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function rosbag_example(filename)
% Make Config object to manage pipeline settings
cfg = realsense.config();
validateattributes(filename, {'char','string'}, {'scalartext', 'nonempty'}, '', 'filename', 1);
% Tell pipeline to stream from the given rosbag file
% Make Pipeline object to manage streaming
pipe = realsense.pipeline();
% Make Colorizer object to prettify depth output
colorizer = realsense.colorizer();
% Start streaming from the rosbag with default settings
profile = pipe.start(cfg);
% Get streaming device's name
dev = profile.get_device();
name = dev.get_info(;
% Get frames. We discard the first couple to allow
% the camera time to settle
for i = 1:5
fs = pipe.wait_for_frames();
% Stop streaming
% Select depth frame
depth = fs.get_depth_frame();
% Colorize depth frame
color = colorizer.colorize(depth);
% Get actual data and convert into a format imshow can use
% (Color data arrives as [R, G, B, R, G, B, ...] vector)
data = color.get_data();
img = permute(reshape(data',[3,color.get_width(),color.get_height()]),[3 2 1]);
% Display image
title(sprintf("Colorized depth frame from %s", name));