each component and proposed solutions to make sure design would meet space constraints

Wireless Module Selection

Selection: ESP32-PICO-MINI-02

Key Criteria: Wi-Fi & BLE/BT Classic Support, I2S Interface


  • Supports BT Classic which is needed to stream audio with iPhones
  • Previously used chipset with well documented libraries available
Infineon CYBT-413061-02 CYW20719 12 x 16.3 x 1.7 $14.70 Yes 5 Yes No I2S ?
Ezurio BT860-SA CYW20704 12.9 x 8.5 x 2.2 $9.86 Yes 5 Yes No I2S No Certification info not totally clear from publicly available info
Infineon CYBT-343026-01 CYW20706 15 x 15.5 x 1.95 $8.63 Yes 4.2 Yes No I2S
Microchip BM64SPKS1MC2-0001A IS2062 15 x 29 x 2.5 $12.71 Yes 5 Yes No I2S No Size larger than desired, integrates battery charger
Ezurio 453-00052R nRF5340 10 x 15 x 2.2 $10.91 9.1/8.6 Yes 5.2 No No I2S ?
Silicon BGM113A256V21R EFR32BG 9.15 x 15.7 x 1.9 $11.51 Yes 4.2 No No I2S No
Ezurio 453-00005 nRF52810 10 x 14 x 2.2 $6.41 15.4/10 Yes 5 No No PDM ? PDM input only
ESP ESP32-S3-MINI-1 ESP32-S3 15.4 × 20.5 × 2.4 355/97 No 5 No Yes I2S Yes
ESP ESP32-C3-MINI-1 ESP32-C3 13.2 x 16.6 x 2.4 350/82 No 5 No Yes I2S Yes
ESP ESP32-PICO-MINI-02 ESP32-PICO ** 13.2 × 16.6 × 2.4** $3.50 368/117 No 4.2 Yes Yes I2S No

Regulatory Approach Summary & Costs

  • Exposure:

    • Module survey revealed lack of pre-certified modules supporting BT/BLE and Wi-Fi for “Portable” use cases
      • Several BT/BLE only options identified
      • Lack of Wi-Fi options attributed to typically higher transmit power
    • Strategy: Obtain Change of ID + Class II Permissive Change for Portable Certification
      • SAR Testing: Demonstrates exposure compliance for portable use, but test is costly and time consuming
      • Transmit Power Exemption: Provides a shorter path to certification with performance trade-off
        • Initial calculation indicated that Exemption could be acquired for transmit powers <10dBm
      • See KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06 for detailed information
  • Emissions:

    • Self Declaration of Conformity
    • Intentional Radiator Testing & Unintentional Radiator Testing

Regulatory Costs

Vendor Unintentional Radiator Testing Intentional Radiator Testing Administrative Fees SAR Testing Total (Excluding SAR) Total (Including SAR)
CKC Laboratories $1,720 $1,720 $4,350 $7,550** $7,790 $15,340
Element $2,962 $6,105 $5,395 $29,752 $14,462 $44,214

**Unverified estimate

Audio Subsystem

  • Speaker

    • Considered high risk due to highest priority (P0) designation, size constraints, and significant impact to mechanical design should speaker need to be respecd
    • Performance improvements from the existing prototype were among the most important for this component
    • Prioritized speaker component survey so that samples may be ordered and tested
  • Amplifier

    • Considered low risk due to confidence in ability to spec IC that meets performance requirements
    • I2S interface limited available options
  • Microphone

    • Considered low risk due to our ability to identify microphone used in existing prototype which informed specifications
      • Client was satisfied incumbent microphone performance
    • I2S interface limited available options

Speaker Selection

Selection: OWS-142037TA-4

Key Criteria: Efficiency (dB SPL), Size, Rated Power


  • Fit within size constraints, best available option with respect to efficiency and rated power specs
PUI Audio SMS-1804MS-HT 4 1 96 950 18 x 18 x 5.9 PCB Mount SMD 67 $4.51 $3.02
CUI Devices CMS-15118C-SP 8 0.8 88 850 15 x 11 x 3 Board Mount Spring - $1.81 $1.40
CUI Devices CMS-18138A-SP 8 0.8 92 1k 18 x 13 x 2.5 Board Mount Spring - $2.50 $1.68
CUI Devices CMS-15118D-L100 8 0.7 91 950? 15 x 11 x 3 Board Mount Wire Leads - $2.83 $1.90
CUI Devices CDS-1328-16-SP 16 0.2 85 1.1k 13 x 13 x 2.8 Board Mount Pads - $1.76 $1.19
PUI Audio AS01508MS-WP 8 1 95 950 15 x 11 x 3 PCB Mount SMD 65 $2.37 $1.60
DB Unlimited SM160908-1 8 0.5 96 900 16 x 16 x 3.3 Flush Mount Wire Leads - $2.32 $1.55 N/A DigiKey
Toaglas SPKM.17.8.A 8 0.5 96 900 17 x 17 x 4.4 Frame Mount Wire Leads - $2.38 $2.27
CUI Devices CDM-16008 8 0.4 93 500 16 x 16 x 3.2 Board Mount Pads - $1.58 $1.20
CUI Devices CDMG15008-03A 8 0.3 92 900 15 x 15 x 2.8 Board Mount Pads - $1.77 $1.37 OOS DigiKey
CUI Devices CMS-251405-24SP-X8 4 2 103 950 25 x 14 x 5 Solder Pads X8 $2.78 $1.87
CUI Devices CMS-251437-24SP-X8 4 2 103 950 25 x 14 x 5 Solder Pads X8 $2.97 $2.00
CUI Devices CMS-231137-158SP-X8 8 1.5 103 1000 23 x 11 x 3.7 Solder Pads X8 $2.35 $1.58
Challenge CS18-02P110-03-1X 4 2 104 1100 18 x 16 x 3.7 Solder Pads 67 $3.03 $2.04
Ole Wolff OWS-142037TA-4 4 2 104.5 1050 20 x 14 x 3.7 Solder Pads 67 $1.34 $0.92
CUI Devices CMS-1535-058SP 8 0.5 96 1000 15 x 15 x 3.5 Solder Pads - $1.82 $1.23

Speaker Driver Selection

Selection: MAX98357AEWL+T

Key Criteria: Output Power, Digital Interface


  • Well supported libraries available
  • More than 3x the output power from prototype component
  • Very small footprint needed for complete design
ADI MAX98357AEWL+T 1.4 x 1.5 x 0.5 $2.10 2.5 - 5.5 3.2 I2S Driver libraries available, well supported IC
NXP TFA9879HN 4 x 4 x 1 $1.80 2.5 - 5.5 2.75 I2S
TI TAS2110RPPT 4.5 x 4 x 1 $2.36 1.65 - 1.95 6.1 I2S Integrated boost, designed to be used with battery - may need large caps?
ADI SSM2537ACBZ-R7 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.3 $2.42 2.5 - 5.5 2.7 I2S

Microphone Selection

Selection: SPH0645LM4H-B

Key Criteria: SNR, Output Protocol


  • Matched or exceeded (SNR) all specs from incumbent mic used in prototype
  • Port location was of mild concern but plan was to design in flexibility to pivot to top facing port if needed
Knowles SPM1423HM4H-B 4.72 x 3.76 x 1.4 - 61.5 Omnidirectional PDM 1.6 - 3.6 0.6 Top Used in client's prototype, obsolete
DB Unlimited MM042602-15 4 x 3 x 1.1 $2.10 65 Omnidirectional PDM 1.6 - 3.6 0.64 Top No I2S mics w top port, PDM might be viable
Knowles SPH0645LM4H-B 3.5 x 2.65 x 1.1 $1.49 65 Omnidirectional I2S 1.62 - 3.6 0.6 Bottom
TDK ICS-43434 3.5 x 2.65 x 0.98 $1.72 64 Omnidirectional I2S 1.65 - 3.63 0.55 Bottom
PUI DMM-4026-B-I2S-R 4 x 3 x 1.1 $1.78 64 Omnidirectional I2S 1.5 - 3.6 1 Bottom
TDK ICS-43432 4 x 3 x 1.1 $1.97 65 Omnidirectional I2S 1.62 - 3.63 1.5 Bottom

UI Subsystem

  • Haptic Driver

    • Considered low risk due to priority (P1) designation
    • Needed to consider various motor types (ERM, LRA) and prioritized components supported with existing driver libraries
  • Haptic Motor

    • Considered low risk due to priority (P1) designation and abundance of options
    • Decided to select this component after speaker, battery, and PCBA outline were determined so that remaining space could be used to consider suitable candidates
  • Pushbutton & LED

    • Considered low risk due to confidence in ability to spec components that meets performance requirements

Haptic Driver and Motor

Selection: DA7280-00V42 (Driver), TBD Motor

Key Criteria: Force (Motor), Rated Output (Driver)


  • Plenty of output drive (500mA max), supports wide frequency range
MOTOR PUI Audio HD-EMC1003-2-LW15-R 10 x 10 x 2.7 $1.55 ERM 13000 - 3 85 ?
Vybronics VC1018B001L 10 x 10 x 1.8 $1.78 ERM 13500 - 3.2 85 0.4
Vybronics VC1020B327F 10 x 10 x 2.1 $2.31 ERM 1350 - 3 85 0.7
Vybronics VW0825AB001G 8 x 8 x 2.5 $3.00 ERM 14000 - 3 90 1 BLDC
Vybronics VC0720B001F 7 x 7 x 2 $2.37 ERM 10000 - 3 85 0.3
Vybronics VCLP0820B004L 8 x 8 x 2.1 $2.31 ERM 9000 - 3 35 0.25
Vybronics VC0820B006F 8 x 8 x 2.1 $2.44 ERM 10000 - 3 85 0.3
Vybronics VG0640001D 6 x 6 x 4 $3.33 LRA - 210 1.8 75 0.9
Vybronics VG0832014L 8 x 8 x 3.2 $2.35 LRA - 235 1.8 80 1 AlternateA, AlternateB
Vybronics VLV101040A 10 x 10 x 4 $4.35 LRA - 170 2.5 350 2.75
DRIVER TI DRV2605LYZFR 1.47 x 1.47 x 0.28 $1.71 ERM/LRA - 125 - 300 - ? -
Renesas DA7280-00V42 1.35 x 1.75 x 0.55 $0.73 ERM/LRA - 50 - 300 5.5 500 -

Power Subsystem

  • Battery

    • Considered high risk due to highest priority (P0) designation, size constraints, and significant impact to mechanical design should battery need to be respecd
    • Improving single charge battery life was among most important requirements for new design
    • Likely needed to pursue custom battery pack design to meet performance and space requirements
  • Charger

    • Considered low risk due to confidence in ability to spec IC that meets performance requirements
  • Switching Regulators

    • Considered high risk due to potential for switching noise to negatively impact radio subsystem
    • Buck regulator (3V3) needed for system-wide power
      • Specd to easily handle full system load current (IOUT ≥ 1A)
      • Variable output was favored to accommodate worst case dropout voltage (VDO)
    • Boost regulator (5VO) provisioned for in case speaker amplifier is not powerful enough with 3V3
      • Could not be known for sure until final enclosure and audio were used for testing
  • Linear Regulator

    • Considered low risk due to confidence in ability to spec IC that meets performance requirements

Battery and Charger

Battery No selection made yet, working with the following suppliers to find a pack that fits space constraints:

  • Ampere Power, VCELL Power, PHD Energy, LiPol, Nova, Grepow

Charger Selection: MCP73871T-2CCI/ML

Key Criteria: Supports Load Sharing


  • Stayed with incumbent option and opted out of extensive component surveying for this part in favor of other more critical design elements

Power Regulators

Selection: TPS62824 (Buck), TPS61202DRCT (Boost), NCP187AMT330TAG (LDO)

Key Criteria: Efficiency, Output Current & Voltage, PSRR


  • Buck & Boost were chosen based on highest efficiency
  • LDO was chosen based on combination of relatively low VDO and sufficiently high IOUT
BUCK TI TPS62808YKAR 1 x 0.7 x 0.25 $0.62 1.8-5.5 1.8-3.3 1.5 94-97% 600 - - Constant f_sw = reduces RF interference but lower efficiency at light loads
TI TPS62849DLCR 2 x 1.5 x 1 $0.98 1.8-6.5 3.4 1.8 90-97% 750 - -
Microchip MCP1603T-330I/OS 2.8 x 2.9 x 1 $1.00 2.7 - 5.5 3.3 2 75-95% 500 - -
TI TPS62080DSGR 2 x 2 x 0.7 $1.19 2.3 - 6 Variable 2 85-95% 1200 - -
TI TPS62824DMQR 1.5 x 1.5 x 1 $0.70 2.4 - 5.5 Variable 2.2 93-97% 1000 - -
TI TPS62237DRYT 1 x 1.5 x 0.6 $1.11 2.05 - 6 3.3 2 87-95% 500 - - Suitable for linear regulator replacement
BOOST TI TPS610997YFFR 1.23 x 0.88 x 0.5 $0.76 0.7 - 5.5 5 Dynamic 90-95% 800 - - Dynamic f_sw for high efficiency at low loads
TI TPS61240YFFT 1.29 x 0.89 x 0.5 $0.76 2.3 - 5.5 5 3.5 83-93% 450 - -
ADI MAX8969EWL50+T 1.26 x 1.26 x 0.45 $1.30 2.5 - 5.5 5 3 86-95% 700 - -
onsemi FAN48610UC50X 1.25 x 1.25 x 0.4 $0.61 2.5 - 4.8 5 2.5 70-92% 1000 - - Very low efficiency at less than 10 mA
Microchip MCP1642BT-50I/MC 2 x 3 x 1 $1.00 0.65 - 5.5 5 1 45-95% 800 - - "Low noise, Anti-Ringing control"
TI TPS61202DRCR 3 x 3 x 0.8 $1.32 0.3 - 5.5 5 1.25 - 1.65 80-93% 800 - - Option to turn off power-saving mode and reduce emissions spread
LDO onsemi NCP176AMX330TCG 1.25 x 1.25 x 0.5 $0.17 5.5 3.3 - - 500 165 75 (1 kHz)
TI LP5912-3.3DRVR 2 x 2 x 0.8 $0.82 6.5 3.3 - - 500 180 75 (100 Hz)
onsemi NCV8189CMTWADJTAG 2 x 2 x 0.7 $0.51 5.5 3.3 - - 500 129 85 (1 kHz)
onsemi NCP161AMX330TBG 0.67 x 0.67 x 0.26 $0.24 5.5 3.3 - - 450 260 70? (1kHz)
Microchip MIC94345-SYMT-TR 1.6 x 1.6 x 0.5 $0.36 3.6 3.3 - - 500 200 ??
onsemi NCP187AMT330TAG 2 x 2 x 0.8 $0.44 5.5 3.3 - - 1200 220 75

Firmware Design

Firmware Development Approach

Firmware development is initiated by defining the requirements and choosing the appropriate hardware platform. For this project, we have selected the ESP32-PICO-MINI-02. To facilitate the development process and ensure alignment with the user interface design, we document the program flow, state transitions, and critical error handling within a comprehensive set of flow charts.

As the existing prototype already included Wi-Fi functionality, defining the function of the Bluetooth/BLE link profile to be used and rationalizing this against available libraries for the target platform is also a critical task. Selecting and setting up the development environment enables code drafting and testing to begin.

Firmware Flow Charts

Firmware Flow Charts

Firmware Development

  • Bluetooth Profile

    • BLE Audio Profile: Investigated for low energy consumption and solid embedded system support, unable to utilize due to lack of iOS support
    • BT Classic Profiles (A2DP, HFP, HSP): Not fit to application or lacking in royalty-free open-source library support
    • Plan of Record: Utilize BLE GATT to transfer data packets similar to Wi-Fi implementation, essentially generating custom profile
      • Requires coordination with mobile app developer to support custom profile
  • Development Environment

    • PlatformIO: Espressif discontinued support for PlatformIO, latest version of ESP-IDF not available (#1225)
      • I2S drivers in older version of IDF caused audio issues when interfacing with other libraries
      • Some success using audio-tools library by Phil Schatzmann
    • Plan of Record: Develop in VSCode using ESP-IDF extension for v5.3 library support

User Experience + Industrial Design

Identifying the most streamlined user interactions and device feedback is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the experience using the O1 Light. This was done through an in-depth exploration of unique user inputs, main device use cases, error states, and various edge cases within the context of larger user flows. Identification of haptic / visual / auditory feedback for each interaction helped to understand the ability for a user to interact with the device using very simple inputs.

In addition, collaboration with electrical and mechanical engineering resulted in various high-level device form constraints and helped to understand color, material, and finish options to be had through various manufacturing techniques.

Industrial Design Approach

User Interface / Workflow

  • Identified the main user flow + auxiliary flows for user interaction points
  • Determined inputs required to progress interaction
  • Reviewed how the device should respond to user inputs, communicate error states, etc.

Main User Flow

Main User Flow

Identified Auxiliary User Flows

Charging / Pairing

Charging & Pairing

Volume / Speaker Interrupt

Volume & Speaker Interrupt

User Inputs + Device Feedback

Power and Prompt Actions

Action / State User Input Device Feedback
Power On Press and hold thumb button for 3 s Haptics, Auditory Tone, white LED on (then off after tbd time)
Power Off Press thumb button then press and hold for 3 s Haptics, Auditory Tone, white LED on then turns off
Woken From Sleep + Begin Prompt Dictation Press and hold thumb button Haptics upon successful wake + connection (indicating ready to speak) - would typically be ~1s tbd
End Prompt Dictation Release thumb button Haptics
Prompt Response NA Auditory language model generated response
Error State NA Triple haptics, red LED, tbd audio response (error codes, etc. to be determined)

Charging and Pairing Actions

Action / State User Input Device Feedback
Charging Begun USB C Cable Inserted Haptics, Auditory Tone, LED on indicating charge level
Charging Finished NA LED cycles through red, amber, and green until full
Enter Pairing Mode Press thumb button 5X Haptics, auditory tone, LED flashes blue
App Setup Procedures TBD (need to get app developer inputs) TBD (need to get app developer inputs)
Device Paired Successfully NA Haptics, White LED

Volume and Speaker Actions

Action / State User Input Device Feedback
Volume Prompting Using main interaction flow, user requests volume change verbally Haptics, Auditory Tone, white LED on (then off after tbd time)
Volume Response / Setting NA Haptic response when setting is altered, auditory LLM response to prompt in volume set
Speaker Interrupt + Battery Status Press and release thumb button Current prompt response cancelled, LED displays current battery status
*Speaker “mute” Power Device Off

UX Development - Form Factor / Ergonomics

Form Factor & Ergonomics

Manufacturing Recommendations

Option 1 Option 2A Option 2B
Case 3D Printed Injection Molded Injection Molded
Sleeve Sleeve is Required Sleeve is Optional No Sleeve
Cosmetic Impact Looks like a finished product but only with a sleeve. 3D printed is sub-par when compared to molded. Case is highly-cosmetic but sleeve finishes off design Case is highly-cosmetic
Size Impact Sleeve adds 1-2 mm in all directions to overall size Sleeve adds 1-2 mm in all directions to overall size Smallest Possible Device
Pocket + Handfeel Impact Sleeve feels great in the hand, however, decreases pocketability and gathers dust. Sleeve feels great in the hand, however, decreases pocketability and gathers dust. Use of molded texture provides great handfeel and easily goes in and out of the pocket, free of dust.
Perceived Value Sleeve adds quality finish over low-quality case. Sleeve can be optional, which may add value Lack of sleeve doesnt decrease value due to part finish/quality
Cost Impact (USA) Roughlt $16.67 each Roughlt $15.28 each Roughlt $8.61 each
Cost Impact (Overseas) Roughlt $13.52 each Roughlt $6.17 each Roughlt $2.65 each
Perceived Future-Forward Most futuristic but also hidden; more story value Most futuristic but also hidden; more story value N/A

Material Finish / Part Examples (Injection-molded)

Material Finish & Part Examples


Manufacturing and Build Vendors

Enclosure + Cover

Part Manufacturing Method Vendor Location Lead Time Cost Per Unit Total Cost Notes
Enclosure Injection Molding Xometry USA 25 business days for T1 samples Production parts would ship 2-3 weeks after T1 approval $8.61 $21,529.00 They think they can shorten the lead time but need final part design first. 5,000 unit tool life
Enclosure Injection Molding SunPe China 18 business days for tooling 6 business days for production $2.65 $6,628.13 30,000 unit tool life
Enclosure Form4 Print Cad9 USA 400 units a week $10.00 $25,000.00 Pricing was a ballpark from James - he said could be under $10
Elastomer Cover Compression Molding Advanced Prototype USA 3-4 wks for mold and T0 samples 2-3 wks for production $6.67 $16,675.00 10,000 unit tool life
Elastomer Cover Compression Molding SunPe China 32 working days + 3 days shipping $3.52 $8,789.06 30,000 unit tool life

PCBA + Box Build

Field 1 2 3 4
Vendor Name TASC PCA Out of the Box Schippers and Crew
HQ Location Seattle, WA Bellevue, WA Renton, WA Seattle, WA
Contact Name Maggi Mike Lopez
What sort of timelines are typical for a new program with your company? Planning through to first samples, production, etc. What can we expect? Depends on complexity - simple could be 1-2 weeks for proof of concept. There are a lot of variables in this question. At a high level and with just whats seen in the attachment, the project of quoting/ordering parts/assembly/testing could all be done in 10-20-Days. If all data and parts (Components, PCBs & Stencil) are in-house, PCB Assembly timelines are offered at Same-Day through 15-Days or scheduled drops. This is in regard to components applied to a PCB only. Production or starting production drops could be daily through whatever timeline suits your needs. Our facility is wide open for new work. Timeline for our turkey build, will depend on the availability of the components but we can expedite our production, production lead time ranges from 3 days to 1 week depending on the number of components and complexity of the build. Our normal production lead time for PCBA is 3 weeks. Add -1 to 2 weeks if testing/programming and box build is included. What you can expect from Schippers are our full support to make sure we launch your product successfully. We have an open-door policy for our client and you can come and work with our team during the assembly process.
Do you typically handle fixtures for test or programming internally or expect those to be provided? Hex files are typically provided for programming. We can perform programming and test. Test fixtures/procedures are something we can help design and manufacture. Wed prefer you to provide test fixturing or devices with clear instructions of the test procedures/programming. We dont offer programming for test but we can offer the labor to perform and certify the conformance. Typically wed suggest our OEMs go to an engineering firm for building that data package. Majority of our customers are having their boards tested here at Schippers especially those boards needed conformal coating. All fixtures for test and programming are provided by customers. If simple functional test, we may have our own equipment we can use, we just need to understand what kind of testing you required. What you mentioned dual use fixtures are what we currently see provided to us.
Assuming youll do the PCB Assembly, given details on the attachment, what sort of typical timelines do you have if were consigning components to you? How many SMD components? How many TH components? Are there any BGA's? Consignment standard lead time is 4 wks, Turnkey is 6 wks. We can improve on that on an as needed basis. A final BOM would help determine lead time. You mentioned 100 boards for first runs then 2500 for beta. They look pretty small so 100 of the electronics portion can be completed in less than 5-days for sure. 2500 could be completed in 5/10/15-Days. I dont quite know what that product has inside it but if theres more than one PCB or if its a flex PCB then lets get more details to talk about. As mentioned previously, lead time for assembly depends on complexity of the build and number of components. Our consignment lead time ranges from 3 days to 1 week and normal lead time is 2-3 weeks.
For PCBs, do you have a vendor or vendors you prefer to work with? No preference if you are supplying. If TASC is providing we have our vendors we use. We absolutely have PCB vendors. We do use multiple options for the quote process and will have pricing back from them in less than 24 hours. We can also pass their info off to you if youd like to use them directly and consign. For PCB fab, yes, we do have a vendor that we preferred to work with, we have domestic and overseas vendors depending on application. Their normal lead time ranges from 4-6 weeks and, for expedite depending on how many layers and complexity.
For a full program, can you manage electrical component procurement and have the mechanical components consigned? YES, if CAD or STP files are available we can also source the enclosure components through Xometry or Fathom or your preferred vendor. Absolutely no problem at all. Yes, we can do EE procurement and accept ME consigned parts. We can also procure ME parts as long vendors are established especially for the custom parts.
What sort of receiving or final QA programs do you have in place? We operate all jobs through the job with QC sign offs at different stages of the assembly. Final QA would be done at the program and test phase from what I am gathering from your description. Our Engineering produced assembly documentation contains inspection points i.e. Visual Inspection, X-Ray, AOI, Solder validation, etc. Both In-Process and Final. Our in-house FAI and the Assembly Documentation are designed specifically to accommodate all customer PO requirements and needs. For custom parts that we purchased, it is mandatory to do an in-process inspection, to make sure it is up to spec. For consigned EE/ME parts, it goes thru our kit audit department. Any discrepancy on the counts, mismatch on PN against your BOM will be addressed during kit audit.


Espressif FCC ID Change Authorization Letter


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Q2 2024 FACTURE Seattle, WA 98134