@ -1,26 +1,187 @@
import asyncio
from typing import Any , List
from swarms . structs . base_workflow import BaseWorkflow
import json
import logging
import os
import threading
import uuid
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from dataclasses import asdict , dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from logging . handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from typing import Any , Dict , List , Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from swarm_models import OpenAIChat
from swarms . prompts . finance_agent_sys_prompt import (
from swarms . structs . agent import Agent
from swarms . structs . base_workflow import BaseWorkflow
from swarms . utils . loguru_logger import initialize_logger
# Base logger initialization
logger = initialize_logger ( " async_workflow " )
# Pydantic models for structured data
class AgentOutput ( BaseModel ) :
agent_id : str
agent_name : str
task_id : str
input : str
output : Any
start_time : datetime
end_time : datetime
status : str
error : Optional [ str ] = None
class WorkflowOutput ( BaseModel ) :
workflow_id : str
workflow_name : str
start_time : datetime
end_time : datetime
total_agents : int
successful_tasks : int
failed_tasks : int
agent_outputs : List [ AgentOutput ]
metadata : Dict [ str , Any ] = Field ( default_factory = dict )
class SpeakerRole ( str , Enum ) :
COORDINATOR = " coordinator "
CRITIC = " critic "
EXECUTOR = " executor "
VALIDATOR = " validator "
DEFAULT = " default "
class SpeakerMessage ( BaseModel ) :
role : SpeakerRole
content : Any
timestamp : datetime
agent_name : str
metadata : Dict [ str , Any ] = Field ( default_factory = dict )
class GroupChatConfig ( BaseModel ) :
max_turns : int = 10
timeout_per_turn : float = 30.0
require_all_speakers : bool = False
allow_concurrent : bool = True
save_history : bool = True
class SharedMemoryItem :
key : str
value : Any
timestamp : datetime
author : str
metadata : Dict [ str , Any ] = None
class SpeakerConfig :
role : SpeakerRole
agent : Any
priority : int = 0
concurrent : bool = True
timeout : float = 30.0
required : bool = False
class SharedMemory :
""" Thread-safe shared memory implementation with persistence """
def __init__ ( self , persistence_path : Optional [ str ] = None ) :
self . _memory = { }
self . _lock = threading . Lock ( )
self . _persistence_path = persistence_path
self . _load_from_disk ( )
def set ( self , key : str , value : Any , author : str , metadata : Dict [ str , Any ] = None ) - > None :
with self . _lock :
item = SharedMemoryItem (
key = key ,
value = value ,
timestamp = datetime . utcnow ( ) ,
author = author ,
metadata = metadata or { }
self . _memory [ key ] = item
self . _persist_to_disk ( )
def get ( self , key : str ) - > Optional [ Any ] :
with self . _lock :
item = self . _memory . get ( key )
return item . value if item else None
def get_with_metadata ( self , key : str ) - > Optional [ SharedMemoryItem ] :
with self . _lock :
return self . _memory . get ( key )
def _persist_to_disk ( self ) - > None :
if self . _persistence_path :
with open ( self . _persistence_path , ' w ' ) as f :
json . dump ( { k : asdict ( v ) for k , v in self . _memory . items ( ) } , f )
def _load_from_disk ( self ) - > None :
if self . _persistence_path and os . path . exists ( self . _persistence_path ) :
with open ( self . _persistence_path , ' r ' ) as f :
data = json . load ( f )
self . _memory = {
k : SharedMemoryItem ( * * v ) for k , v in data . items ( )
class SpeakerSystem :
""" Manages speaker interactions and group chat functionality """
def __init__ ( self , default_timeout : float = 30.0 ) :
self . speakers : Dict [ SpeakerRole , SpeakerConfig ] = { }
self . message_history : List [ SpeakerMessage ] = [ ]
self . default_timeout = default_timeout
self . _lock = threading . Lock ( )
def add_speaker ( self , config : SpeakerConfig ) - > None :
with self . _lock :
self . speakers [ config . role ] = config
def remove_speaker ( self , role : SpeakerRole ) - > None :
with self . _lock :
self . speakers . pop ( role , None )
async def _execute_speaker (
self ,
config : SpeakerConfig ,
input_data : Any ,
context : Dict [ str , Any ] = None
) - > SpeakerMessage :
try :
result = await asyncio . wait_for (
config . agent . arun ( input_data ) ,
timeout = config . timeout
return SpeakerMessage (
role = config . role ,
content = result ,
timestamp = datetime . utcnow ( ) ,
agent_name = config . agent . agent_name ,
metadata = { " context " : context or { } }
except asyncio . TimeoutError :
return SpeakerMessage (
role = config . role ,
content = None ,
timestamp = datetime . utcnow ( ) ,
agent_name = config . agent . agent_name ,
metadata = { " error " : " Timeout " }
except Exception as e :
return SpeakerMessage (
role = config . role ,
content = None ,
timestamp = datetime . utcnow ( ) ,
agent_name = config . agent . agent_name ,
metadata = { " error " : str ( e ) }
class AsyncWorkflow ( BaseWorkflow ) :
Represents an asynchronous workflow that can execute tasks concurrently using multiple agents .
Attributes :
- name ( str ) : The name of the workflow .
- agents ( List [ Agent ] ) : A list of agents participating in the workflow .
- max_workers ( int ) : The maximum number of workers to use for concurrent execution .
- dashboard ( bool ) : Indicates if a dashboard should be displayed .
- autosave ( bool ) : Indicates if the results should be autosaved .
- verbose ( bool ) : Indicates if verbose logging is enabled .
- task_pool ( List ) : A pool of tasks to be executed .
- results ( List ) : The results of the executed tasks .
- loop ( asyncio . AbstractEventLoop ) : The event loop used for asynchronous execution .
""" Enhanced asynchronous workflow with advanced speaker system """
def __init__ (
self ,
name : str = " AsyncWorkflow " ,
@ -29,9 +190,14 @@ class AsyncWorkflow(BaseWorkflow):
dashboard : bool = False ,
autosave : bool = False ,
verbose : bool = False ,
log_path : str = " workflow.log " ,
shared_memory_path : Optional [ str ] = " shared_memory.json " ,
enable_group_chat : bool = False ,
group_chat_config : Optional [ GroupChatConfig ] = None ,
* * kwargs ,
) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( agents = agents , * * kwargs )
self . workflow_id = str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) )
self . name = name
self . agents = agents or [ ]
self . max_workers = max_workers
@ -40,52 +206,219 @@ class AsyncWorkflow(BaseWorkflow):
self . verbose = verbose
self . task_pool = [ ]
self . results = [ ]
self . loop = None
self . shared_memory = SharedMemory ( shared_memory_path )
self . speaker_system = SpeakerSystem ( )
self . enable_group_chat = enable_group_chat
self . group_chat_config = group_chat_config or GroupChatConfig ( )
self . _setup_logging ( log_path )
self . metadata = { }
def _setup_logging ( self , log_path : str ) - > None :
""" Configure rotating file logger """
self . logger = logging . getLogger ( f " workflow_ { self . workflow_id } " )
self . logger . setLevel ( logging . DEBUG if self . verbose else logging . INFO )
handler = RotatingFileHandler (
log_path , maxBytes = 10 * 1024 * 1024 , backupCount = 5
formatter = logging . Formatter (
' %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s '
handler . setFormatter ( formatter )
self . logger . addHandler ( handler )
def add_default_speakers ( self ) - > None :
""" Add all agents as default concurrent speakers """
for agent in self . agents :
config = SpeakerConfig (
role = SpeakerRole . DEFAULT ,
agent = agent ,
concurrent = True ,
timeout = 30.0 ,
required = False
self . speaker_system . add_speaker ( config )
async def run_concurrent_speakers (
self ,
task : str ,
context : Dict [ str , Any ] = None
) - > List [ SpeakerMessage ] :
""" Run all concurrent speakers in parallel """
concurrent_tasks = [
self . speaker_system . _execute_speaker ( config , task , context )
for config in self . speaker_system . speakers . values ( )
if config . concurrent
results = await asyncio . gather ( * concurrent_tasks , return_exceptions = True )
return [ r for r in results if isinstance ( r , SpeakerMessage ) ]
async def run_sequential_speakers (
self ,
task : str ,
context : Dict [ str , Any ] = None
) - > List [ SpeakerMessage ] :
""" Run non-concurrent speakers in sequence """
results = [ ]
for config in sorted (
self . speaker_system . speakers . values ( ) ,
key = lambda x : x . priority
) :
if not config . concurrent :
result = await self . speaker_system . _execute_speaker (
config , task , context
results . append ( result )
return results
async def run_group_chat (
self ,
initial_message : str ,
context : Dict [ str , Any ] = None
) - > List [ SpeakerMessage ] :
""" Run a group chat discussion among speakers """
if not self . enable_group_chat :
raise ValueError ( " Group chat is not enabled for this workflow " )
messages : List [ SpeakerMessage ] = [ ]
current_turn = 0
while current_turn < self . group_chat_config . max_turns :
turn_context = {
" turn " : current_turn ,
" history " : messages ,
* * ( context or { } )
if self . group_chat_config . allow_concurrent :
turn_messages = await self . run_concurrent_speakers (
initial_message if current_turn == 0 else messages [ - 1 ] . content ,
else :
turn_messages = await self . run_sequential_speakers (
initial_message if current_turn == 0 else messages [ - 1 ] . content ,
messages . extend ( turn_messages )
# Check if we should continue the conversation
if self . _should_end_group_chat ( messages ) :
current_turn + = 1
if self . group_chat_config . save_history :
self . speaker_system . message_history . extend ( messages )
return messages
def _should_end_group_chat ( self , messages : List [ SpeakerMessage ] ) - > bool :
""" Determine if group chat should end based on messages """
if not messages :
return True
# Check if all required speakers have participated
if self . group_chat_config . require_all_speakers :
participating_roles = { msg . role for msg in messages }
required_roles = {
role for role , config in self . speaker_system . speakers . items ( )
if config . required
if not required_roles . issubset ( participating_roles ) :
return False
return False
async def task_context ( self ) :
""" Context manager for task execution with proper cleanup """
start_time = datetime . utcnow ( )
try :
finally :
end_time = datetime . utcnow ( )
if self . autosave :
await self . _save_results ( start_time , end_time )
async def _execute_agent_task (
self , agent : Agent , task : str
) - > Any :
Executes a single agent task asynchronously .
Args :
- agent ( Agent ) : The agent executing the task .
- task ( str ) : The task to be executed .
Returns :
- Any : The result of the task execution or an error message if an exception occurs .
self ,
agent : Agent ,
task : str
) - > AgentOutput :
""" Execute a single agent task with enhanced error handling and monitoring """
start_time = datetime . utcnow ( )
task_id = str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) )
try :
if self . verbose :
logger . info (
f " Agent { agent . agent_name } processing task: { task } "
self . logger . info (
f " Agent { agent . agent_name } starting task { task_id } : { task } "
result = await agent . arun ( task )
if self . verbose :
logger . info (
f " Agent { agent . agent_name } completed task "
end_time = datetime . utcnow ( )
self . logger . info (
f " Agent { agent . agent_name } completed task { task_id } "
return result
except Exception as e :
logger . error (
f " Error in agent { agent . agent_name } : { str ( e ) } "
return AgentOutput (
agent_id = str ( id ( agent ) ) ,
agent_name = agent . agent_name ,
task_id = task_id ,
input = task ,
output = result ,
start_time = start_time ,
end_time = end_time ,
status = " success "
return str ( e )
async def run ( self , task : str ) - > List [ Any ] :
Runs the workflow with all agents processing the task concurrently .
except Exception as e :
end_time = datetime . utcnow ( )
self . logger . error (
f " Error in agent { agent . agent_name } task { task_id } : { str ( e ) } " ,
exc_info = True
Args :
- task ( str ) : The task to be executed by all agents .
return AgentOutput (
agent_id = str ( id ( agent ) ) ,
agent_name = agent . agent_name ,
task_id = task_id ,
input = task ,
output = None ,
start_time = start_time ,
end_time = end_time ,
status = " error " ,
error = str ( e )
Returns :
- List [ Any ] : A list of results from all agents or error messages if exceptions occur .
async def run ( self , task : str ) - > WorkflowOutput :
""" Enhanced workflow execution with speaker system integration """
if not self . agents :
raise ValueError ( " No agents provided to the workflow " )
async with self . task_context ( ) :
start_time = datetime . utcnow ( )
try :
# Run speakers first if enabled
speaker_outputs = [ ]
if self . enable_group_chat :
speaker_outputs = await self . run_group_chat ( task )
else :
concurrent_outputs = await self . run_concurrent_speakers ( task )
sequential_outputs = await self . run_sequential_speakers ( task )
speaker_outputs = concurrent_outputs + sequential_outputs
# Store speaker outputs in shared memory
self . shared_memory . set (
" speaker_outputs " ,
[ msg . dict ( ) for msg in speaker_outputs ] ,
" workflow "
# Create tasks for all agents
tasks = [
self . _execute_agent_task ( agent , task )
@ -93,16 +426,303 @@ class AsyncWorkflow(BaseWorkflow):
# Execute all tasks concurrently
self . results = await asyncio . gather (
* tasks , return_exceptions = True
agent_outputs = await asyncio . gather ( * tasks , return_exceptions = True )
end_time = datetime . utcnow ( )
# Calculate success/failure counts
successful_tasks = sum ( 1 for output in agent_outputs
if isinstance ( output , AgentOutput ) and output . status == " success " )
failed_tasks = len ( agent_outputs ) - successful_tasks
return WorkflowOutput (
workflow_id = self . workflow_id ,
workflow_name = self . name ,
start_time = start_time ,
end_time = end_time ,
total_agents = len ( self . agents ) ,
successful_tasks = successful_tasks ,
failed_tasks = failed_tasks ,
agent_outputs = [ output for output in agent_outputs
if isinstance ( output , AgentOutput ) ] ,
metadata = {
" max_workers " : self . max_workers ,
" shared_memory_keys " : list ( self . shared_memory . _memory . keys ( ) ) ,
" group_chat_enabled " : self . enable_group_chat ,
" total_speaker_messages " : len ( speaker_outputs ) ,
" speaker_outputs " : [ msg . dict ( ) for msg in speaker_outputs ]
except Exception as e :
self . logger . error ( f " Critical workflow error: { str ( e ) } " , exc_info = True )
async def _save_results ( self , start_time : datetime , end_time : datetime ) - > None :
""" Save workflow results to disk """
if not self . autosave :
output_dir = " workflow_outputs "
os . makedirs ( output_dir , exist_ok = True )
filename = f " { output_dir } /workflow_ { self . workflow_id } _ { end_time . strftime ( ' % Y % m %d _ % H % M % S ' ) } .json "
try :
with open ( filename , ' w ' ) as f :
json . dump ( {
" workflow_id " : self . workflow_id ,
" start_time " : start_time . isoformat ( ) ,
" end_time " : end_time . isoformat ( ) ,
" results " : [
asdict ( result ) if hasattr ( result , ' __dict__ ' )
else result . dict ( ) if hasattr ( result , ' dict ' )
else str ( result )
for result in self . results
] ,
" speaker_history " : [
msg . dict ( ) for msg in self . speaker_system . message_history
] ,
" metadata " : self . metadata
} , f , default = str , indent = 2 )
self . logger . info ( f " Workflow results saved to { filename } " )
except Exception as e :
self . logger . error ( f " Error saving workflow results: { str ( e ) } " )
def _validate_config ( self ) - > None :
""" Validate workflow configuration """
if self . max_workers < 1 :
raise ValueError ( " max_workers must be at least 1 " )
if self . enable_group_chat and not self . speaker_system . speakers :
raise ValueError ( " Group chat enabled but no speakers configured " )
for config in self . speaker_system . speakers . values ( ) :
if config . timeout < = 0 :
raise ValueError ( f " Invalid timeout for speaker { config . role } " )
async def cleanup ( self ) - > None :
""" Cleanup workflow resources """
try :
# Close any open file handlers
for handler in self . logger . handlers [ : ] :
handler . close ( )
self . logger . removeHandler ( handler )
# Persist final state
if self . autosave :
# TODO: Implement autosave logic here
end_time = datetime . utcnow ( )
await self . _save_results ( self . results [ 0 ] . start_time if self . results else end_time , end_time )
# Clear shared memory if configured
self . shared_memory . _memory . clear ( )
except Exception as e :
self . logger . error ( f " Error during cleanup: { str ( e ) } " )
# Utility functions for the workflow
def create_default_workflow (
agents : List [ Agent ] ,
name : str = " DefaultWorkflow " ,
enable_group_chat : bool = False
) - > AsyncWorkflow :
""" Create a workflow with default configuration """
workflow = AsyncWorkflow (
name = name ,
agents = agents ,
max_workers = len ( agents ) ,
dashboard = True ,
autosave = True ,
verbose = True ,
enable_group_chat = enable_group_chat ,
group_chat_config = GroupChatConfig (
max_turns = 5 ,
allow_concurrent = True ,
require_all_speakers = False
return self . results
workflow . add_default_speakers ( )
return workflow
async def run_workflow_with_retry (
workflow : AsyncWorkflow ,
task : str ,
max_retries : int = 3 ,
retry_delay : float = 1.0
) - > WorkflowOutput :
""" Run workflow with retry logic """
for attempt in range ( max_retries ) :
try :
return await workflow . run ( task )
except Exception as e :
logger . error ( f " Error in workflow execution: { str ( e ) } " )
if attempt == max_retries - 1 :
workflow . logger . warning (
f " Attempt { attempt + 1 } failed, retrying in { retry_delay } seconds: { str ( e ) } "
await asyncio . sleep ( retry_delay )
retry_delay * = 2 # Exponential backoff
# async def create_specialized_agents() -> List[Agent]:
# """Create a set of specialized agents for financial analysis"""
# # Base model configuration
# model = OpenAIChat(model_name="gpt-4o")
# # Financial Analysis Agent
# financial_agent = Agent(
# agent_name="Financial-Analysis-Agent",
# agent_description="Personal finance advisor agent",
# "Output the <DONE> token when you're done creating a portfolio of etfs, index, funds, and more for AI",
# max_loops=1,
# llm=model,
# dynamic_temperature_enabled=True,
# user_name="Kye",
# retry_attempts=3,
# context_length=8192,
# return_step_meta=False,
# output_type="str",
# auto_generate_prompt=False,
# max_tokens=4000,
# stopping_token="<DONE>",
# saved_state_path="financial_agent.json",
# interactive=False,
# )
# # Risk Assessment Agent
# risk_agent = Agent(
# agent_name="Risk-Assessment-Agent",
# agent_description="Investment risk analysis specialist",
# system_prompt="Analyze investment risks and provide risk scores. Output <DONE> when analysis is complete.",
# max_loops=1,
# llm=model,
# dynamic_temperature_enabled=True,
# user_name="Kye",
# retry_attempts=3,
# context_length=8192,
# output_type="str",
# max_tokens=4000,
# stopping_token="<DONE>",
# saved_state_path="risk_agent.json",
# interactive=False,
# )
# # Market Research Agent
# research_agent = Agent(
# agent_name="Market-Research-Agent",
# agent_description="AI and tech market research specialist",
# system_prompt="Research AI market trends and growth opportunities. Output <DONE> when research is complete.",
# max_loops=1,
# llm=model,
# dynamic_temperature_enabled=True,
# user_name="Kye",
# retry_attempts=3,
# context_length=8192,
# output_type="str",
# max_tokens=4000,
# stopping_token="<DONE>",
# saved_state_path="research_agent.json",
# interactive=False,
# )
# return [financial_agent, risk_agent, research_agent]
# async def main():
# # Create specialized agents
# agents = await create_specialized_agents()
# # Create workflow with group chat enabled
# workflow = create_default_workflow(
# agents=agents,
# name="AI-Investment-Analysis-Workflow",
# enable_group_chat=True
# )
# # Configure speaker roles
# workflow.speaker_system.add_speaker(
# SpeakerConfig(
# role=SpeakerRole.COORDINATOR,
# agent=agents[0], # Financial agent as coordinator
# priority=1,
# concurrent=False,
# required=True
# )
# )
# workflow.speaker_system.add_speaker(
# SpeakerConfig(
# role=SpeakerRole.CRITIC,
# agent=agents[1], # Risk agent as critic
# priority=2,
# concurrent=True
# )
# )
# workflow.speaker_system.add_speaker(
# SpeakerConfig(
# role=SpeakerRole.EXECUTOR,
# agent=agents[2], # Research agent as executor
# priority=2,
# concurrent=True
# )
# )
# # Investment analysis task
# investment_task = """
# Create a comprehensive investment analysis for a $40k portfolio focused on AI growth opportunities:
# 1. Identify high-growth AI ETFs and index funds
# 2. Analyze risks and potential returns
# 3. Create a diversified portfolio allocation
# 4. Provide market trend analysis
# Present the results in a structured markdown format.
# """
# try:
# # Run workflow with retry
# result = await run_workflow_with_retry(
# workflow=workflow,
# task=investment_task,
# max_retries=3
# )
# print("\nWorkflow Results:")
# print("================")
# # Process and display agent outputs
# for output in result.agent_outputs:
# print(f"\nAgent: {output.agent_name}")
# print("-" * (len(output.agent_name) + 8))
# print(output.output)
# # Display group chat history if enabled
# if workflow.enable_group_chat:
# print("\nGroup Chat Discussion:")
# print("=====================")
# for msg in workflow.speaker_system.message_history:
# print(f"\n{msg.role} ({msg.agent_name}):")
# print(msg.content)
# # Save detailed results
# if result.metadata.get("shared_memory_keys"):
# print("\nShared Insights:")
# print("===============")
# for key in result.metadata["shared_memory_keys"]:
# value = workflow.shared_memory.get(key)
# if value:
# print(f"\n{key}:")
# print(value)
# except Exception as e:
# print(f"Workflow failed: {str(e)}")
# finally:
# await workflow.cleanup()
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# # Run the example
# asyncio.run(main())